Asking Out pt.2 (Twilight Sparkle)

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Twilight Sparkle x Reader 

Art by Neongoth94 


Science are wired. 

As of right now I was sitting in front of two of the largest girls in all existence. But the strange thing is that this wasn't the weirdest thing about them, it was the fact that they were the same person, or in the sense of the multiverse. 

It all started the day I asked Twilight to the dance. Things soon got - interesting to say the least.

To say Twilight had put on weight would be a wild understatement. Soon after the dance, which was a little awkward given her large belly violating the 10 inch apart rule, she began to grow. It was almost like magic how fast she blew up, like 5 pounds a week fast. By the time our one year anniversary came around Twilight reached the one ton mark, and was still growing!

This is when she revealed about her alternate dimension self. I didn't believe her at first until one day another one ton Twilight came into my home. After they let my head stop spinning, that's when I learned that the new Twilight was actually a pony from another dimension.

Pony Twilight explained to me that somehow she and human Twilight were connected, something to do with the multiverse connected to the same fabric of reality or something like that, I was still reeling from the two hyper obese Twilight standing in my room.

To make a very long explanation short, what happens to one Twilight happens to the other Twilight and vice versa, at least to a degree. So since the human Twilight gained weight so did the pony Twilight. Consequently because pony Twilight got fatter she ate more, thus causing human Twilight to gain faster. This resulted in a feedback loop that made both Twilights fatter and fatter to where they are now. Not only that, apparently they also influenced each other's emotions too. As human Twilight dated me, pony Twilight became infatuated with an imagery version of me that would appear in her dreams. It wasn't until recently that they spoke to each other (God knows how two people communicate between two dimensions) before realizing what was happening and decided to meet up. At this point my head was hurting and the girls was getting hungry. 

That leads us here, eating at a local bakery, talking about quantum mechanics. 

"*URP* so your saying is that at the Plunk level the fundamental strings are entangled in such a way that the multiverse is more similar than different," questioned pony Twilight. 

"Precisely," answered human Twilight before stuffing an entire donut into her mouth, "that's why despite living in different worlds we always have similar counterparts."

I just sat there stupidly as everything they were talking flew over my head. They were at it for almost two hours, talking and eating, the table full of empty pastries boxes. 

"So, *Erp*, since you're here now, does the quantum field stop affecting us or does it enhance the effect?" Quizzed pony Twilight, grabbing an eclair.

"Don't know, we have to do some experiments. See if we influence each other more or less," human Twilight said intriguingly.

Simultaneously they both release a low growl from their stomachs. Despite the two having been eating for the past two hours, eating nothing but pastries, they were still hungry. 

"Um, I think it's time to move to another venue," groaned pony Twilight. 

Amazingly the two land whales lifted to their feet, their enormous bellies falling to the concrete floor with a plop. With a heavy step and a wide waddle, they walked off to their next meal.

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