The Dance (Fluttershy)

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Fluttershy x Reader

Art by Sirmasterdufel


"A-are you sure, Rarity?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"Of course I'm sure." Rarity said proudly as she looked over several fabrics.

Fluttershy stood in the middle of Rarity's bedroom in her in just her underwear, feeling exposed and vulnerable, two emotions she hated. She also couldn't move in fear of knocking something off with her huge body. She would sometimes felt self conscious about how she was more elephant than pony. Until she reminded herself the one she fell in love with could see finally calm herself down.

"I don't know if I what a revealing dress." Fluttershy said while looking over her huge, in her face, boobs.

"Nonsense, you got to show off what you got, and you got a lot to show off. Besides don't you what to woo your man?" Rarity stated as she wiggled her butt swishing her tail to make a point.

Fluttershy blushed.

"Yes I do, but only him. I don't want others to look at me. Oh Celestia, what if others start hitting on me and makes him jealous and leave me!" She said in a panic.

"Fluttershy," Rarity said sternly, turning around to face Fluttershy, "one, if he is that shallow then you don't deserve him. Two, if he is what you gushed over for the last two years is true then you have nothing to worry about."

"Sigh, I guess you're right." Fluttershy calmed down a little.

"How about we make a deal, I'll make your dress less revealing and you have to promise me that you get him into your bed and break his pelvis." Rarity chuckled.

"What, I couldn't hurt him!" She declared angrily.

"Calm down Fluttershy, it's a figure of speech. I want you to get intimate with him tonight. You've been alone for so long and I worry for you. Now that you got yourself a man I now worry of you losing him."

Fluttershy sighed. "I know, but we both decided to take this relationship slowly and not rush into things. We both met in the most embarrassing of ways, you remember Rarity. It was a blind date you set up in Sugarcube Corner and I was stress eating."

"Oh I remember darling, was that your fifth blind date? Doesn't matter, it was my most successful pair up to date!" Rarity said joyfully.

"Your only one," Fluttershy said softly.

"Pardon?" Rarity scoffed.

"Eighth, besides I was so nervous that when Y/N introduced himself to me I panicked and slammed a whole pie into his face. I almost had a heart attack but lucky he said "cherry pie, good choice," making me laugh. That lunch was the best lunch I had in a long time." Fluttershy sighed dreamily.

"Yes, but you two are too shy for your own good. Just a few months ago you two stayed in your cottage for over two weeks without leaving your home and in all that time the only thing you did was watch movies!" Rarity said annoyingly as she measured Fluttershy's gigantic belly. Her eyes nearly fell out upon seeing her measurements before composing herself to continue measuring.

"Best marathon ever!" Fluttershy said gleefully.

"Anyway, I'm so happy that you two are going to that ball in Mainhattan. It will be good for you two to go out and have some fun and socialize. By the way, how did you get invited to such an esteem ball?" Rarity was now measuring Fluttershy butt. She had to prevent herself from fainting after seeing she needed two measuring tapes to complete her measurement.

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