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How did you discover Wattpad?

Internet- Basically touring book sites then it pop up on me

How long have you had Wattpad, and how often do you use it?

I had since April 14th, 2014, I'm addicted to it like second everyday it's all my gossip world for books.

Is there a meaning behind your username?

Yes NazMel258: NazMel is nickname I thought sound unique and cool like an anime character anyways 258 aremy lucky numbers

Why did you start writing? What age did you discover your love for it?

In high school cause of my literature class my teacher gave a lot of unique topics to write about it seem very interesting, exciting. I think at the age of 16.

Who are you favourite authors? What are your favourite books? (Books on Wattpad count too!) What is your favourite genre?

Favourite authors: Gilbert Morris, (Myself ha, ha kidding) and Lori Copeland

Favorites Books: Wall of Fire, The peacemaker (Men of saddles) for wattpad there's no many: Fanzone I Calum Hood 5SOS, The Bad boy's Girl, The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me, Stupid Cupid and The Good Girl's Bad Boys: The Good, The Bad and The Bullied.

Favourite Genre: comedy, teen-love, smut, romance, highschool-collegelife,action, adventure, fantasy

Do you want a career in writing?

I'm not to sure about that but it might be fun to express my imagination to the public readers, maybe yes I guess

Who supports you the most in your writing?

God, my family and close friends


Choose one of your books:

What is your book called: "Wanting A Smile (Series #1!!!)"

What genre is it: Humor, Romance, Adventure, Random, teenfiction, badboys, good-badgirls

What is it about (2/3 lines): Between two strangers, best friends and some random stuff, I think you know how teenagers have fun, I guess right (A hold new wild adventure)

What inspired you to write it?

fictional romance novels, movies of all kind, anime, music (music videos) / food-I don't know why but chocolate helps me think lol

How often do you update? When was it last updated?

Mostly every three weeks, the last time I updated was yesterday afternoon.

How long are your chapters? Do you think short or long chapters are better?

Rather long chapters like 5 pages, cause it feels comfortable when you read it plus the book takes time to finish unlike others that finish quick and you keep wish it had more pages or chapters to read.

Are you proud of how well your book has done? Are you happy with the amount of reads it has?

Since it's my first teen novel I'm very glad with the response although I might not get 100+ reads am thankful that I have great readers and followers that enjoy commenting and voting my book/ should I say books.

Do you have any advice for new authors?

Mmm.......if you have an idea always make sure you right it done in your journal in case someone hacks your smart phone, I-pad or laptop and the software crashes and all your work is gone remember to always right down in a note book.

Oh yeah if you experience writers block, don't force yourself sleep on it or maybe watch a movie, anime, play video games or listen music to set your mind free then get back try your best to pick up where left off.

This writer is awesome. Not only does she love similar books to me, she joined on my birthday (14th April)! Oh, and she reads 5SOS fanifc, which makes her totally cool. 

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