Big Ranger pt.3 (Gadget, Glitch, Foxglove)

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I wiped the sweat from my brow before I gently twisted the tiny bolt onto the circuit board. This shed is not ideal for working on delicate machinery but I had no choice with being miles away from the closet hardware store and being trapped by two overweight over lustful oversized mouse girls. Luckily for me, I was able to get help from one of Gadget's friends, Foxglove the bat. With her ability to fly, she was able to ferry supplies pass the two lumbering blockades, enabling me to get some work done.

"And what happened after you got the raygun to work?" Questioned Foxglove as she sat over my shoulder looking down at the large contraption I was working on.

"I was able to get the two to shrink but something went wrong. It shrunk them to only half of their giant size, made them fatter, and somehow made them fall in love with me more than normal," I finished the story as I turned my attention to some loose pieces of wires.

"How fascinating, so this device is a size Changing raygun?" She exclaimed with her breathy voice.

"Yes and fixing it is a pain." I groaned as I tried to squeeze my finger in between the tight cavities. It was much easier to work on this when you had a tiny helper.

"And why are the two so deeply in love with you?" Foxglove squeaked as her attention was fully on the device.

"No idea. Maybe something to do with unbalanced hormones from the grow and shrink process. Maybe something to do with oxytocin. It might explain why they became so fat when they grew."

Foxglove seemed to be captivated by the device with this unsettling wonderment in her eyes, but I was too focused on the gun to notice. Suddenly a couple of sparks emitting from the loose wires made me jump back in pain.

"Ow," I yelped as I shook my hand, causing Foxglove to fly off my shoulder and onto the table right next to the gun. With a defeated sigh I walked to the window behind me.

Outside the old worn window sat two fifty foot obese mice each holding up a large oak tree. One by one the two ripped a branch off the tree saying "does he love me" in unison. To think I had reduced two very smart mice girls into lovey dovey bimbos. It took me everything I could just to get them off me so I can work on my raygun.

Just then to my horror the sound of the raygun began to whirl to life. Quickly turning my horror turned to shock seeing Foxglove stand in front of the now charging raygun.

"Foxglove?! What are you doing?!" I yelled as I scrambled to the machine.

"After flying over Gadget several times I became jealous. So I decided I wanted to be big just like her!" She smiled, "and loving you would be a nice bonus too!"

Just as I touched the gun it shot out a beam of pink-green energy hitting Foxglove squarely on her chest. By the time I was able to turn it off I knew I was too late and turned to Foxglove in dread.

"I can feel it. The energy flowing through my body!" She said excitedly as she hugged herself. Then her body began to shake. I stepped away, standing as far back as this small shed would let me go.

In a surge of pink fur, Foxglove breasts grew into impossible sizes as it quickly overflowed the entire table she was standing on, knocking the device to the floor. The table creaked loudly as her behind suddenly rolled down to the floor and began to press into the wall behind her. With a loud crash Foxglove fell to the floor on top of a shattered table.

"This feels amazing," she cooed as she grabbed her massive mammaries.

Her body quaked again before rocking upward to the ceiling, banging her head on the wood roof. At this point the tiny shed was nearly full of bat blubber. I was pressed against the wall by Foxglove soft breast before I was fished out by her recently grown wing hands.

"Don't worry Y/N. I'll keep you nice and safe," she smiled seductively, bringing me to her now human size head.

At this point the two large mouse girls took notice of the groaning shed as the wood buckled and cracked with pink fur escaping its cracks. With a sudden explosion the shed burst into pieces revealing a thick pink bat holding on to a familiar human.

"Y/N!" They both cried out, approaching the growing bat.

Foxglove continued to grow as she rubbed her plump cheeks on my body. Her legs ballooned outward as pounds upon pounds piled on, forming meaty tree trunk pillars. Her already impressive bust continued to surge into sizes that surpassed the two fat mice that now stood next to the fatten bat in wonderment.

Soon Foxglove growth finally came to a stop, standing now equal to the other two giants. She gave off a goofy grin as she examined her new bulbous body and then looked over her old friend and her former rival.

"I look beautiful!" Foxglove declared as she turned back to me.

I felt like a doll in her gigantic hands, but even so more now as three giantesses looked down at me with lust in their eyes. I swallowed as I coward at the enormous three girls as they began to giggle uncontrollably.

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