Asking out (Twilight Sparkle)

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Twilight Sparkle x Reader

Art by Neongoth94


You stood in front of your locker, your legs shaking and your mind swimming in uncertainty.

"Your really going to do, are you?" You thought, "What if you stumble, what if you say something awkward, what if you scare her. No! You got to be brave, you gotta be strong."

With you hands shaking, you open your locker with a bit of trouble. Inside there was a purple gift wrapped box. You then grabbed the gift and put it into your bookbag.


You stood in front of the entrance of the liberty. This is the moment of truth. Taking a deep breath, you opened the doors.

The liberty was expansive for a school liberty with multiple floors, walls filled with books. There were several students throughout the room, reading books or looking at the computers. But you could not see who I was looking for. With a heavy sigh, both with disappointment and relief, you began to turn back.

Just then at the corner of your eye you saw something large and purple at the far back of the liberty. It was hard to see because of all the books that were stacked around it.

Your heart skipped a beat as a part of hoped she wasn't here. Gaining your courage one again you slowly walked in and walked toward the pile of books.

Upon arrival you could see that the table was nearly covered in books leave only space for the large purple girl to read comfortably.

Twilight was the school nerd, in fact some would say she was a super nerd. She also wasn't always this big when she first came here a few years ago but her sedentary lifestyle and her privilege to eat in the library as resulted in her growing to large proportions. You always like her before she got large but now it's become unbearable to ignore your feelings.

You just stood there watching the purple haired girl read intensely too afraid to get her attention. So you just stood there in silence for over a minute before the girl looked over her book toward you.

"Oh, sorry, didn't notice you there. Do you want something?" She asked.

You began to feel sweat on your brow and on your hands as she looked at you waiting for a response.

"Um, if there is nothing you want then would you kindly leave. I have much rea-"

You quickly went into your bookbag and presented the gift to Twilight.

Twilight just started at the gift completely stunned by your actions. The two of you just stood there in awkward silence for awhile before Twilight slowly took the present. You started to feel nervous as you body began to shake as she opened your gift.

"Oh my god!" Twilight exclaimed as she took out three old books from the wrapping, "Are these first edition Lord of the Rings series?!"

You blush nodding your head.

Twilight then open the first book and a piece of paper fell from it's pages falling to the table below.

"What is this?" She picked up the paper and began to read it. As she read the note she lifted her chubby hand up to her mouth in astonishment.

You felt extremely embarrassed and wanted to run right there but you were so afraid that you couldn't move like a deer in headlights.

"T-this is a prank. This is not real." Twilight exclaimed as she scowled at you.

"N-no I-I mean it." Your voice cracked as you stuttered.

She looked down at the note then back at you dumbfounded as you put on an awkward smile.

She slowly stood up with no expression on her face. She walks up to you, you now sweating bullets as your legs begin to quake. Now standing in front of you she looked up into your eyes as your whole body was now physically shaking.

Too nervous to make eye contact your eyes darted around her body. She appears to have gotten bigger since last week. Her clothes were a bit snug around her body as she hasn't had time to replace them. The buttons on her blue shirt was starting to strane showing off a bit of her skin underneath. Her stomach has collected the most of her new fat as it jutted out an inch more. Her skirt was being held together by a safety pin as you can spot a few tares across it's seams.

You made a sharp yelp as your heart stopped when Twilight suddenly hugged you. Her hug was soft and warm as your whole body sank into hers.

"Oh yes! Yes! Yes! I don't think anyone would ask me to the dance!" Twilight exclaimed.

You both turned to the librarian in embarrassment when she shushed us to keep it down.

Twilight then let go of you having this worried look about her.

"What am I going to wear?! Oh I have to talk to Rarity about this. And my hair! What am I-" Twilight rambled on but you were not paying attention to her as you where in a daze, overjoyed that everything didn't blow up in your face. Before you could return to your sentence Twilight grabbed both your hands.

"Thank you so much! You don't know how much this means to me!" She said before leaning in giving you a kiss on the cheek. You two blushed before Twilight took a step back and waddled herself out of the liberty as quickly as she can.

You stood there too love struck to move until a swelling joy encompass your whole body.

"Yahoo!" You yelled jumping in joy.

"SSHHH!" The librarian shushed loudly at you.

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