Gooey Love pat.5

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It's been a week since Shego dropped me off on this remote deserted island and two weeks since the prison break. It's ironic that I used to be a prison guard to some of the most evil villains to now be the prisoner of one of the most evil villains. I sighed as I took a bite of my fifth coconut of today and watched the horizon in hopes that my gelatinous "girlfriend" would return. 

That's when the sea began to shift as multiple colorful masses began to approach the island. The water started to rise as a familiar green ooze slowly rose out of the sea. Then an orange one, then a brown one, then a light orange one - what was going on I screamed internally as I scrambled to my feet. 

One by one a new blob of a different color emerged from the sea, following Shego onto the island. Soon I was staring at seven gigantic gelatinous monsters as Shego looked proudly at me.

"Y/N! Shego made more! All for Y/N!" Shego clapped with a wet plop. 

I could barely comprehend what I was looking at. It was one thing that Shego could eat nearly anything and grow but the ability to transform others into slime creatures like herself was insanity. Then the orange one moved forward. 

"Good to meet Y/N! Kim is happy!"

"Wait, Kim?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I looked up and down the new orange slime woman. "As in Kim Possible? As in Shego's archrival Kim Possible?!" I said flabbergasted at the former heroine turned 25 foot orange blob. 

"Yep!" Kim said with a dopey smile. In fact as I looked at all the multicolored jello girls they all had the same dopey smile. It is clear to me that whatever made Shego lose her intelligence from her transformation was the same for the rest of the blobs.

"Now time for Shego's big idea!" Shego erupted as her grin turned sinister. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked, turning to the green blob.

"Shego is smart, Shego had made big idea from beginning!"

I was both shocked and proud of Shego. Just like how she escaped from her cell she made a multistep plan, if not on the simplicity side.

"What is your big idea?" I asked, fearing what the goo brain former villainess could possibly cook up.

"Shego is dumb, Shego wants to be smart again. Shego wants to go back to Shego's original but can't." She said looking a bit sad but quickly cheered up. "But Shego can change forward, become better Shego!"

I had a gut feeling this was going to be bad, but not for me but for the world.

"With Shego's friends Shego will change, become smart and big!" She then turned around, and when I mean turn around I mean only her upper half of her body turned, and looked at the six giant blobs girls with her wicked smile. "Come friends, we will become one!" Without hesitation or a sense of self preservation they all sloshed themselves to Shego. 

In horror I began to take steps back as one by one each ooze woman hugged Shego before slowly merging into Shego's body, making her body get both taller and wider. At first each girl's color remained singler as Shego's body became a patchwork of greens, reds, and browns. Suddenly Shego's face sunk into her body becoming a smooth gigantic ball of multicolored slime. Then she swirled. 

Her body swished and sloshed like she was in a washing machine, her colors mixed as she did. The multitude of colors merge into a dark green akin to dark seaweed. Once mixed fully she stopped. The gelatinous ball started to twist and expand as a body began to form. My eyes widened as I watched the ball of ooze change but something was different about her, she seemed more… solid? 

From the mass came her limbs, both arms and legs. They were still jiggling but definitely having more of a form. Where normally would be her bulbous lower half came thick and heavy legs with thighs that can only be described as literally boulders with the consistency of jello. Her arms were no different as they were plump and juicy as she outstretched them like she was waking up. 

A stomach soon materialized, the smooth dark green glob grew out until it was halfway down her pudgy thick thighs. From atop of this dome grew two monstrous size droplets, firm and gelatinous, quaking from her every movement. 

And finally her head popped up. At first it was formless and smooth. Then a face appeared, it was chubby but strangely not overly so as she radiated a beauty that seems to be a mix of all the blob women before. Her "hair" grew out, cascading down her broard back to her expansive backside with finally bangs going over her right green hazelnut eye. It was pitch black with a orange and yellow highlight going down its langth.

She stood to her full height of over 50 feet, her massive obese body was now more womanly in appearance than her original blob form but still made of slime.

She shaked her head, sloshing her hair back and forth and jiggling her body like a water balloon.

"Ah that feels good," she said with a familiar yet unique voice but still as sexy as ever. "And I look good too." She cooed as she turned to examine her butt, and by that she turned her head 180 degrees. 

"Shego?" I stuttered as I looked up at the jello giantess before me in shock, horror, and a bit of arousal. 

"Shego, and Kim, and Monique, and Bonnie and, oh you get the idea," she snickered haughtily.

"Then what should I call you?"

She placed her hand on her large chest and said proudly, "Well you should call me…" she then just stopped, looking blankly at me as if her brain froze. "Um… I'm… Kimbabs? No, Skimbab? Not that, um, Shanizbobekimo? Um, I figured that out later so just call me S.K. for now," she laughed with this haughty tone. "But right now I'm back! Well maybe not fully back, my brain still feels gooey but good enough I do say myself."

My jaw was slack as I feared what was to come.

"And now that I'm back I can enact my final plan." She then looked down at me and gave me a seductive smile. I tried to run but she was too quick as she outstretched her arm and engulfed my entire body with her dark green slime. "Don't you worry your cute little head, I'll never hurt you my love," she cooed as she pulled her arm back with me in tow. 

"What are you planning to do?" I asked, trying to figure out what her motives were.

"Well, originally I was planning to take over the world but having 7 minds mixed into one can change that. I can see Shego's plan to make a comeback has backfired now that she is only 1/7 of my personality. But that doesn't mean I'm a redeemed villainess," she laughed again, seemingly amused by her mind melding. "It will be more accurate that I'm an anti-hero now, a big beautiful gooey anti-hero!" She then brought me up to her face and in front of her large emerald-hazelnut eye. "But right now I feel a great infatuation for you my dear Y/N, and I'll make sure nobody gets in our way." I gulped as this new blob woman began to laugh maniacally, her whole body jiggling like an earthquake. 

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