Fluffy Feast (Fluffy from Johnny Bravo)

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Fluffy from Johnny Bravo x Reader

Art by Tubby Toons.


The moon rose over the horizon as I prepared dinner for your date tonight. The table was filled with all sorts of meats like pork ribs, linked sausages, whole turkey, and several t-bone steaks to name a few. Oh yea, and a large bag of doggie treats that was hidden in the cupboard, she loves her doggie treats.

*ding dong*

I turned my head to the apartment door as the doorbell ranged. Straightening my button-down shirt and did a quick look in the mirror, checking for anything out of place, I went to the door opening it.

Standing before me was fat red-haired woman wearing a long sleeved pink dress with green cuffs and collar and a tight green belt under her large belly.

"Fluffy! Your early. It's good to see you." I said as I open my arms for a hug.

"It's so good to see you too, cutie," she said with a big grin, hugging me before she began to sniff the air. "Oo, do I smell meat," she asked as she began to salivate.

"Yes, I prepared a-" you started but was interpreted by Fluffy sprinted past me with surprising speed for such a large woman such as herself.

I followed her to the kitchen to see that she was standing with her legs apart and hands ready to grab the piles of meat with a crazed hunger in her eyes.

"Hold on a second missy. Don't you waint to wait for just a couple of minutes. It will be time soon enough." I said placing my hands on her shoulders.

She turned to me pouting as she whimpered. Then I started to scratch behind her ear as I led her to the window. Fluffy fell into a trance as her let out her tongue and began to pant.

Standing in front of my window we both watched the moon rise over the city sky. It was a beautiful night as the city lights shined over the black sky with only a few start shining.

I looked back at Fluffy to see that the beautiful fat red-haired woman was now a beautiful fat brown-fur werewolf. Now normal this would make anyone run away in a cowardly panic, but this is not my first time experiencing her transformation.

She then turned to me as she put on her best puppy dog eyes, wagging her tail, pleading with me.

"You know I can't rejected such a face like that. Ok go ahead and-" again I couldn't finish my sentence as she disappeared in front of me and lunged at the table grabbing the turkey.

With such ferocity she ripped into the turkey like she hadn't eaten in weeks. Pieces of turkey and bones flung about as she tore the turkey to shreds. Then without missing a beat, she took one of the linked sausages and slurped all twenty foot long chain down her throat. After a large burp she jumped onto the table going after piles of ribs. The table creaked, protesting against the three hundred pound werewolf as she added more weight into her stomach.

I didn't have the heart to tell her to get off the table as I set down for my meal, a medium rare steak.

She was truly an animal inside and out. Despite the fact that she was a werewolf, even though I consider that a win for me, we hit it off quite well. I was a night owl and a meat eater so we had a lot of things in common with each other. Although it was hard to get used to her other alter ego, Melvin the stamp collector.


I looked up from my meal to see Fluffy laying on her back on the table rubbing her distended belly. It look like there was a massacre as the only thing she felt was scattered bones strode around her. As this moment she was gnawing on one of the pork bones trying to get as much flavor out as she could.

I reached out to her head and began to scratch behind her ear, her most favorite spot. She wagged her tail between her thick thighs as she dropped her bone so she can pant happily.

"Who's a good girl? Who's a good girl?" I began to say in a baby voice.

"Who?!" She tilted her head looking at me in puzzlement.

I smile seeing this grown woman act like a dumb dog.

"You are." I said.

Her tail started to wag harder making the table shake.

I then got up and walked out of the kitchen taking the large bag of doggie kibble that I hide in the cupboard. Standing in the living room I shook the bag.

Immediately I felt a large heavy mass dropped to the ground as the sound of claws scratching the wooden floors. The large werewolf came running out of the kitchen with both hands and feet on the ground. I could see that her enlarged stomach would occasionally touch the ground with every step she made. She then sat in front of me panting with a large grin on her face.

"Beg." I command.

Fluffy immediately sat up with her hand extended outward, cupping them, as she began to whimper. Taking a handful of kibble I threw them into her mouth. With a pleasurable moan she swallowed whole.

"Play dead!" I command again.

She then dropped the the floor making a 'blarg' sound as she closed her eyes sticking out her tongue. I threw another handful of kibble as she sprung back to life catching the food in midair.

"Now, stay."

She sat up, tail wagging knowing what what is going to happen. I walked away from her and entered my bedroom. I shook the bag of treats calling her in.

Again I heard the sound of claws on the wooden floor as she came rushing into my room. She then jumped onto my bed and just laid there with desire in her eyes. I then placed the bag of kibble next to her head as I climbed onto my bed.

Then with both hands, I began to scratch her lage harden stomach. Fluffy began to shift about the bed moaning and cooing in pleasure. You could feel how full she was as her stomach groan and gurgled.

After a couple of minutes of rubbing and scratching I put my hand into the bag gabbing a large handful of treats. Her mouth opened wide showing off her sharp teeth waiting for me to feed her. Dumping the treats, she chowed quickly before opening her mouth again, begging me for more.

It was an hour before she had finished the entire bag. I was now massaging her even more extend stomach gurgled in pain, but her face was in bliss as she snuggled up to me. She was lightly licking my face with the occasional burp from gas escaping her stomach.

We lay there all night snuggling with each other. By morning she was back to her human self. She looked physically larger as she walked out the door as I thought of next month feast.

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