Halloween Treat (Patricia Bunny)

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Patricia Bunny x Reader

Art by Joelasko


I walked down the dark street while kids in costumes ran by me. It was Halloween night and the streets were filled with trick-or-treaters. The houses were decorated with all sorts of frightening things like skeletons and witches, to black and orange lights and jack o'lanterns.

I was in costume among almost a dozen boys between the ages of 9 to 13 in a variety of costumes. I was their chauffeur, paid by their parents to keep them out of trouble. It was easy money despite some of the more whiner of the boys. Anyway, it's not like I wasn't invited to any of the adult parties.

The night was coming to an end as some of the houses began to go dark, signaling that they were out of candy. The boys pillowcases bags were becoming heavy and near full. My own bag was also becoming full, and don't judge me, who wouldn't want free candy.

At this point, as we stood near the end of the neighborhood, I saw a large house not too far from us and knew what I must do. Telling the boys that we had one more house before heading home, I led them to the house.

The house was large, big enough to be called a mansion. It's yard had a graveyard covered with multitude of spiderwebs. The building was also lit up to give the impression that the house was haunted as images of ghosts flew along the walls. I could see some of the younger boys were scared while the others were trying to act like they were not. It made me laugh inside, not only the thought of them being scared but what is about to happen.

Once in front of the door I pressed the doorbell. It rang like one of those cliche horror movies houses you see after midnight. But all of that didn't matter how it was more corny then a candy corn, my anticipation grew as I heard the artificial creaking sound of the door open.

The boys jaws dropped upon seeing the most voluptuous woman they will ever see, ruining any girls chances to ever turning them on. A smile grew on my face, knowing full well what I have done to these boys.

Standing before us was a rabbit woman that if you looked up the word "thicc" in the dictionary you'll see a picture of her, right along the word "breasts" and "hips".

She was wearing the most revealing white dress that will make a catholic boil. Her enormous creamy brown breasts hung low and out, almost popping out of her open v-neck as they're immense size nearly covered her entire torso.

Her legs were so thick that they would fall under the category of ham legs then rabbit lags, and even that might not be thick enough. Her bulbous hips nearly touch the rim of the doorway, while the thought of her butt would cause any man to drop to their knees in worship.

"Oh, trick-or-treaters! How wonderful! I was just thinking that there was no more," she giggled, causing her breasts to jiggle.

The boys were in too much of a shock to chant their Halloween greetings.

Then the woman turned to a table behind the wall next to her and picked up a large bowl of full size candy bars. This house was always a jackpot, for multiples of reasons.

She dropped multiple candle bars into their bags as they remained stunned, fixated on her oversized bosom.

Then she came to me.

"Aren't you a little old for trick-or-treating?" She inquired, putting her fist on her hips.

"It's me, Y/N, I have been coming here for the last ten years," I said defensively.

She leaned forward to get a better look at me, unintentionally putting more of her breasts into the faces of the boys.

"Oh, forgive me, I don't recognize you in that costume," she said cheering up. "You have grown up to become a very handsome man, have you?" She giggled.

"Thank you Ms. Bunny," I said embarrassedly.

"Oh call me Patricia," she said seductively.

"Thank you, Patricia."

"You know, I could use a nice strong young handsome man like you around the house. It's so hard to clean up all these decorations all by my lonesome. It's been so lonely since my husband is out on his long business trips. How about you come over for a visit sometimes and make this house more lively," she said seductively, battling her eyes.

"Um, boys, um why don't you guys go home. It's um... getting late," I stuttered.

The boys were still frozen, fixed on the buxom woman before them. It took a couple of nudges on my part to make them finally budge. As the last of the boys walked out of the front yard I quickly turned back the waiting bunny.

"I'm free tonight," I said, trying to sound confident but came out more nervous.

She lowered her eyelids and put on a devilish grin. She then grabbed my costume, pulled me to her face. I could feel her enormous bosom engulf my chest.

"Oh, I'm sure you are, big boy," she cooed.

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