Obsessive (Amy Rose)

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Amy Rose x Reader

Art by Bestthe


It's been a while since I was in Mobotropolis. When I was 12 we had to move when my father got transferred to a new location, leaving all my friends behind. Now I just got a new job just outside of the city, and just moved in to a nice little home just a little ways from work.

Right now I was resting, my head resting back, on the newly placed couch surrounded by unpacked boxes. It was a long morning bring in all of this stuff. Lucky for me I didn't have a lot of things to bring in. A new start in a familiar city.

*knock* *knock *knock*

I raised my head from my couch and looked at the front door puzzled.

"Who could that be?" I thought. I'm too new here for anyone to know I just moved here, besides my parents.

Sliding off the couch I walked up to the front door and opened up, my jaw dropping to the floor.

"Hey Y/N, long time no see!" said a large pink bubbly young hedgehog.

I just stared at her just amazed at what I was seeing. Standing before me was a short pink hedgehog just coming up to my shoulders with the largest assets I have ever seen.

The fat pink hedgehog had breasts that was three times bigger than her head with hips even bigger than that. Her red dress could barely contain her enlarged breasts and hips that it looked like it was going to tear right in front of me.

"Don't you remember me Y/N? It's me, Amy, Amy Rose! We use to play together before you moved away, remember?" She said gesturing to her body.

It took me a couple of seconds to snap me out of my trance before I remembered playing with someone that looked vaguely like her but much smaller and skinnier.

"Amy...?" I said trying looking up away from her globes size breasts.

"Yay, you remembered!" She jumped in joy causing everything to bounce and jiggle, her top almost coming out. She then grabbed me into a tight hug, her two enormous orbs almost engulfing around my entire torso. My face became as red as her dress.

She continued hugging for a whole minute before letting me go. As I was catching my breath I swore while she was hugging me she was pressing her hips into mine surprisedly hard. I shook off that thought thinking that it was my pervy mind.

"Amy... good to see you... you've grown." I said bluntly. Smooth I thought sarcastically.

"Oh you noticed! Yea, I'm a whole foot taller than the last time we've seen each other. I see you have grown too." She giggled as she looked up and down my body.

I moved my hand behind my head in embarrassment.

"Yea, ate my vegetables as a kid."

Then a thought crossed my mind.

"How did you know I moved here? I don't recall telling anyone I moved here yet."

Amy looked a little nervous before returning back to her bubbly self.

"Um, your parents told me. They knew I was your childhood friend, so they told me to greet you when you arrive." Her smile then became uncomfortably wide.

"O...k..." I nervously said.

"Oh, how about you show me around your home. It's not nice to leave a guest hanging outside your house." She quickly said changing the subject.

"Oh, yes, sorry about that. Here come inside. Mind the boxes, I hadn't had much time to unpack."

"Do you at least have your furniture out, like your bed for example."

"Yes, got that done earlier today."

"Great!" Amy said as she skipped through the doorway.

"How about you take a seat and I'll grab something to drink."

Amy walked into the living room while I went into the kitchen to grab something to drink. As I was getting the water I thought I heard a click coming from my front door.

"Cozy, I like it." Amy said as she took a seat on the couch causing it's springs and wooden frame to groan.

"Yea, and it was such a good price. It was almost a steal." I said as I brought a pitcher of cold water and two classes to the small table by the couch.

"Yes, a steal," Amy whispered menacingly.

"What did you say?" As said as I poured a cup for Amy.

"Nothing!" She nervously said quickly taking the cup of water.

"Ok? Anyway, how have you been?" I said as I took a small chair and sat in front of her from the other side of the table.

Amy didn't look too pleased with that but she maintained her joyous mood.

"Oh, you know, school, growing up, going on adventures with Sonic and his friends, the normal stuff."

"Speaking of Sonic, how your relationship with him? I remember you had a huge crush on him."

"I've moved on. He had no interest in me so I moved to other things."

"Oh really? I remember you were so obsessed with him."

"Yea, my friends do say I can be a bit obsessed with things I like."

"Yea, I remember." As I took a sip of my water.

Amy lifted her cup and quickly down the entire glass with a couple of gulps.

"Wow, you must be thirsty."

"Yes I'm quite thirsty today," she said as she lowered her eyelids at me. This made me a little nervous as I took another sip.

"Oh, by the way Y/N, how's that new job at the space center?"

I eminently stop drinking and shot a fearful glare at Amy. Amy then began to lose her smile realizing what she said.

"How did you know I was working at the space center?"

"Um... I... your parents told me." She said with a nervous smile as sweat began to trickle down her face.

I slowly put down my class my eyes never leaving her eyes.

"I never told my parents. It was going to be a surprise. Amy, what's going on here?" I said nervously.

Amy's smile quickly evaporated. Placing down the empty glass on the table, she stood up and put her fists on her hips. Her eyes glaring at me with an intense lust that I have ever seen.

"Ever since you left I felt saddened. Chasing Sonic was the only thing I could do to cope with my feelings."

Amy then began to slowly strut around the table getting closer to me.

"But as I began to lose interest in Sonic that when I came to the realization of my feelings about you. So I decided to do everything in my power to get you to return. I kept a close eye on you. I learned that you were taking physics in college so I asked some of my friends to get you a job here at their space center."

I stumbled out of my chair and slowly backed up toward the front door while Amy's eyes became more crazed as a creepy smile grew on her.

"I even bought this house and made sure that only you would see it. And when you finally arrived I rushed here as fast as I could. Everything you received was because of me, I even engorged myself to what you like!"

As she was nearly on top of me I lunged at the door and twisted the doorknob and... lock. My heart dropped.

"Ah-ah-ah, no escaping Y/N. That was the problem I had with Sonic, he always kept escaping. I wasn't trying hard enough though, but now I learned."

She then grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into a crushing hug. I tried to struggle out but Amy was much stronger than she looks.

"Now that we are together Y/N we are going to have so much fun. And this time your never leaving me ever again."

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