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How did you discover Wattpad?

I discovered Wattpad from a person I was friends with in class in high school. She was an author like me, and when she saw I was writing stories one day, she told me about this writing site she had just found that she loved. That was Wattpad, and that was the beginning of my love for Wattpad.

How long have you had Wattpad, and how often do you use it?

Well technically I've had a Wattpad account for 2 years, but I got tired of my old account so I deleted all my stories from my old account and created a new one to start over. I've only had my new account for 22 days.

Is there a meaning behind your username?

Yes there is! Well, at least to me. My username is a combination of two names I really enjoy. Ever since the first time I found out the story of the Grand Duchess Anastasia and her family, I have been in love with the name Anastasia and in love with Imperial Russia's history. Then Mikaelson is the last name of The Original family on The Vampire Diaries, and on the show The Originals, and it just has a certain ring to it that I love, so I made it part of my username.

Why did you start writing? What age did you discover your love for it?

To be honest I don't really know, I've been writing for as long as I can remember. It was just something I did to help me express my feelings in a way that was easier than talking. Although, I didn't start writing stories seriously and really found a love for it until I was 13. There's just something magical about writing to me, like it has the power to make everything in your life not be so bad for a little while.

Who are you favorite authors? What are your favorite books? (Books on Wattpad count too!) What is your favorite genre?

I have a lot of favorite author, but I'll only name a few: John Green, Rainbow Rowell, Veronica Roth, Rick Riordan.

Do you want a career in writing?

No, I actually want to become a doctor. I do however want to publish at least one or two books of mine sometime in my life.

Who supports you the most in your writing?

Honestly, I do. I mean, I have friends that support me as well, but I really rely on myself when it comes to my stories.

Choose one of your books:

What is your book called? What genre is it? What is it about (2/3 lines)?

My book is called Taken by the Vikings. It's a historical Fiction novel, and it's about twin sisters, Caroline and Elizabeth, as they are taken from their home by Vikings and takes you on the journey of their lives after that happens. (If I told you anymore it would ruin the story!)

What inspired you to write it?

A few months ago, I started watching this show called 'Vikings' on the history channel. I got really connected to the characters, their culture, and the storyline. When the 2nd season ended I wanted more, because I had started falling in love with anything to do with Vikings, they were really interesting people. So I did what any writer that wants something to happen or wants more on that subject, I wrote a story about the subject. My story was about my own version and take on how the Vikings were.

How often do you update? When was it last updated?

I update the story every Friday! The last time I updated the story was last Friday 2/27/2015.

How long are your chapters? Do you think short or long chapters are better?

My chapters for this story are usually around 6 pages long. I tend to like both, it all depends which fits the story more. Take for example my stories, most of the chapters for my stories are 2-3 pages long on Wattpad, but for Taken by the Vikings my chapters are always 5-6 Wattpad pages long. It's strange.

Are you proud of how well your book has done? Are you happy with the amount of reads it has?

I am extremely proud! In only two weeks it went from no reads to over 1K! That's a great success in my book. I'm also extremely happy with the reads it currently has, it almost has 1.5K reads and I'm so excited to see the day when it does!

Do you have any advice for new authors?

I have a ton of advice for new authors, and I would love to share all of it, but that's be a book in itself so I'll stick to a very important piece of advice I learned on Wattpad when I first joined.

"Never write for anyone else, write for yourself. The reads will always come later, but make sure that you're writing the story because you enjoy it and want to write it, not just because you want reads and want to be famous." ~Meagan ( @Anastasia_Mikaelson )

I also want to say that if any of you new writers need more advice about your stories or even just about life here on Wattpad and in real life, you can always PM me and I'd be glad to talk to you and share my little bit of wisdom I have gained from life these past 17 years I've been alive.

This author's books are absolutely amazing. I love historical fiction, and thought that the books which she writes captures the pure essence of what that style of book should be. Honestly, I think they are faultless, and only wish she will update more!

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