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How did you discover Wattpad?

I discovered Wattpad through an amazing school friend of mine after questioning her obsession with it. Sadly I can say that I have also not managed to resist Wattpad’s charm.

How long have you had Wattpad, and how often do you use it?

I've joined Wattpad in August of 2013 - so over a year and a bit - and I would be lying if I said I don't use it every day.

Is there a meaning behind your username?

Originally my username was my name but then I was going through some tough times you could say and I changed it to 4evadatrueme. It is a statement of my personality and how I am as a person. Hopefully people can agree with that c:

Why did you start writing? What age did you discover your love for it?

I'm going to contradict myself here aha. I hated writing in primary school even though I loved reading. For me as a kid, holding a pen with an aching hand was effort. However when I hit around year 5, I began taking a wider interest in actually writing and so forth. Now, it’s all I do and I wish I had more time for it alongside procrastination and studies.

Who are you favourite authors? What are your favourite books? (Books on Wattpad count too!) What is your favourite genre?

To be honest this is going to be hard for me to single out a few authors, but I am in love with crime related mysteries and historical/mythology books.

- Rick Riordan

-Anthony Horowitz

-Derek Landy

- CHERUB series

- Gladiator series

These are just recent books I’ve read but anything related to undercover cops, gangs, action, horror, crime – I’ll read. I tend to have a boyish taste in books and avoid romance for the best art.

Do you want a career in writing?

Honestly YES I would love a career in writing - song writing, poetry or just fiction. It would be amazing if Mere Existence could get published but hey, I’m a realistic and that will never happen :c

Who supports you the most in your writing?

True devoted readers who actually comment meaningfully on the story and follow it from a to z support my book the most. Thank you to all my dedicated readers x


Choose one of your books:

What is your book called? What genre is it? What is it about (2/3 lines)?

Mere Existence is a book I am proud of and it is categorized as a Thriller/Mystery story. It follows the haunted past of a young girl named Elektra who has to crumble to pieces in order for her to become strong with the aid of her friends. It is viewed through the narration conducted by life.

A dark secret haunts her. She can’t forgive herself to move forwards. She can’t revel in the guilt which connects herself to the past. So her only other option is to remain trapped in the present. Your special guest narrator Life shall enlighten you all on her life, cause I was there. Obviously. Join me on this mystery and solve it if you can before the end.

What inspired you to write it?

If you ever happen to read it, you’ll find it similar to the style of The Book Thief. Shortly after reading The Book Thief I was inspired to delve into my folders and re-submerge a draft titled 'inspiration needed'. As cheesy as it sounds, Marcus Zusak's novel was an immense motivation for me to begin writing what is now called Mere Existence. I have no plans to change its title now or in the immediate future, if ever - after all the title relates to how the story merely existed in the first place, to how the existence of my main character - Elektra- is merely existing. Whilst The Book Thief inspired my writing style, an article in The Times Magazine about mental health which presented me the opportunity to explore a new side of human nature triggered the plot in my mind, and thus, my book was born.

How often do you update? When was it last updated?

My last update was last night and I try to update at least every week if not more.

How long are your chapters? Do you think short or long chapters are better?

My shortest chapter is two pages and the longest being seven. I think chapter lengths depend on the mood of the book. Some stories need short quirky updates whilst others need longer ones to draw you into the heart of the plot. At the end of the day, it's personal choice!

Are you proud of how well your book has done? Are you happy with the amount of reads it has?

I began Mere Existence in May 2014 and hell yes, I have achieved so much in a short period of time. Yes I may not have hit 1000 votes on it yet and the readers may be declining, but you know what, it doesn't matter since what readers I do have left respond amazingly to it. I haven't forgotten how many times the dedicated readers I have, have helped me hit the Mystery|Thriller list many, many times. One day, I am determined for us to hit above #100, but that's another story.

Do you have any advice for new author?

Being unnoticed sucks, we all know that. However if you are actually writing to share your passion, be proud. Writing for fame won't give you the same pride as writing for love does. If you get fame - that's a bonus.

P.S I have set up a website for unnoticed authors to promote their books. Only rule: you have to support the writers on the website already - what you give is what you get #spreadthelove

Link: http://4evadatrueme.wix.com/dreamsrwishes

I set this up to hopefully motivate more writers to blossom their petals.

P.S I would love to thank AliceNotti for this generous and thoughtful book, as well as for allowing me to be interview.

Stay forever awesome~


This author's book is amazing. I have not actually read The Book Thief, but the narrative in their book is amazing and really cleverly done. The storyline itself is great and I have very little to say in the way of criticism. Please go and check them out, I really do recommend them!!

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