Friendly Reunion (Mabel Pines)

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Mabel x Reader

Art by secretgloombatman12345

I stood alone at the bus stop for at least an hour. I was so nervous and anxious that I almost forgot my pants when I came running out my door. Why you may ask? Well, because today I'll meet up with an old friend I haven't seen in many years.

I met Mabel after that weird apocalyptic event, during the rebuild. I don't remember much, I think I was turned to stone or something. We hit it off well becoming fast friends but our time together was short. The end of summer came and she had to go. We promised to keep in touch and after five years she was coming back.

I began to sweat when I suddenly saw the old bus coming down the road. As it got closer my heart pounds harder, hu much has she changed? Is she still her usual loud and bubbly self? Does she still burp her alphabets? Soon the bus came to a hult, its wheels screeching to a stop. The door then folded open as I waited for my old friend to exit.

Suddenly the whole bus shook as something from the back of the bus moved forward. The bus rocked back and forth, its metal frame creaked and groaned with each sway. Finally the mass was up front but all I could see was a wall of pink flesh.

"Thank you mr. Bus driver! Sorry for breaking your axle and suspensions!" Called a familiar yet mature female voice behind the wall of flab. The flab squeezed through the large bus door before forming into a giant gut. Following soon after, a fat leg stepped forward, followed by another. Eventually the blob of fat stood before me as my jaw dropped to the ground.

"Y/N you haven't changed a bit. Except you are now taller, and more buff, and you cut your hair, and..." she rambled off as I stared blankly at her massive size.

In all of our exchanges Mabel never mentioned her weight. I looked up and down her massive round body questioning how she got so big. I remembered that she always had a big sweet tooth and loved hunk food, I guess it all finally caught up to her.

"...and your shoes are new, and you have a new pair of jeans!" Mabel huffed as just talking made her tired.

"Hey Mabel...did you have a nice trip," I stuttered as I couldn't keep my eyes off her gargantuan belly as it stuck out of her large sweater. How did a girl her size find a sweater that big anyway?

"It was great, I was lucky to have packed a snack before I left," she chuckled, smacking her low hanging belly. She then lunged forward and pulled me into a huge squishy hug. "Oh I missed you Y/N so much! You have no idea how hard it is to deal with a trauma and can't talk to anyone about it. My only comfort was food."

"I can see," I said muffled as my head was pressed into her generous size breasts.

"Oh but now we can finally catch up. Sending postcards was so restrictive. You have no idea how many times I have to rewrite just to reduce what I want to say. But now we have all summer to spend time together. We can go fishing, go to the pool, go camping, fight unicorns, punch gnomes..." she began to ramble again while not releasing her hug of you.

As she listed off things to do I began to feel surprisingly comfortable being held by Mabel's fat. It was almost like being hugged by a big blanket, a noisy blanket but a nice blanket. Suddenly everything shook and for a moment I thought there was an earthquake.

"...and digging up graves...! Oh, I must be hungry. I guess having three bucks of fried chicken wasn't a big enough snack. Hey let's go to Greasy's Diner! It's been so long since I ate there. I hope they still have their special, deep fried possum!" Mabel finally released me and grabbed my hand with her soft chubby one. With a heavy step she waddled as fast as her fat legs could move, pulling me with her like a trailer behind a semi truck. Despite my initial shock I was happy to see my old friend, even though she now weighed as much as her pet pig.

This will be an interesting summer I could tell.

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