Big Ranger. (Gadget)

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Gadget x Reader

Art by Rickydemont


The streets were deserted, only parked cars and the lonely pieces of trash blowing in the wind were the only signs of life in the city. Suddenly the ground shook for only a second, making the cars slightly jump into the air. Car alarms went off as another sharp quake hit the streets.

Then coming down from around the corner a giant paw came crashing down causing the nearby cars to jump a foot off the ground.

"Oh golly, I'm sorry," boomed the large creature surrounded by the high rise buildings.

Standing between the tall buildings was a 100 foot obese mouse in a tight ill fitting purple jumpsuit. She looked nervous as she scanned the city for something. She took another step forward causing her elephantine wide hip to become stuck between two skyscrapers.

"Drat," she groaned in defeat. This was the third time she gotten stuck. She then attempted to squeeze through, pulling her enormous body forward, smashing through the glass and metal of the buildings.

"Sorry," she squeaked, blushing in embarrassment.

"Y/N, where are you," she called out, causing the nearby windows to blow out. She winced upon seeing her unitentualy destruction. She needed to tone it down a bit, she's not a small mouse anymore she thought.

Then out of the corner of her eye she saw a little man come out onto the roof of a building next to her. She quickly turned around, inadvertently hitting a nearby building with her literal wrecking ball butt, causing it the topple over.

"Oops," she apologized again.

"Stay still!" I yelled.

The giant mouse then leaned forward, her huge breast pressing into the glass building as you could hear the building groan at the added pressure and weight. Her large face now level with the small man.

"Oh, there you are Y/N. I was so worried I've lost you in all of the panic," she said trying to lower her voice in fear of blowing away the man off the building.

"Are you alright," I yelled, looking over her face.

"I'm fine, I think. Golly, look at how big I've grown," she smiled as she looked down at her buxom bust that was being squished into the building.

"Yea, big," I said nervously as I stared down her cavernous cleavage that was overflowing the top of the building.

With a huge plump hand she reached out for me. I panicked a little as she softly engulfed my entire body.

"You'll be safe with me Y/N," she said reassuringly. Moving away from the semi crushed building she gently placed me in between her soft and warm breasts.

"We need to get out of here before I hurt someone," she said concernedly. "Orl bring down another building."

As you settle in between her fuzzy cleavage she began to look around the city trying to find the safest path with the least collateral damage.

Despite her best attempts to be gentle and conscious of her surroundings she was not used to having such proportion as she does now. Her breast wobbled like jello with every step forward down the wide Broadway street. Her wide hips would occasionally smash into a nearby building while her set of boulder size breasts would collide with a building on the other side of the road. And being unused to her new weight she would sometimes break through the asphalt into the subway below. She was luck that most people ran when she grew to the giant obese mouse she was now.

To the surprise of Gadget, she was able to get out of the city center in a short amount of time. It's great to be big, she thought.

As the buildings began to shrink Gadget began to contemplate on her current status. After the initial shock of being so big began to wear off the feeling of being enormous and strong was beginning to feel empowering. All her life she was under everyone's foot, but now everyone was under her foot. The feeling of her fat jiggling was also a new experience.She was a lean but curvy mouse, but now she had curves to spare, and it felt good. She then looked down seeing the little man between her breasts and smiled. Based on her calculation if Y/N was mouse size, she was human size.

Her thoughts began to wander with her realization of her size and power. How easy it would be to crush people in a single step began to fester inside her. To rumble buildings that once towered above her like mountains made her smile. With her size and intelligence, it would be easy to rule such puny creatures under her bulk. The thought of being a queen, no, a god, was beginning to be intoxicating. Her smile began to grow more crooked and crueler with every thought of how much power she possessed passed her mind.

Then an avalanche of fear fell over her, but not at anything around her, but at herself. These are the kinds of thoughts that belong to the villain she fought, not to someone like herself. She was a Rescue Ranger, she protested the ones that slipped through the cracks, ones that were too weak to fight for themselves, not someone who crushed those into the cracks. She felt horrified with herself that she even entertained the thought of doing such acts of destruction.


Gadget stopped walking after feeling something stony under her feet. Because of her ginormous breast she couldn't see very well things that were close to her. She took a couple of steps back to see that she stepped on a stone house. While Gadget was thinking about her internal moral squabble she didn't notice that she had left the city and was now in the suburbs. She was lucky to not step on any of the houses until now.

"Oops, sorry," she cried to no one, feeling remorseful.

"I think we need to get to someplace more deserted. Maybe over there," I said pointing to some treeless hills to the west.

The giant mouse turned to where I was pointing, carefully trying to not destroy more property.

After a minute or two of walking, Gadget arrived at the hills. They were big hills, but there was no small one either, just big enough to hide a 100 foot mouse from wandering eyes. She carefully maneuvered herself around the hills until she found a nice valley between the hills to hide in.

Sitting down on her gigantic butt she slowly reached into her breasts and gently pulled me out. She then extended her palm, allowing me to stand on it. She raised her outstretched hand to her face to get a better look at me.

"Well, we're out of danger, for the moment," I said rubbing the back of my head while looking into Gadget's big blue eyes.

"Yea," Gadget said blushing. He is so cute at this size she thought.

"Um, I guess we should find a way to reverse this," I said nervously, trying to avert my gaze from her ample chest.

"Well, I think I like to stay this size, at least for a bit." She nervously stated.

"Are you sure?" I questioned.

"Yes, besides, it's nice to be the big one in this relationship," she added cooing.

I began to sweat as I felt hot under the collar. "I s-still think w-we should get you back to n-normal, for your safety," I stuttered staring into her big blue eyes again.

"Okay, but let me enjoy this body for a little bit more, I'm getting quite fond of it," she said, readjusting her tight outfit over her gigantic breasts. "And besides, I think you enjoy it too," she added giggling to herself.

I turned away blushing feeling a little ashamed that she was right. Our relationship was always based on an intellectual level and not a physical one, but seeing her like this now, it's hard for me to take my eyes on her and I feel bad for that.

Then I felt something touch my chin. Looking up I saw that it was Gadget's finger guiding my face back to hers.

"Don't be shy, I like it when you stare. It makes me feel attractive," she smiled, gazing at me with large bedroom eyes.

She leaned forward and kissed me on the top of the head. She then gently grabbed me before maneuvering herself until she was laying down, facing the sky. Placing me on top of one of her breasts I did then same as we both just enjoyed each other company in the moment as we watched the clouds roll by.

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