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How did you discover Wattpad?

I found Wattpad through a coworker who told me if I liked to write I should check it out.

How long have you had Wattpad, and how often do you use it?

I joined Wattpad in November of 2013. I'm pretty much online at least once every day. Sometimes it's just me popping on to see if I have messages or if those little numbers have moved at all. Other times I'm prowling through the threads talking to people, looking for new stories (though I have too many to read as it is), or just reading.

Is there a meaning behind your username?

... Yes, there is a meaning behind it. However, it isn't a meaning I'm willingly to share publicly.

Why did you start writing? What age did you discover your love for it?

I started writing because I had to get the stories out of my head and down on paper. I wrote because it was fun, it gave a new meaning to adventure. I wrote because I loved it and it was an escape from this world we call reality. Plus, if I didn't get the stories down, the voices inside my head were going to keep bugging me and bothering me until I did. They're very persistent, my characters are. As for the age I discovered my love for it... I was young. Very young, probably about 6. I don't remember my exact age. It was around that age that my friend and I tried to write a book titled 'Money From Mars'. Looking back now, I have no idea where we were headed with that title.

Who are your favorite authors?

Oh Hell, I can't name just a few, there's too many to count. To name a few of my favorite authors though: J. K. Rowling, Cassandra Clare, Kami Garcia, Andrea Cremer, Richelle Mead, and R. L. LaFevers. Believe me there are more though.

6) What are you favorite books? (Books on Wattpad count too!)

Again, too many to count. To name a few once more: The Mortal Instruments series, His Fair Assassin series, Nightshade trilogy, Beautiful Creatures series, and The Darkest Minds series. Books other than series that I loved though would be 1984, Tuesdays With Morrie, and The Kite Runner.

Do you want a career in writing?

I don't know about my whole career being about writing, but I definitely want to become a published author. If I'm never able to find an agency to publish me I plant to self publish. I never plan to stop writing though, but I believe it will be more of a side career next to whatever I choose to do in life.

Who supports you most in your writing?

Ahh, there's really 3 people that support me the most. There's my dad of course. He always takes time out of his busy work schedule to read what I write on here, he even made his own account just so he could keep up with what I write on here, and asks me what I'm working on. (What made it even more meaningful, he surprised me and didn't tell me it was him right away.) Then I also have two really good friends that always encourage me to keep writing. One of them is writer addict as well that helped me to make goals and reach them. And the other has been a best friend my whole life who always gets excited with me when I post something new that she always reads. All three of them support me like no other.


What is your book called?

I guess I have to choose just one, don't I? I'll go with Rivers of Black.

What genre is it?

It's mainly a paranormal short story, but it can also fall under the category of non-fiction because it is based of a true story in a way. I suppose it could also be considered a self help based on what it's about.

What is it about? (2-3 lines)

It's about a girl who believes her only way out of a depressed life is through taking her own life. It follows her to her decision on committing the act to then something that changes her decision at the last possible moment. It's about hope.

What inspired you to write it?

My inspiration to this story came from a personal experience of mine. Now, I'm not going to give details on that (you'll get some of those if you read the story) but it's a very powerful story. One day it started out as just a prompt titled 'hands' and my mind just somehow took it down this road. I felt like I just had to get it out there for others who struggle with this kind of issue.

How often do you update? When was it last updated?

Updating in general? I don't update as often as I wish I would. I have a busy schedule so writing is sometimes hard to do. Plus I'm very picky on what I write. If it doesn't sound good or flow good or it isn't edited, I won't post something new until I'm satisfied with it. And it doesn't help that my mind jumps from one story to another without finishing the first one first. As for when Rivers of Black was last updated. It is completed already, and I believe it was completed in March of 2014.

How long are you chapters? Do you think short or long chapters are better?

The chapters in this story aren't very long being as the whole story itself is about 15-20 pages on a word doc. In my opinion, either or is the better choice. Some chapters have to be long based on the plot or scene and others can be short. I'm more of a fan of chapters that are medium in length. Not too short, but not too long either. Short ones make it seem like you don't know what to write to make it longer, and long ones make it seem like the chapter is dragging on. But again, I believe the chapter length depends on the scene and plot of the story.

Are you proud of how well your book has done? Are you happy with the amount of reads it has?

Honestly, this story of mine hasn't done too well. And maybe that's because of the nature of it and the topic it revolves around. Or maybe it's because it could use a bit of re-write. I don't know for sure. I am proud of how it turned out and the meaning behind it, I just wish it had more reads. I'm not happy with the amount of reads it has, I wish it had more. I wish it was being viewed more so others wouldn't feel so alone if they are facing an issue such as the one I depict in the book. It's really an all too common problem in today's day and age that no one addresses or pays any attention to. But it should be paid attention to. I just wish more people would see this and read it. In the end it could mean a difference between a life saved, and a life lost.

Do you have any advice for new authors?

Yes, I do. My best advice to all you aspiring writers out there: Keep writing, and never stop. There is no limit to how far you can go in writing. And don't let the opinions of others or criticism of others bring you down. Just keep writing. Because in the end all that matters is how writing made you feel. It is not about the fame that may, or may not, come with it. As my motto quote goes: "I write to be a part of something. A world made up of words and ideas that are sometimes painfully criticized, gratefully loved, and can NEVER be destroyed." Write because you want to, because it makes you happy, and don't stop, regardless of what everyone else thinks. That is the only advice I can offer.

I like this author. She writes subjects that most people are scared to think about, subjects that we can relate to more than we think. Her book 'Rivers of Black' left me speechless and I really hope some of you check her out purely to read more realistic books. We may drown ourselves in fiction to hide away from reality, but maybe we just need to face it.

Sorry for going so deep on you, please just go and check her out.

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