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How did you discover Wattpad?

Well, I have a very close friend who practically begged me to join, and so in March of 2014, I joined!

How long have you had Wattpad, and how often do you use it?

Like I said before, I made an account for Wattpad March of 2014, but it was only on the IOS mobile app. I didn't write books or anything until much later, so I basically only read on here. I typically tried to read once every other day or so. Now I use both the mobile app and website, plus I'm actually writing, so I must admit I check multiple times a day.

Is there a meaning behind your username?

My user name is simply Toucan1022, nothing too simple. Basically, I just like toucans and my birthday is October 22nd, so that's that.

Why did you start writing? What age did you discover your love for it?

I have been writing all of my life. Whether it be little short stories, poems or play, I have always loved writing. It wasn't until two years ago, December 2013, that I found I actually enjoyed writing full on stories. I began having these little daydreams that I would write out, eventually leading to more. Eventually, I posted my first story (which was rubbish so I deleted it from Wattpad) and just seeing it up there was enough motivation to keep writing those chapters.

Who are your favorite authors? What are your favorite books? What is your favorite genre?

I love Suzanne Collins and JK Rowling, along with some mixed in authors as well. On Wattpad, @writerbug44 and @ToastedBagels are great! There are so many books that I adore, but 'Harry Potter' is definitely one of my favorites! And I enjoy the Teen Fiction or adorable Romance novel on Wattpad, but Dystopian books are the bomb too.

Do you want a career in writing?

I'm not sure. I mean, it's not a very promising career, but I do love writing. Perhaps just a good hobby to keep around, but nothing major.

Who supports you the most in your writing?

My friends for sure, online and real-life ones. It's not a surprise I love writing, but my friends just recently found out I actually write books. I was a bit unsure when deciding to let them read it, but they've been nothing but supportive ever since I let them read my stories.


Choose one of your books

What is your book called? What genre is it? What is it about?

My book is called 'A Flawed World.' The genre is Teen Fiction. Basically, it's about a girl [Reed Pascal] who moved to LA because her sister had a shy of becoming famous. Reed has the secret talent of singing, and she's not sure if she wants to bring that talent to the next level while she has the chance. But her decisions are blurred when true issues pop left and right, all revolving around her new life, and her old one.

What inspired you to write it?

Music Channel. Well, I knew I wanted to base it around music, thanks to Music Channel. But the true inspiration is a blur to me; I truly don't remember what sparked the idea.

How often do you update? When was it last updated?

I try to keep the schedule of updating Wednesday and Saturday, but sometimes that doesn't happen, thanks to being locked in prison for seven hours. Wait, I mean school... That and I've been sick lately. But I updated on Saturday, 2 / 14 / 2015

How long are your chapters? Do you think short or long chapters are better?

I always write my stories on document pages first, so they are saved to my computer. I typically try to make my chapter at least nine document pages, but sometimes they are longer than that. I prefer longer chapters because it makes the wait worth it. If an author waiting a few months than updated with a short chapter, I wouldn't be too happy. I don't want my fans to feel that way with me.

Are you proud of how well your book has done? Are you happy with the amount of reads it has?

Of course I am proud of how well it's doing. Of course, every author would like a bit more reads, but I'm content with how it is. One day, I feel like it will have a lot more reads, and I'm just waiting for that day to come.

Do you have any advice for new authors?

Never say 'I can't'. In reality, that's just you telling yourself you don't want to do it, because that's just an excuse you give yourself. Of course you can do it, but you have to dive in head first to start. And once you do start, you just can't start. Though you may have a few reads, those people are counting on you. If you keep telling yourself 'I can't,' you are not only letting them down, but yourself down as well. So never give up and always try new things, it honestly can surprise you. :-)

I really enjoyed this author's book. I thought that it was really well written, and although it could be considered slightly cliche, it had a fantastic plot. I recommend it to fans of Teen-Fic, as it is a great book!

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