Undercover (Judy Hopps)

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Judy x Reader 

Art by lionalliance

"He's running late again," grumbled Silva. Grabbing her expansive white stomach as the feeling of emptiness grew within her. Groaning, she leaned on the red brick wall as far back as her large rump would allow her to as she looked down the dark alley to the open street. It was already three past midnight and if he doesn't come soon this whole job will go up in smoke. 

"Hey Silva, sorry I'm late," called out a young man from the opposite side of the alley which Silva was looking down. 

"Hush you fool, you'll wake the whole neighborhood," gritted Silva, raising a finger to her lips.

'Sorry," he apologized.

"To this earth, I don't know how your one of the boss's favorites," she sighed. She struggled to lift her heavy body from the wall before readjusting her black top as it felt a bit more snug than normal. "I really need to go on a diet after this is over," thought Silva.

The two met up by an old door in the middle of the alley. It was clear that everyone had forgotten that this door existed as it had no lamp illuminating the entrance and the fact that the whole door was rusting. A perfect entrance for a couple of criminals. 

"Got the kit," Silva snark, putting her chubby paws on her bloated hips. She regretted this maneuver as she could feel how painted on her grey plaid skirt was with her butt.

"Never leave home without it," the guy smiled as he spun his sling backpack to his front. He then fished around for several seconds before taking out a small plastic box. Opening it he pulled out a couple of metal picks and went to work on the rusted lock. 

To Silva's surprise he finished in record time, 7.8 seconds. Pushing the door open with a grinding creak the young criminal did a curtsey, bowing before the fat rabbit. 

"After you ma'am."

"Sometimes you surprise me Y/N" she smirked, walking up to the now open door. She entered through the door, just missing her wide hips from the doorframe, followed by Y/N.

The large factory was still and dark. Rows of conveyor belts zigzagged throughout the floor, lifeless until the rise of the morning sun. That's why they must work quickly.

"You go around and find anything valuable while I go to the office to dig up some dirt," commanded the fat goth rabbit, pointing to the room above the factory floor.

"Yes Tubby," he smiled before disappearing into the darkness like he was born in it. Silva then turned around lumbering herself to the office, and to the final piece of this whole operation. 

The factory was unsettling quite as Silva pasted rows of ovens, still warm from the all day baking. The smell of freshly baked cookies made it hard for her to focus. But she knew how important her job was and she can't be distracted by food again. She shivered at the thought of her last heist with Y/N, so many pies.

It's been a long two years for Silva, or more accurately Judy the cop. She took on this undercover job to take down a large underground organization that had muscled their way into Zootopia several years back. There was just one issue, she was too famous, and for an undercover cop that was bad. But she was the best in the whole department for this job, so there had to be some unorthodox techniques.

First off she had to become a completely different person. New wardrobe, new fur, new eyes, the works. She settled on a white fur goth girl who likes FPS. But that wasn't all she had to do, and it was the one she dreaded the most, her weight. She was too skinny and needed to put on some bulk to sell that she was someone else. Within a half a year of training for this undercover work she had triple her original weight. 

When teaming up with the crime organizations she was immediately teamed up with this lovable loser of a crook named Y/N. He wasn't much but he was determined to prove his worth. That was two years ago and 200 pounds ago.

After a tight squeeze up the stairs and several cookies to stay off her hunger, Silva sieved through the well used file cabinet, looking over many documents that filled the shelves. Each could be used as a way to close the company to their knees but only one that could bring down the whole spider's web. Finally she found the one she was looking for, the one that will send her "boss" to jail for life. But upon looking at the documents a worrying thought crossed her mind, what will happen to Y/N, and why does she care?

She lumbered over to the window looking down over the factory floor. She could see Y/N scowling around putting anything that looked valuable into a sack. He was also stuffing it with boxes of cookies, obviously for her. 

She had grown fond of him over the last couple of years and It was hard for her to think of him being behind bars for the rest of his life for just mingling with the wrong crowd. Despite being a criminal he was a kind man. Raised in a bad orphanage, he would always come back bearing gifts for those unfortunate children. Risking his own safety just to save her hide in tight situations, both figuratively and literally. The many hours playing shooter games together, having the time of their lives.

She sighed, snapped the file close, knowing what she must do.


Cop cars' lights flashed around the warehouse as a multitude of police swarmed the facility. Y/N was shoved out of the factory by a large rhinoceros, his hands cuffed. His eyes looked broken as he looked up at the fat rabbit that was once his only friend standing among the cops. 

"Head down, punk," grunted the rhino, pushing Y/N head down.

He was guided to the back of a police truck, being thrown in by the much stronger officer. With a slam the back doors shut, leaving Y/N alone with his thoughts. 

He sat in silence as he gathered what was left of his feelings. Being caught didn't really affect Y/N much as he knew that it would happen someday, no, what really affected him was that his best friend turned out to be a goodie-two-shows undercover cop. Y/N really thought they had a thing going for them. Was it all real? The many hours playing CodFish, the many stores that they stole from, was she really his friend or was it all just a scam?

Suddenly the truck shook violently, shaking Y/N from both his thoughts and his seat. With a roar of the engine the truck came to life and drove off. Returning to his seat he turn to the plexiglass window that looked to the front of the vehicle. To his surprise it wasn't the rhino that through him in but Silva or more accurately Judy.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting, had to get something in order," called out Judy as she turned the large steering wheel. 

"Silva! Or is it Judy?" Y/N asked, pressing his face on the plexiglass. 

"Judy, and I'm sorry about the deception, I need to take down the crime boss," she answered as she turned down another corner. There was a moment of silence between the two before Y/N spoke. 

"Was it all real?" he said somberly. Another long pause. 

"...yes. just because I was undercover doesn't mean I didn't enjoy my time with you," Judy said joyfully. Y/N felt she was genuine as his heart began to mend. That's when Y/N looked out the van's window. 

"This isn't the way to the station?" He asked, looking at the fat bunny confusedly. He knew his way around the city, every good crook did, from every police station to safe havens.

"I know," she smiled as she looked at her rear view mirror back at Y/N, "l have something else in mind for us."


"Just some places we can hang low until the dust settles. Being an undercover cop has some benefits," she giggled as she turned into the highway heading out of Zootopia. "Like grabbing some unlisted property to have a hideout in the outskirts of the city." Then she patted a large sack that Y/N didn't notice sitting on the passenger side. 

The bag he used to swindle some goodies from the factory Y/N thought.

"This will last us for months, and the cookie will last for a day," Judy growled.

Y/N sat back down and began to think, maybe going straight won't be so bad of an idea after all.

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