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How did you discover Wattpad?

Once upon a time my television broke in the middle of summer. You see, for a teenager who attracts boredom like Harry Styles attracts female hormones, that's extremely depressive. So I resorted to a fellow friend - Google. Wattpad on the other hand, flashed across my screen because of a random click by a miscarriage of my PMSing WiFi box and a laptop two generation too old.

Basically, I saw Wattpad and thought - eh, why the hell not?

PS - My TV is still broken.

How long have you had Wattpad and how often do you use it?

Well according to Wattpad I 'Joined 10 months ago,' and I am literally on here very single day. But don't tell my mother. If she asks, then I've been studying.

Is there a Meaning behind your username?

Well if you translate it, its two words - beautiful rose, joined by the 'x' in the middle. To me roses signify red, and red universally signifies fire, passion and strength. Beautiful rose therefore represents the beauty of writing is in the fire, passion and strength put into it. That became my pen name - Belle Rosa. Change it a little and my username was born - bellexrosa.

It was so deep that no one understood it and it became pointless. Think I should'a just typed something like foodlover or In-a-relationship-with-pizza.

When did you start writing? What age did you discover your love for it?

I started writing because my English teacher told me to. Then she discovered that I was good at it. So I just kinda went with that theory. As for when it turned from a chore into a hobby, Its been so so so so so so so so long. So long, that I don't even remember. Hehe.

So you see, a very long time ago.

Who are you favorite authors? What are your favorite books? (Books on Wattpad count too!) What is your favorite genre?

Well I admire writers like Jane Austen and Daniel Steel. So one of my all time favorites is Pride & Prejudice, along with many others. On Wattpad, I can't really choose but one that comes to mind is The Black Knight by Megan Lockheart. It completely captures you. I don't really have a favorite genre, be it in reading or writing. I enjoy each, except maybe Fantasy and Spiritual.

Do you want a career in writing?

Just as much as I want pizza everyday for dinner. So like, very very much.

Who supports you most with your writing?

My friends, and my mother. They read something I write and look at me like I'm the wisest person in the world. That's very rare. I love that look.


Choose one of you books:

What is your book called? What genre is it? What is it about?

Its called Because of Morté. Even I haven't quite decided the genre yet, its a little bit of everything. Mystery Thriller, Romance, Adventure and Humor mainly.

Abella Fosters has no recollection of how she was murdered, but within her afterlife she's hell bent on finding out the truth despite what the cops have to say. Rider Morté is a supernatural creature with daddy issues and somewhat of an acquaintance, both have something the other wants.

Basically, its the meeting of a dead girl to the god of death, in the midst of lies, romance, sarcasm and an unidentified serial killer.

What inspired you to write it?

To put it simply : The Percy Jackson series, a Spanish movie, an overpowering sugar rush and a very sexy picture of Sean O'Pry.

How often do you update? When was it last updated?

I abandoned it for a while some time back and for that I am shameful. I am now rewriting, and since my exams just got over I'll be much more dedicated. I've already rewritten the first four chapters and the prologue, and will be uploading more this week. I only updated last a few hours ago.

With the right motivation, I work well. My motivation : appreciation, vacation and pizza (in case you didn't notice I quite like pizza)

How long are your chapters? Do you think short or long chapters are better?

Well the new version chapters are pretty long. About 3,500 to 4,500 words to be appropriate. (5-6 Wattpad pages) And that takes a crap load of typing skills.

I personally prefer longer chapters. Though they're more consuming to write, it gives the readers something too look forward to. Its not nice to wait much for updates that just give you two pages and either less events, or are too rushed.

Are you proud of how well your book has done? Are you happy with the amount of reads it has?

Umm, I suppose so. I do appreciate every single one of my readers, I really do. But you see, I'm a greedy bítch. I want more.

...I'm not thankless or anything though. You know, its like holidays. You can get a month off and then you'd ask for another day off. Its not that you don't appreciate the blissful month, its just that - the more, the better.

Do you have any advice for new authors?

Honestly, my advice is don't take advice from me.

This author has done pretty well, with all of her books having a few thousand reads. Her writing is fantastic, despite a few spelling mistakes. I like it.

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