Has-been Bun (Lola Bunny)

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Lola x Reader

Art by wenisberry

Lola munched away as she stared blankly at the large flat screen TV, watching a game of basketball. The mega obese rabbit was barely paying attention to the fashing screen as her food induced hangover led her down memory lane. To think just several years ago she was at the top of her game, in physical prime, the best basketball player ever, or that's what she thought.

It turned out she was a toxic player, always wanting to be the center of attention. She would not share the ball on the court and would try to make the most points for herself, pointing out that she was the only one to make points. She would always snap at her teammates or anyone for almost anything, especially when they called her 'doll' or 'babe'. She was a good player, just a selfish one.

It finally came to a boil when she verbally assaulted a new player for not playing the game right. This turned out to be bad in more ways than one. First it was on national television and everyone from around the world saw this outburst, and two it was the manager's daughter. With a hop, skip and a jump she was fired from the team. This was the straw that broke her career.

After her firing she hopped from team to team spending less time on each one then before. Her over bloated ego and her belittling of her teammates had all caught up to her and within a year she was jobless. In shame she disappeared from the limelight, never to return.

Or at least not as she was before.

It would be another year before she would reappear. At this point she was working as a cashier at a greasy fast food restaurant.

She was a different person then she was at the end of her career. For one thing she was much larger than she used to be. Her weight had increased after a year of emotional eating and a sedentary lifestyle. She must have gained over 100 pounds over the last year, most settling on her hips and stomach. She also had her ego popped, resulting in having low esteem for herself. With a uniform a size too small and a hunger too big she was a shadow of her former self. This is where she would meet her future husband, Y/N.

Lola was snacking away at the cash register of the fast-food restaurant. She was barely paying attention to the customers when Y/N walked in. Y/N was a regular customer, and she had always noticed how he would steal glances at her. It was on this day Y/N gained enough courage to ask Lola out on a date.
Despite Lola's lack of self-esteem, Y/N seemed to find her beautiful, and she didn't understand why. She couldn't fathom why someone like Y/N would be interested in her. But by the whim of the moment she agreed, besides she had nothing to do after work.

Their relationship moved quickly, and Lola was surprised at how caring and attentive Y/N was. He never made her feel self-conscious about her weight or her past failures. Instead, he encouraged her to become bigger.

Lola never felt worthy of Y/N's love, but he insisted that she was perfect just the way she was. He would take her out to try different foods and cook her gourmet meals that she would've never tried before. He made her feel special and loved.

As their relationship grew, Lola began to rely more and more on Y/N for her own self-worth. She felt like she had nothing else going for her in life, and Y/N was the only thing keeping her afloat.

It was on their wedding day, as Lola stood in her oversized gown that she realized how much of she truly changed. She had lost everything, from her career to her self-respect, desperate for a man that loved her flabby fat body. But Y/N didn't seem to care that she was a failure. He loved her, and that was enough for Lola.

Now, as she sat on the couch, her gigantic belly spilling over down to the floor, Lola finally felt content. She had found the love of her life, even if she was a complete loser. And for once, she was okay with that.

Lola was snapped back to the current day as her bowl of chips fell off her gargantuan belly with a thud. Her eyes turned back to the game, seeing her team had won. With a light stretch, her big bat wings arm jiggling like jello before going to her butt and scratching it. That's when the door opened up.

"Hey honey bun I'm home," Y/N said as he walked into the living room and kissed Lola on her chubby cheeks.

"Hey cook, how was the restaurant?" Lola wheezed as she slowly sat up, her gigantic belly shifting like an avalanche and completely covered her knees and lower legs. Her huge backside shifted on the couch, its well worn springs and frame calling out before her butt flopped over, taking up half of the family size couch.

"Going good, and I brought you leftovers!" Y/N said, presenting a cart full of food.

"Oh you know how to spoil me." Lola smiled weakly, her eyes partially glazed and partially exited.

"Here let me get you your eating table," Y/N smiled. He walked to a crescent moon shaped foldable table and brought it to her belly. Quickly opening it up the table perfectly surround her bulbous belly. Y/N then set up containers fill with food from the restaurant, an assortment of high end food.

"Bon appetit," Y/N said kissing lola again. Without hesitate she started shoving the like it was the common fast food she usually eats. To her food was food, but food from her husband was especially good. With a satisfying grin Y/N went about the room clean up the mess that lola makes every day, but he didn't care, he just loved to see her eat.

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