Triple Docile Sirens pt.2 (Adagio, Aria, and Sonia)

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Art by Neongoth94

I looked out through the curtains to see the small mass of people waiting in this basement turned stage. The show was going to start in ten minutes, allowing the stragglers to get in before curtains opened. I stepped away and went back to a makeshift room.

"It's almost show time," I announced as I entered the room.

Sitting in their own couches sat three enormous obese girls weighing at a combined weight of over one metric tonne. Each one had their own vanity mirror with all sorts of makeup and food.

The smallest of the three, Aria, was putting on her makeup. She was the reason why all of this was happening. A year ago she posted a couple of songs that the three had made onto the internet. Today is their first live performance for their newly acquired fans.

The leader and second fattest was Adagio, and she was spraying some perfume around her tire she calls a neck. If you asked her, she was the one who did all the work and should have all the glory. She composed several new songs to the acclaim of their new fans. With her newly acquired fame she took full advantage of it, demanding to be showered in gifts and appraisal.

Finally, claiming half of the total combined weight of the three was Sonata, and she was eating a large box of nachos. Being the most immobile of the three she tends to do the least in working and thinking, relegated to just singing and eating in the group. She really didn't care much about her recent fame, but the increase in food donations she really appreciates.

"Come on girls, you know how long it takes for you to get moving," I said, trying to hurry the girls up.

"Yea, yea, hold your pants up," whined Adagio as she reached over to a bowl of red and orange skittles, "you'll get to drop them after the show."

"Humph. Don't mind her we're almost done," hufted Aria, putting away her blush kit and slowly hulled her bulk off the couch, "A little help dear."

"Me first," commanded Adagio, dropping her perfume onto the counter and putting her flabby arms up for me to grab her.

"I thought you said you weren't finished," snarled Aria, clenching her fists in frustration.

"Well I am now! Now, hubby, help me up," Adagio commanded more aggressively.

"Hubby?!" Aria fumed, her purple face turned red. This is the most emotional she had been since, well, ever. "If he's anyone's "hubby" he's mine!"

"Ha, he only saved you from the gutter because you were with me, clearly choosing the best," Adagio flickered her long curly orange hair while looking away smugly.

"Oh, like he would fall in love with a spoiled pig!" Aria snapped back.

"At least I- '' Adagio started before I stepped in.

"I love all of you equally, but right now you three need to get to the stage before we have a real riot," I commanded, looking at the two arguing girls sternly. Both girls just huffed annoyingly but remained quiet.

I walked over to the two girls and offered an arm to each in aid. With a disgruntled huff they both grabbed my arms. With a strenuous grunt I hulled the two hippos to their feet. Refusing to look at each other the two waddled out of the room and onto the stage in a huff. Now for the third one.

I turned to Sonata to see she was minding her own business dumping the remaining cheesy chips into her hungry belly.

"Come on big girl it's showtime," I said with a soft smile.

Cleaning up her lips with a nearby napkin she lifted her large pillowy arms to me. Grabbing hold of her I slowly lifted her enormous bulk off the smashed couch and onto her pudgy feet. With a little bit of wobbliness she was standing. Despite me standing right in front of her I could see she was just a dozen pounds away from immobility. With her huge jiggly belly just a couple of inches from the floor she'll need a mobile bed just to get around.

"How about a good luck kiss babe," she said, giving me her best bedroom eyes. With her sausage fingers she grabbed my butt and pulled me into her gigantic soft round belly. We kissed deeply, tasting a combination of mint and cheese on her lips.

Releasing our kiss I smacked Sonata's enormous butt, causing it to jiggle like jello, I helped her out of the room.

"Hey, what took you so long?" Grumbled Adagio, her fists on her wide hips.

"You know it takes time to get my lazy butt off the couch," argued Sonata.

"Whatever," said Aria, now back to her monotone voice.

"Get into places," I said as I helped Sonata to her place on the stage.

The trio stood side by side, their wide bodies, mere inches from each other, nearly taking up the entirety of the makeshift stage. I handed each girl their mic before heading to the back, turning on a fog machine. A green haze filled the stage as the room lights dimmed. Then three spot lights came on, illuminating the rotund singers.

I pulled on a nearby rope and the curtains parted. A roar of applause from the fifty or something crowd to the internet famed singing group. With a wicked smile Adagio turned to their adoring fans.

"We are The Whale Sirens!" Announce Adagio, raising her fist into the air causing her whole body to jiggle from the sudden movement. The crowd cheered again as the three soaked in the praise, their eyes glowing slightly.

Bringing the mics to their lips they began to harmonize. This was the only time when these girls harmonized on anything as they swung their bulbous hips to the rhythm. Their more baritone vocals gave a more ominous tone to their music. Well, more than usual.

I watch at the sidelines as the girls entrance the crowd. Their harmonics resonate throughout the room as they started to sing. They danced to the lyrics, moving as gracefully as a rhinoceros.

I could clearly see that Sonata was getting tired quickly as she stopped dancing no more then a minute into the routine but never losing her voice, never missed a beat. Soon after Sonata the others followed as they were content to just stand still to sing, as using their bodies to seduce the crowd became exhausting and pointless.

Despite their tiredness from just standing they continued to sing. They were persistent as they went from song to song, only having short breaks to catch their breaths. If I haven't see how these girls eat I'll say that singing was their greatest passion.

After an hour of singing their most popular songs and taking some song requests the show was over with thunderous applause. The trio soaked in the admiration as if it was essential to their life force. For just a moment I could have sworn that they gotten bigger at the end but I pushed that away as nonsense.

The curtain closed and the cround left as I walked over the pround girls.

"That was a great show girls, I'm proud of you," I said grinneing.

"All thanks to me," Adagio proudly said as she put her hand on her heavy chest, puffing them up.

"Yes, all because of you," Aria rolled her eyes, crossing her arms under her breasts.

"Um, girls, a little help please," cried out Sonata.

We all turned to her to see that her legs had begun to shake before falling back onto her elephantine butt. With a crackling boom, the stage floor shattered into splinters.

"That's one way to end with a bang," Sonata nervously smiled.

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