Pure Hedonism (Loona Hellhound)

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Loona x Reader

Art by Mizz-Britt

The dark alley was aglow with the neon lights from the dark towers that littered the city. A round hooded creature hobbled around the corner, hiding their face to whoever was near, paranoid to be caught.

The round figure carefully walked down the tight alley, their sides occasionally brushing the dark red bricks that made these old buildings. Finally the person reached their destination.

In front of the rotund cloaked individual was a pink door with a sign above it telling where this suspicious door led. In bold neon light, flashing between gold and black, red "Wrong side of Heaven and the Righteous side of Hell".

A pudgy paw emerged from the dark cloak and knocked on the door six times in quick succession before taking a pause before doing it again but doing it seven times. The door quickly opened up and the large cloak person entered the establishment, but not with a bit of struggle with the doorframe being a bit too snug.

After fighting with the doorframe the hooded figure popped into a dimly lit room illuminated by a dark blue light. On the left was a large window looking into a room filled with an assortment of coats and baggage. Standing by the window was a humanoid creature with four faces, a human, a bull, an eagle, and a lion, and its body covered in feathery wings.

"Unmentionable must be dropped off here," the creature said in a language that if any mortal heard would drive them insane.

With one quick motion the hooded figure took off their cloak. Now standing for all to see stood a gray hellhound who spent too much time on the third ring of hell. The fat wolf handed her clock to the unimaginable beast and waddled her heavy frame to another doorway.

Tugging her tight leather shorts she entered a large pink room with a couple of doors leading to more doors. At the far end of the gaudy room was a counter with a pale demon woman as its teller.

"Ah, Ms. Loona, your two o'clock is here," cheerfully said the clerk as she looked over a big book.

Loona blushed as she growled at the demon lady. "A little bit quiet!"

"Oh dear, you know you're perfectly safe here. The magical barrier prevents all divine eyes from knowing our hideaway," the demon smiled.

"I know that, I don't want anyone here to know I'm here. Just in case I... bump into them," Loona blushed.

"Oh sorry. Anyway your room is 68 down hallway X." The demon woman points to her left to a hall with a large X over its doorway. Loona just grumbled as she stomped her way to the door, displeased in her announcement.

Loona walked down the corridor, passing door after door. Even though this was not her first time at this establishment she always felt uneasy here, like she was committing a crime, despite being an assassin for hire as her job. Her first time here she was a nervous wreck, and she hated it. Being an apathetic and prideful wolf feeling uneasy felt horribly. It was only because of why she was here that she continued, also it gave her a rush that she was doing something forbidden that led her down this path.

She then looked up at a familiar door with the number 68 hanging above its door frame. She quickly groomed herself, readjust her tight leather outfit and smelled her breath before opening the door.

Walking inside she was greeted by the familiar black and gold decor. The room was designed around one room, with a kitchen at one corner, and living room in another corner, and finally a black and gold heart shaped bed up against the wall in between the other two.

Now standing in the middle of the large room, Loona looked around to see nobody was here. Before she thought that she was early a door to her right opened up. Stepping out of the bathroom was a man dressed in white. From his shoes to his tie he could easily be mistaken as a lighthouse. To add to that description he glowed like a lightbulb with his brightest shine from his golden halo floating over his head. In this dark room he stood out like a snowflake in hell, in more ways than one.

But all didn't matter as Loona's worries evaporated away and was filled by a new emotion, joy.

"Y/N!" Loona cheered, quickly waddling to the Fluorescent angel.

"Loona!" Cried out the angel opening his arm for her embrace. The oversized hellhound bear hugged the slim angel, engulfing him in her fluffy fat. If he wasn't an ethereal being his spine would have snapped in half. After their embrace they locked lips and stayed that way for a couple of minutes before coming up for air.

"It's been too long," Y/N said as he was lowered back down to the ground.

"It's been a busy month," Loona whined.

"Well you're here now, just the two of us," Y/N cood as he moved his hands down her soft plump arms to her padded paws. "Now take a seat my forbidden fruit, your meal awaits."

Wagging her tail she lumbered herself to the bed and plopped her heavy behind on top of the mattress, groaning loudly in protest. She then shimmied her bulk until she layed center in the bed.

Y/N walked to the kitchen and picked up a large marble cake. He then turned around and walked up to the fat wolf. "Now,

Using a fork he broke off large chunks of cake and gently placed it into the waiting maw of the hungry hellhound. With a quick chew and a swallow she moan in delight before opening up for another bite. With each bite Loona's worries and anxiety from the past month melted away. Here she felt safe, a rare feeling in hell. Here she had her own sliver of heaven for her to enjoy.

Another bite, and it was just her and Y/N. The fact that a hellhound fell for an angel would be considered a paradox. How they met, well that's a convoluted story about a mob boss and a spear many years ago that Loona was too relaxed to get into. And maintaining a relationship like this was not small feet but thanks to this secret hotel for forbidden love.

Another bite, this time apple pie with whipped cream. Loona's stomach had a tinge of fullness as it rose up to the ceiling. She could feel his divine glow filling her with peace and tenderness, one of the benefits of dating a Divine being.

After finishing the pie Loona felt a peck on her soft cheek and a hand going over fluffy belly. She moaned as she kicked her left foot, feeling the pleasure radiant throughout her body.

Another mouthful of food, this time a donut, filled her jaws as the belly rub continued. She could feel her belly expanding, filling every nook and cranny and still she wanted more.

This continued for the next hour, until her stomach was as swollen as a hot air balloon. She groaned in both pain and pleasure as Y/N continued to message the round furry dome. There was no talking as the two just enjoyed each other's presence. Love and hedonism mixed in a swirl of pleasure that one of sin and one of purely can only feel for each other.

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