Queen Rehabilitation (Queen Chrysalis)

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Chrysalis x Reader

Art by Omny87


You sat in the corner of your prison cell waiting for your next torment session. You had no idea how long you been held prisoner by this Changeling hive. You think It's as at least been months but it was hard to tell. You were captured for intel for this spell that your master taught you. They were looking for a spell that allowed them to absorb magic other than love. Over the course of months of torture you finally broke and gave them what they wanted.

As you thought on your weakness you hear the sound of hooves walked toward your prison cell. After all this time being held here you learned to recognize those steps as none other than the queen of this hive.

"How's my favorite prisoner?" Called out a silky but insect-like feminine voice.

You looked up to see a tall slender shining black female Changeling with dark slimy green hair cascading down her back. If it wasn't for you being her prisoner you'd think she was beautiful.

"Still silent are we. Well, it doesn't matter, we got what we want from you!" She said triumphantly.

You looked at her disheartenedly she continued to speak.

"I just came here to gloat a bit, mahaha. With your help we now have enough information to take my revenge on Equestria a guarantee!" She then began to laugh maniacal.

Equestria was never your home and you don't know much about it, but you knew they were a peaceful society ruled by some powerful leaders.

"And don't worry about yourself, I won't kill you, yet. I still have some plans for you. And after that, then we'll drain you of all your love, wahaha."

You just sat there in the back of your cell not reacting to anything she said. You tried to look strong even though on the inside you felt sorry for the ponies who this queen was about to conquer because of your weakness.

"Ta-ta." She waved as she proudly studded away.

You slumped down thinking about what she was going to do to them. It looks like they finally learned how to perform the spell and now they're going to use it to conquer Equestria.


It's been several days since you last seen their queen went off to conquer Equestria. Not much as changed besides seeing less Changelings patrol the prison.

You know that the conquest was a success from the chattering of the guards and that there were now plans to move to a new location.

Breaking out of your stupor, the sound of heavy hoof steps came strutting toward you. The steps confused you because you recognize it as the queen's but who ever was making them was way too big to be her. Your whole cell shock with every step as the large being came into view.

Your jaw hit the floor in shock upon seeing the enormous bloated Changeling that now stood in front of your cell.

Your jaw hit the floor in shock upon seeing the enormous bloated Changeling that now stood in front of your cell

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