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How did you discover Wattpad?

I discovered wattpad looking for a good writing app on the App Store.

How long have you had Wattpad, and how often do you use it?

I have had wattpad for almost a year

Is there a meaning behind your username?

I had to creat a pen name when I got adopted so my choice was sky fisher (I can use my real name now) but I decided to keep the username as sky9899

Why did you start writing? What age did you discover your love for it?

I started writing when I was in elementary school but my teachers thought my stories were insane and discouraged me from writing anything that wasn't real. So I kind of gave up for a while. When I became homeschooled I had journals and journals of stories

Who are you favourite authors? What are your favourite books? (Books on Wattpad count too!) What is your favourite genre?

My favorite books (to list a few) are probably the Bible, The chronicles of Narnia, The Maze Runner, I Am David, Divergent, and The Hunger Games. My favorite Wattpad authors are @JAYA1014 @0Astrior0. It's a tie between fantasy adventure and mystery on genre

Do you want a career in writing?

I definitely want a career with writing. I am an apprentice falconer to so I'm hoping to do something with that and my writing.

Who supports you the most in your writing?

My friends, my parents, and my sister

_________________________ Choose one of your books: What is your book called? What genre is it? What is it about (2/3 lines)?
Welcome to My World. Fantasy.

Ari is a bullied orphan who never expected to have friends a family or even a future. But when she gets adopted by a millionaire widow everything changes. On the way to her new home Ari opens a portal to another world that desperately needs her help hopefully before she disappears forever.

What inspired you to write it?

I had a dream about it one night and I kept having the same dream all that week (this was in elementary) so I started writing it and asked my writing teacher to read it (she thought it was terrible) and when I turned 14 I had a dream about it again and decided to write it even if people thought I was insane

How often do you update? When was it last updated?

I used to try and update every week but I'm looking at publishing soon so I've stopped writing it on wattpad but my other book Of Monsters and Men I've been trying to update everyday

How long are your chapters? Do you think short or long chapters are better?

I like medium sized chapters. They aren't so long that if your reading at night you fall asleep in the middle of a chapter but they aren't to short either. I try to do 3-4 pages

Are you proud of how well your book has done? Are you happy with the amount of reads it has?

I really am proud of my book because I didn't think anyone was going to read it. Same with the amount of reads.

Do you have any advice for new authors?

And even if you thinks story isn't that good right now write it down because you may use it later

This author's book had a great and very creative storyline. However, the chapters were not that long, but I did enjoy the story. Check them out!

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