Twisting Coils. pt.2 (Princess Jasmine)

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Warning: vore

Faiza slowly lugged her bulky body down the dimly lit hallway to the throne room. Her shining black and red striped scales shimmered in an array of colors under the dancing red flames that illuminated the hallway. With a swipe from her chubby caramel arm she flicked some sweet off her brow. It was a warm day in the Empire of Agrabah and that irritated the princess, piling on her list of annoyance for the day. Normally she would have servants to carry her around, demanded by her mother, but she really did hate using them and liked moving about herself, despite moving as slow as a slug. 

The princess was a sight to behold, a spitting image of her mother and her huge statue in both height and girth. From the top of her head to where her snake body pooled over the floor was nearly 7 feet of lard, with 20 feet of meaty tail slithering behind her. Her bulk was more attune to a whale than the warrior princess her mother trained her to be. Her upper half being just shy of 800 pounds and her lower half surpassing two tons. She was a very heavy naga. The only thing going for her was how much muscle was under all that flab, the only thing keeping her mobile. 

A light scowled adorned her chubby, beautiful face. With her long ebony hair, tied into a long ponytail, cascaded over her chunky back, her piercing chocolate eyes and full lush lips molded into a frown, she was not happy, and it was all one person to blame, her mother, Empress Jasmine. 

It took some time but Faiza finally reached the throne room slowly parting the black curtains that divided the room to the hallway. Entering the room she witnessed something that was a common occurrence in this den of wickedness: her mother eating a human whole.

She scoffed, displeased with her mother. She had always hated the taste of humans, preferring a nice roasted cow. In fact there were a lot of things she hated about her mother. Her cruel rule, her mistreatment of her people and servants, her enjoyment of torture and her insatiable hunger for humans. The only thing they would agree on is their love of Y/N, her most dear father. And that, on the day of her 18th birthday, is why she was here. Putting a hand on her twin sabers wrapped around her bulbous hips, she slithered into the room.

"Gurp, oh, Faiza, what brings you here," burped Jasmine, her long black nails drumming her enlarged overstuffed stomach. 

Faiza moved up to face her mother, seeing all of her enormous glory. If Faiza was a whale then her mother was a mountain. Since Faiza's birth Jasmine has grown over three times her original size. Her thick black hair flowed over her round overstuffed face with two large flabby chins pressing on her chest. Her nonexistent neck was adorned with a waterfall of gold and red jewelry, all treasures from her conquest. Her chest was two camel size balls of fat, held up by the same black cloth that decorated the throne room. Her belly rivaled the great dome roofs that sat on top of the palace. And finally a tail that brings images of the infamous leviathan coiled around her monstrous body in a makeshift throne. The actual throne was more of a platform with a massive golden snake head with ruby eyes looking over the room that housed this creature that Faiza called her mother. In fact Jasmine was so huge that she hadn't moved from this room in many years, too big to move other than her overstuffed pillowy arms. 

"Where is father!" Commanded Faiza, putting on her most spoiled child voice. 

"I sent him to the far north. He was misbehaving and needed some time to cool off," Jasmine croaked as she licked her lips.

Misbehaving indeed! As of late, father has grown a spine and has challenged her mother's' rule. Despite claiming how much Jasmine loved Y/N she would not stand disobedient even from him. She would send him away to think what he has done or help her with her hours-long meals as punishment, treating him like a common slave. But the most egregious of all was that her mother knew how much she wanted her father to be with her on her birthday and she still sent him away. It was no secret that the two enormous nagas fought for the attention of Y/N. And as of late Faiza was winning, to the irate of Jasmine. Now it was Faiza's turn to be angry. 

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