Demon's Alteration (Scantily and Kneesocks)

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Scanty and Kneesocks x Reader

Art by Mizz-Britt


Candlelight flickered off the dark room as you sat in front of a near room size circle on the floor.

The circle had elaborate patterns made with chalk, drawing out a multitude of shapes and symbols. Surrounding the circle were several red candles, wax dripping down them to the floor pooling around them. You were wearing a long black hooded cloak while you held a very old book in your hands.

Letting out a nervous and fearful sigh you lifted the ancient book and began to recite the passage before you.

"Tenoo lanvi toononi ekro evaan tot tot no tot wa!" you command. With every word you uttered the circle glowed red and the room appear to warp before your eyes but you pressed on despite your growing anxiety.

"Eka torr wak sormori ak!" you announcing the final phrase. The glowing red circle became brighter, so brightly that you had to drop the book to shield your eyes.

After several seconds of intense light the circle dimmed down, finally allowing you to open your eyes. To your amazement, standing in the center of the circle, two beautiful slender crimson demon girls wearing tight leather clothes sneered down at you.

"Who dares to summon the Demon sisters!" said a long light green haired demon as she crossed her arms under her well-developed chest causing her leather outfit to creak.

You were in too much of a shock to respond. You really didn't really believe that this was going to work let alone produce two gorgeous demon girls. But at this point, you were desperate to try anything.

"Ha, nothing but a loser, sister," said the light blue haired demon with glasses as she raised her hand to readjusted it.

The two looked down at you in disgust, but the one with glasses sighed in annoyance before turning her head to the other demon.

"Just do the procedure and get it over with."

"*Huff* Fine. Pitiful moral, what earthly desires do you wish for in exchange for your eternal soul," the first one said irritated.

At this time you were able to get a hold of yourself and stand up. You were still nervous as there were two gorgeous girls standing before you, but you got this far and might as well go all the way. You had an idea of what you wanted, but given what stood before you you quickly changed your wish.

"I-I want y-you to be my g-girlfriends and come with me to the d-dance next week," you asked meekly.

The two demons stared at you in disbelief.

"What!" they both yelled in unison as flames engulfed them, making you jump back in fear.

"What kind of desire is this?! What kind of demons do you take us for?!" the first one yelled.

"Dear sister, we're wasting our time," the second one said as she looked down, rubbing her temples trying to ease her growing headache.

"This guy is too naive for our needs. Come on sister, let's leave." The first one said with an aggressive huff.

"Um, sister, we have a problem." The second one said fearfully as she looked down in horror.

"What's wrong sister," she asked as she followed the other demon's gaze.

Her expression turned to horror too as she looked at the circle below her.

"You imbecile! This is against the rules! You can't use different magical circles mashed into one! You don't know what they'll do!" The first demon yelled in a booming voice.

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