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How did you discover Wattpad?

I was looking around on my app store and downloaded it. I was eleven, so I was stupid and when I couldn't find any of my favorite books I undownloaded it. Then, later in my life I heard somebody mention it in my creative writing club. Now here I am! :)

How long have you had Wattpad, and how often do you use it?

I've had Wattpad for about a year on different accounts. I've only had this one for about 2 months. I use it everyday! I don't update everyday though. Too busy... and lazy! XD

Is there a meaning behind your username?

Kind of. I like to do calligraphy. My homework is done in cursive, which is a lost art. They have stopped teaching it in elementary schools, which is so annoying! Oh, and I'm a girl! Four is my favorite number. I'm not alowed to read Divergent yet, so don't get them mixed up :D

Why did you start writing? What age did you discover your love for it?

When I was in third grade I picked up a book at the library called Sahara Special. (by Esme Raji Codell) It taught me how writing can help you. I had started showing signs of depression in that grade, so that's when I started writing. It did save me from committing suicide once, but that is a loooong story.

Who are your favorite authors? What are your favourite books and genre?

I love J.K Rowling, Rick Riordan, Esme (mentioned above), Sarah Dessen, Wendy Mass, etc. On Wattpad, I love Kimthylove, earlymorning, colourlessness, etc. Books... all books ever except Twilight. I could rant about Twilight all day! I like reading fanfiction, poetry, short stories, and realistic fiction.

Do you want a career in writing?

Yes! I plan to work at a library and a bookstore to support myself while I get my book published. I'm also going to sing and play flute, piccolo, and guitar on the side.

Who supports you in your writing?

My twin sister Faith, my bae (best friend) Cassidy, my parents, and my language arts teachers.

On How to Let Go:

What is your book called?

How to Let Go :)


Teen Fiction

What is it about?

HTLG is about a girl named Alana who survives a shooting at her school. Her best friend Heavan dies, and many other people. Alana has to learn how to let go. (starts singing Let it Go)

What inspired you to write it?

Umm... my anxiety attacks started when the Sandy Hook school shooting happened, so I kind of know how it feels. This is kind of a way for me to let go too.

How often do you update? When was you last update?

I try to update about twice a week, but lately I've been off my medicine and I'm trying to get my life figured out. And I'm lazy :P Am planning on updating after I answer these!

How long are your chapters?

About medium size I guess. Some are long, some are short. It depends on how much inspiration I have and the support on the story.

Are long or short chapters better?

I prefer reading long chapters, because if I love the book I want to read more! I try to write as long as I feel necessary.

Are you proud of how well your book is doing? Are you happy with the amount of reads it has?

Not really. I only get comments from the friends I tell to read it. Not many people read my story. Self promo right here! :3

Do you have any advice for new authors?

Yes! Regina Sirois (author of On Little Wings - a real life book) told me during a writing camp to delete any words that take away power for your story. Don't use big flowery words if it doesn't add power.

How To Let Go is a good book, with a really well thought out plot. The first few chapters are quite short but very powerful in the way that they portray the emotions of the character. The book is very moving, especially to me as I have never experienced or come close to experiencing anything like it. Check it out!

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