Gooey Love pt.4

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*Mrs. Stoppable doesn't have a first name so I'm going to make on up*

"After the destruction of the Middleton Supermarket the four massive slime monsters disappeared into the night

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"After the destruction of the Middleton Supermarket the four massive slime monsters disappeared into the night. Local authorities were stumped as to how these large creatures left no trace as to their whereabouts. They advised locals to call immediately to - "

The TV was turned off as Mrs. Stoppable looked worriedly at the black screen. It was amazing all this happened last night. It was also tragic that this happened to a family so close to her, the Possible family. With a sad sigh she moved to the kitchen to finish off the dishes.

Suddenly the house started to quake, sending Mrs. Stoppable to the ground. Pans and dishes fell to the ground as the walls around her began to crack, the roof above rose upward. Mrs. Stoppable screeched as the roof was tossed to the side, revealing a light orange female goo monster looked down at her.

"Izzi!" Gurgled Anna with a large smile.

"Mrs. Possible you..." Mrs. Stoppable yelled but couldn't finish her sentence as a wall of goo went for her.

"No time to speak, now is the time to be more, more for Y/N!"

Izzi was immediately submerged in orange slime, quickly covering her whole body in seconds. It felt like shampoo over her surface as it began to sink into her skin, like her body was made of sponge. Her lilith form soon filled with goo, expanding every inch of her. From her face, shoulders, torso, hips, butt and legs all grew with fat. But it wasn't to last as this expanding fat transformation into slime as her skin slowly became a yellow transparent film. Then, as her body passed the 400 pound mark, she started to grow in height. Higher and higher she grew, expanding into and around her kitchen. Finally with one last drop she now towered over her home, standing equal in height with the 25 foot Mrs. Possible blob. Her eyes opened and closed several times before turning to the other giant blob.

"Izzi feels good! Izzi loves Y/N!" The dark yellow giant slime woman cheered.

With a satisfied smile Anna clapped. "Wonderful, now Anna and Izzi go, go to Y/N!"



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