Queen's Desire (Nightmare Rarity)

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Nightmare Rarity x Reader

Art by Nonsequitur


The room was dark as you slowly opened your eyes. As you gain consciousness your head begins to hurt, rubbing your temples to relieve the pain. As your eyes adjusted to the low light you saw that you were in a holding cell. You quickly jump out of your bed and begin fumbling around the walls before reaching the door. You tried to push at the massive heavy wooden door with no luck.

You tried to recall what had happened before you ended up here. You remember you were heading to bed before someone grabbed you, putting a bag around your head. You don't know what happened next as you felt some kind of energy around your brain before you black out.

You looked at the boor now realizing how big it was. They stood almost twice as tall as you and three times as wide. Then you looked around the room, seeing how much bigger this room was for such a person like yourself.

Just then you hear the sound of locks unlocking. Turning around, you see the large door slowly creaked open. You put your hands up to shield your eyes as the room was filled with bright purple light coming from the lanterns outside.

As your eyes adjusted to the light you now saw two very tall pony guards in dark blue armor with purple gemstones decorating it. They both held a lantern illuminating their way. They must have been nearly ten feet tall with bulging muscles that could crush your skull with no effort at all.

Before you could say anything a large dark mass emerged from the shadows into the lit room. The two guards stepped aside to allow the mass to move freely in front of them. Your eyes widened as the immense form slowly lumbered itself in front of you. Everything about it shook like jello, even when it came to a stop. To your shock, what you were looking at was the biggest pair of breasts you had ever seen. It nearly touched the ground as it was being held by a single strap of purple cloth. It's crack alone could probably trap several people inside them. You were too stunned to notice that there was something attached to the bed size breast.

"Well, my darling, you finally awoken. I was beginning to fear that my guards were too rough on you," came an angelic but booming voice from above the breasts.

With all your might, you looked up at who was speaking to you. Atop the wall of boobs was a mare with a sparkly dark purple flowing mane with white streaks accenting it. Her mane flowed like there was a flowing breeze only for her. Her horn extended far from her forehead, while her fuller face seemed to enhance her beauty. Her piercing slit blue eyes focus sensual at you.

"I am Empress Nightmare Rarity and you may speak," she command.

It took you a while to gather you wits before you spoke.

"W-where am I?" You stuttered fearfully.

"You are in my domain. I rule all under my beauty!" She declared proudly.

"How did I get here. One moment, I was in my bed in my house, next I was here."

"I kidnapped you and brought you to my realm," she smiled.

"Why am I here?" You said frustratedly.

"Ah, now we get to the real questions. You see, ruling such an empire can be an exhausting and lonely experience. As a result I tend to indulge a bit," she put her hand on her bosom slowly stroking it.

"I wasn't always this voluptuous you know," she winked at me.

You blushed as you began to heat up.

"So, in my lonlyness, I decided to find myself someone who would be by my side and help me with my special needs," she said sexually.

She then closed her eyes placing both hands on her face and began to sway her table size hips back and forth. Her two guards took a couple of steps away from her so they wouldn't be hit by her wall of hips.

"Just thinking about it makes me feel so infatuated!'' She cooed.

"But why me?" You said feeling fearful.

"Oh, don't get me wrong, you were not the first person I thought of. In fact you're was like the thousandth down the line."

You felt a bit crushed by her statement.

"But everyone that I had chosen turned out to be either a pain, couldn't handle me, or didn't like what they saw," she then looked down at me with this alluring gaze as she took one lumbering step forward causing the floor to quake.

"Although, you my dear seem to have the traits I desire. I could clearly see that you like what stands before you," she said looking down at my pants with a toothy devilish smirk.

I immediately looked down embarrassed as I covered my indecency with my hands.

"You have more stamina than the others with a nice package to boot."

She then took another step forward. She now stood so close to me that I could barely see her face through her canon of cleavage.

"With a good head on you shoulders and pleasant to look at, I think you'll fit in nicely dear," she said wickedly.

Before you could answer back Nightmare Rarity snapped her fingers. With great speed the two guards was by your sides, picking you up by your arms. You tried to struggle yourself free from the grasp of the two guards but they was too strong. Their hands felt like iron shackles around your arms.

"You'll love it here! You'll be treated like a king, and loved like a diamond!"

"What are you going to do to me?" You asked panicking.

"Oh, not much, first I'm taking you to my room my dear. I like to brake in my new toy before the wedding. It will be glorious! There will be a grand party with food nade my the top chefs within my kingdom, only the best of the best will be their, and..."

She trailed off as you stopped paying attention as your thoughts lingered on the word "brake". Yet, despite the feeling of dread, a feeling of arousal could be found within you.

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