It's just food, plus more. (Shouko Komi)

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Komi-san x Reader

Art by annonnxyz

I huffed down the hallway to the cafeteria hauling a cabinet size bento box wrapped in a floral bed sheet. It's been difficult as of late to move such large amounts of food through the school but I didn't mind, this was all for my best friend Komi-san.

We both met two years ago in first year at the age of 16. She was the popular girl of the school; tall, beautiful, and always appeared stoic. I was just a simple sous-chef at the local food club, destined to never be at the same social level, or I thought.

It was on one bad day when I was trying to perfect a recipe for an upcoming club contest with little success when Komi-san came walking in. We both froze, our eyes connected as both were unable to speak up. At that time I didn't know about her chronic shyness and speech impediment so I interpreted her cold silence glare as threatening and judgmental. But in that fear I did something at the time I thought was a bad decision, I offered her tribute to appease her wrath with the only thing I had, food.

She didn't seem to react as we just looked at each other uncomfortably. That is until we hear her stomach grumble. She held her flat stomach and nodded.

For the rest of the day we spend our time testing and improving my receipts, finally easing our awkwardness toward each other. It was the start of a beautiful friendship. Now in the present nothing had changed much between us two, except for one thing.

I entered the cafeteria, the sounds of students taking and eating filled the room. It was a little hard to navigate through the crowds of students but I reached my destination, a circular table where my good friend Komi-san sat waiting for me.

You see, as a consequence of Komi-san being friends with an aspiring chef, she got to try out an array of dishes and meals to her heart's content. And with such a massive increase in caloric intake she got big, very big.

The relatively tall girl was now a behemoth of a goddess. Her once beautiful thin body that demanded adoration was now enhanced by 5 fold, at least to me. Her soft slender face rounded out, framing her beautiful striking eyes. Her soft pillowy chest stretched out her white dress shirt, its buttons just starting to strain from all her growing poundage. Her plump arms were tightly packed into her school jacket, it creaked every time she moved her arms to stuff food through her plump lips. Her stomach was large but didn't surpass her generous bust, still maintaining her hourglass figure. The biggest growth was to her legs and hips, growing into monstrous pillars of fat and flesh. Her rump would rock like an earthquake when she slowly waddled from class to class, her skirt not able to cover such wonderful mounds. Her fat glorious long legs were covered by a mountain of adipose. Her stockings were ripped at several places, clearly not designed to handle so much woman. It was a joy to watch her grow and enjoy my cooking as I grew my skills and her girth.

Komi-san was already eating whole plates of food that was given to her by some of the students as a kind of offering. But this was but a snack for the main course that was provided by me.

"Hey Komi-san, sorry I'm late, it took longer to prepare lunch for you." I smiled at my best friend.

Komi-san meeped in surprise as she usually was so focused on eating that the world around her faded away. She turned to me, her beautiful plump face never diminished through the years. "Oh... don't shouldn't push yours for me," she said quietly, still struggling to speak.

"Nonsense, I love cooking and besides I can't let my friend go hungry." I said as I struggled to lift the extremely oversized bento box onto the table. I then untied the sheets and began to unload the mountain of food for Komi-san.

I can see her eyes widen as her cat ears pop up with excitement. Inside was a smorgasbord of fish, meats, and rice. From five different types of fried fish, to hotdogs, several cuts of barbecue pork, a large hamburger steak the size of a frying pan, to three kinds of rice; normal, fried, and mixed vegetables, all with a side of curry. All and all it was a good dozen kilograms or more of food.

"Arigato!" Stuttered Komi-san as she clapped her pudgy hands together. With chopsticks in hand she picked up a nearby box and shovel it into her mouth.

I watched happily as she ate my cooking, feeling proud of my skills. She moaned and slurped as she ate, the world devolving away once more. In this world she had no shame, worry, or nervousness, her stress melting away as she ate a spoonful of rice and curry. Eating was a way to escape her condition, a way to relax, and she was grateful I provided that for her.

Despite her earlier snacks she ate with gusto, eating like it was her last meal. She didn't start slowly down until she was three-quarters done. At this point she just savored the food, taking her time to enjoy the flavor and texture. Finally she dropped her chopsticks and let out a cute burp, signaling she was done.

"How was it?" I ask as I began to pick up the empty containers, all picked clean.

She just nodded her head, her chubby cheeks and neck wobbling from the motion. She grabbed her taut stomach, the lower buttons of her dress shirt straining from that added mass, she was finally full.

And just in time as the school bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.

I quickly packed up my things as Komi-san relax, letting her redden stomach that visibly through the gaps of her shirt settle. When I was done I moved to the other side of the table. With a cute burp and a grunt Komi-san slowly got up from her seat my arms around her soft pillowy arms, helping her up.


Komi-san blushed as her gigantic backside felt a rush of cold air as her stockings ripped, at least more then normal. I quickly stepped behind her, trying to block her the enormous hole that was oozing milky white flesh.

"Komi-san, I'll get you to the girls locker room," I said looking around the cafeteria to see if anyone saw the exposed butt of the school's most popular girl. As I help Komi-san out of the room something in Komi-san brain activated, she gained a new fetish, exhibitionist.

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