Heavy Witch (Eda Clawthorne)

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Eda x Reader 

Art by Sooperstuff


Did you know there is this whole world of magic and mystical creatures, yea, I didn't think so, and so didn't I. 

But that all changed when I was lazing around watching daytime trash television and eating a box of pizza when a huge swirling vortex opened up under me and sucked half of my room into it. The next thing I know I was in this old witch's house on top of a pile of trash.

Standing near the trash pile was this old slender witch who was actually quite hot but before I could say anything she took her staff with a carved owl on top and pointed it at me.

"Who are you and why are you in my treasure horde?" She said threateningly.

"Oh sorry, I'm Y/N and… wait a minute! Some of this stuff is mine and how did I get here?" I said defensively. 

"Umf, I guess that's my fault, I was trying to get more stuff for my hord. You probably just came for the ride," she answered nonchalantly, pulling back her staff. Then something caught her eye.

"What is that," she asked pointing to a flat box that was on my table. 

"Pizza?" I questioned with a puzzled look on my face.

"What's pizzzzaa," she strained.

I opened the box and took out a slice of pizza, showing it to her, "it's a kind of junk food that I eat."

Her eyes lit up, amazed at the triangle shaped food, "junk!?"

And that's how it all started.

It was now my one year anniversary of landing in the Boiling Isles and I was baking a cake for the celebration. You'll think it's weird for me to make my own cake but Eda, well, she's a little preoccupied. 

Ever since our first encounter I have taught many things about my world in exchange for some magic lessons. She was particularly interested in things we called "junk" or "trash". Junk food, trash daytime shows, trash talk, you name it. And as predictable as the sun rising, she adopted a lifestyle that matched her lazy personality. 

After finishing off the last of the frosting on the three tier cake, I heaved the heavy cake to the living room. 


A loud burp boomed out of the living room as I walked in. Turning toward the source I could clearly see the results of a year worth of trash TV and junk food could do to a person. 

Sitting on her old busted purple couch sat the old witch consuming a large slice of all meat extra cheese stuffed crust pizza. The only big obvious difference from her old self to now was that she resembles more a hippo than a witch.

Taking almost two whole cushions, the near half ton witch stared blankly at the large 75 inch flat screen TV watching some reality show. With her plump fingers she unconsciously reached for her owl staff only to be a mere inch too far for her to grab.

"Hey, could you get my staff, I still feel peckish" she asked lazily with a grunt, her large arms falling onto her enormous gut, scratching its side lazily, making her stomach jostle like jello before letting out another burp.

I shook my head at her laziness before putting the large cake on the table in front of the couch. Reaching over I grabbed her staff and handed it to her.

As soon as she had a good grip on it she raised it into the air. Soon a glowing golden ring appeared above her head. After a couple of seconds out of the portal it started to rain burgers and fries. It fell around her, from landing in between her folds to landing on her bulbous stomach, rolling down her dome to the table. I had to catch some of them so they wouldn't ruin my cake. After a minute of this the portal closed and she put her staff by her side. She then grabbed a burger that landed on her head size breasts, stuffing it quickly into her wait maw.

"Mmm, food of the gods," she moaned in pleasure before grabbing the many fires that had fallen in between her many crevasses and folds.

I chuckled at her pigginess, cleaning up all the food that didn't land on her or the table and plopping them on the table. 

"Hey night owl, do you remember what today is?" I asked sweetly. 

"Ugh, if you keep putting on the sugar I'll have to visit the dentist," she bellyached, but still put on a toothy smile before stuffing a burger.

"It's our one year anniversary," I cheered. 

"Huh, has it been that long," she then looked down, taking in her gigantic body as she gave her chest a little shake, making her heaving breast jiggle in her tight gown, "yea, that seems about right, burp."

I then took out a large knife and cut the cake into eight slices. Pulling out a slice it was revealed that each layer of cake had a different flavor; chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla. 

"Mmm, cake, water was made of cake I'll drown in it!" Eda chimed in.

But before I could place the slice on a plate, Eda picked up her staff and waved it in front of her. A light glow engulfed the large cake, minus the slice I cut out, and began to levitate to her mouth. With a big chomp she began to devour the cake bite by bite. The sound of chewing and moaning came from Eda as the cake slowly descended down her wide throat to her growing belly.

After a couple of minutes and a great belch she finished the entire cake. Patting her enlarged stomach a goofy grin spread across her face in satisfaction. She then turn to me seeing my disapproval over her consumption of the entire cake.

"Don't look at me like that, I only had one slice," she said defensively. "Beside that was a good snack. Now, where is the main course?"

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