The Cheese Streamer pt.3

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"Good morning my crusaders. I, Queen Bree, have returned for another glorious day of adventure and conquest. Shall this day be in your favor!" Said Bree from her bed. "Today is my 5 year anniversary on stream, my 3 year anniversary since marriage and my 100 day anniversary since hitting 1000 pounds!" She cheered. Her chat exploded, moving too fast to be legible.

"Now before the twenty four hour food and game binge stream I have a surprise for my audience. As you can see I'm on the disability side of the spectrum," she said, grabbing her blanket size belly, "I'm going to need some help. Now give a warm welcome to my friend, Roxanne!"

Coming into screen was a fat girl, her belly was see first before the rest of her. Her long red hair covered half her face and wore a tight light blue tank top and jeans. She was not as fat as Bree but still still so fat that walking was difficult.

"Hello folks, I'm Roxanne, friend and caretaker of Bree," the new fat girl said sweetly, waving at the camera.

Bree looked over her chat and smiled. "Oh you simps, my husband already claimed her. But as a surprise she'll join me in my 24 hour binge."

Roxanne made a fake surprise face and turned to Bree. "Bree what is the meaning of this?"

"You're on my stream and on my stream we binge. Besides you're a growing girl, what's 20 to 30 pounds more going to do?" Bree smirked. "Now before we begin with my corporate shilling." She coughed, clearing her throat. "This week's stream is sponsored by Big Girls Lingerie, for those girls with more to give and more to show, we have a huge selection of the most beautiful, stretch underwear on the market. Made for everyday activities like sitting, eating and having fun in the bed, Big Girls Lingerie."

"Now we got that out of the way let's begin with a poem then we'll start with 'Die and eat' with today's game 'bloodborne'." Bree smiled as she sprayed a whole can of cheese down her throat while her chat ignited.

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