A Growing Relationship (Rarity)

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Rarity x Reader 

Art by Neongoth94 


Me and my sister scooted our way down the row of seats to our designated seats. I groaned in displeasure as more people around us took their places. I was here against my will as my sister really wanted to see this fashion show. She needed an adult and I was the only one available, and well, it's hard to say no to my sister, but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy myself. 

As the last of the wealthy and upper class people seated, the lights in the room dimmed, with the only lights showing off the long walkway in the middle of the room.

Soon models wearing odd and weird designs strutted out of a large curtain on the opposite side of the room. Blinding flashes illuminate the room as over a couple of dozen cameras took pictures of the awful clothes that these people called fashion. 

As the clock whined into the night my attention began to shift from dull apathy to surprise curiosity as I started to notice the models change. One by one the models went from their stereotypical boney bodies to more fuller figure models. With each passing model another, a more bigger one took her place. Soon 300 to 400 pounded models walked down the walkway, still wearing those awful clothes but now getting my attention as they laboriously walked down the aisle. 

"Welcome to her debut fashion line, Miss Rarity!" Announce the announcer from the speakers. 

Then, walking out of the curtains was a very heavy set woman in a large light blue ball gown. Her long swirly purple hair bounced along her marshmallowy body as she waved her plump mands at the audience. 

My eyes were locked on her as she strutted herself down the walkway, soaking in the applause from around the room. Then, just a moment, our eyes locked onto each other. What felt like a lifetime, our heart beats fell into step and everyone disappeared around us, leaving us two in a field of flowers. In this dream-like state we walked to each other, our hands interlocking. We both smiled at each other as if we met in another lifetime. But moments must end and our reality comes back. But before the Marshmallow angel left she fished out of her bra a small card and tossed it in my direction, gently floating onto my lap.

Just as she exited through the curtains I immediately stood up and pushed my way through the rows of seated rich people to the back entrance. 

After sneaking my way through the security and down many rooms filled with models I finally reach my destination. Standing in front of the large fashionista dress room, reading the name Rarity off the gold plaque, I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. Immediately I was grabbed by my collar and thrown onto a large purple fainting couch. 

"What took you so long darling," the voice of an angel rang out.

I regained my senses to see the radiant rotund Rarity standing on the other side of the room, locking the door behind her.

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