Overbearing PT.2 (Minerva Mink)

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Minerva Mink x Reader



You stood outside of the white door, a dozen red roses on your left and a extra extra extra large box of chocolate on your right. Your heart was broken and was smashed into tiny little bits by a very shallow obese white mink.

As of late, Minerva has reverted back to her old self, spurred on by the remaking of that old show she used to be on. It had quickly escalated to the point that now she had kicked you out of your home.

This was your last attempt to make amends with her, but without a second thought she rejected you. This was her chance to return to fame, to be admired, but mostly to the money, and she wanted to get rid of everything that held her back. Her nice personality, her weight, and you, all need to go.

"Finally, I get rid of that loser," Minerva cheered, cocking her bulbous hips proudly. 

The fat mink walked away from the front door, leaving behind her now ex-husband. She had phone calls to make and diets to plan.

"He served his purpose but now it's time to return to the way things are supposed to be, millions of people adoring me!" She laughed diabolically.

She just took a couple of steps before looking down at her obese body. She scoffed at her body.

"Now that he is out of the way, it's time to reclaim my former beautiful body," she declared as she moved her hands over her expansive bust, down over her bulging belly, to her doorway sticking hips. 

Over the years Minerva had steadily grown larger and larger. Ever since her Los Vegas wedding with her "husband" she really packed on the pounds. Going from her lithe 300 pound body to her mom-bod of 600. 

From her twin watermelon breasts that stretch her light blue tank top into the only article of clothing that she could call a bra. Her large pot belly was nearly hidden by her under boobs as they grew downward, taking up more real estate as they grew. And finally her twin moons, filling her flowing orange skirt, with legs thicker than the Parthenon's white marble pillars.

"Time for some extreme dieting," she groaned in disguise, grabbing her pudgy belly.

"No, that's a good thing," she thought, shaking off her sudden displeasure. 

Taking another couple of steps Minerva started to feel her hands shake. She raised her hands up, filling her with dread. 

"No, not now! I… I don't need him. He only pulled you down. All he cared about was loving me, taking care of me, feeding me, snuggling me, …" she said dreamily before shaking her head in frustration. "No, I… I need to contact my agent," She panicked.

Minerva took another couple of steps before hearing her stomach rumble, her whole body quivered from the vibrations. 

"No, I must diet! Must get back to thin self, must be beautiful," she commanded aggressively, grabbing onto her large stomach again. "But… I am beautiful. He said so every day… no, no, no!" She stomped in frustration, causing her whole body to giggle, remembering how big she was.

She began to paint, her heart raced, sweating profusely. Her eyes began to pulse red rings as she clutched her head.

"I must break from him, he… he… was there when I was at my lowest," she said lovingly before her head turned to her left, looking wickedly, "No, he held you back." 

She then turned to her right, hearts in her eyes, "he loved me when no-one else did."

She turned left again. "He made you ugly, he made you fat!"

"But fat is beautiful, it's so warm and cuddly."

"He's taking away your fame and fortune."

"He gives me love and affection."

"You're addicted to him and food, addiction is body!"

"But it feels so good!"

Her mind was so twisted, torn apart by her greed and her love. She wanted to return to her former glory but will she find love again. She would have to work very hard to go back to her original body but she already had some that loves her current body. She was so confused and it was driving her mad. But with one final step away from the door Minerva snapped. 

"I NEED HIM," she said insanity, her eyes turning to pink hearts and her hair stood on end. 

Moving faster than a mink her size should, she zipped to the front door, like a hungry animal spotting their first meal in months. She ripped the door off its hinges, seeing me still standing where she left me.

I was a mess, my eyes puffy from the tears, roses all wilted and dead.

Minerva quickly pulled me into a tight hug, my head sinking into her balloon breasts as my roses sprung back to life.

"I'm so sorry darling! I don't know what got into me," she wailed. She pulled my face up and started to kiss all over it passionately, leaving large lipstick marks all over my face. "I can't leave you, I need you too much!" 

She then turned to the human size heart shaped box of assorted chocolate that I was still grabbing on.

"Oh, is that for me? You are so thoughtful! How about you feed them to me and count the ways you love me," she cooed, lugging me into our home.

Yep, even with her addiction to my love she is still vain, but hey, that's why I love her.

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