The Water Park

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After a very disappointing end to the day the group went to sleep in the over night rooms at the science centre.

Since the building was already so secure they were happy that no one had to stay up and take watch because they could lock their doors behind them. Quinn of course still didn't sleep well.. just in case.

She couldn't help but wonder what had happened to patient Y, had she got better?

Patient X was a male and Y was a female so did that mean the treatment only worked on females? If so did that mean the male species was doomed to walk to world in zombie form forever?

It didn't matter what happened to patient Y though because the group were just a bunch of kids. It's not like they could carry out scientific experiments and turn the adults back to human. They wouldn't have a clue where to start.

The group all had warm porridge for breakfast with a big dollop of jam, with a nice cup of tea. It made a change from beans and eggs.

"What do you think will happen in a few months?" Sasha asked over breakfast.

"What do you mean?" Bruce frowned.

"Well everything has an expiration date, we can't eat milk and bread anymore.. but we can still eat wraps and long life milk. But sooner or later they will expire too and then what do we do?" Sasha looked perplexed.

"Well I mean... hopefully the adults will be okay before we have to deal with that happening." Aubree tried to reassure her.

"Yeah and if not we can start our own farm and grow fruit and vegetables, milk our own cows and keep chickens for their eggs." Lilah smiled.

"Ohh and make roast chicken." Leather said licking his lips.

"No way!" Lilah exclaimed. "You will not be eating Borris and Bert."

The group began to giggle. "Oh babes you've named the chickens already?" Quinn laughed.

"Maybe." Lilah pouted and finished her breakfast.

The group washed themselves up and set off on the road again. It was only a matter of time now before they arrived at Weston and they couldn't afford any more distractions. This mission was important.

No more distractions that was, until Sasha saw a sigh for a water park.

"Oh my gosh a water park!!" She squealed. "Can we go, can we? Please please please!!" She begged the group.

"Please can we?" Lilah joined in the begged.

Leather looked at Lexi and smirked while holding her hand. "What do you think? Shall we let the kids go check it out?" He asked her.

Lexi smirked. "The kids? I want to check it out."

The all ran off towards the water park.

"Guys." Quinn shouted after them. "You realise that water will be stagnant by now, dirty and mossy. You don't wanna get in that you will get sick and we can't afford to be off the road while you all recover." She was being reasonable.

"We can just look.." Bruce shrugged so Quinn agreed.

Bruce, Leather and Lexi headed inside to take care of the mumblers that might be in there and Quinn, Aubree, Sasha and Lilah waited outside for them.

After a good 30 minutes Leather came to the door. "You're not going to believe this." He was grinning big.

"What?!" Quinn, Aubree, Sasha and Lilah asked all at once.

"Come on." Leather chuckled and went back inside.

The girls followed and were greeted by Bruce holding bathing suits.

"Hello and welcome to Bruce's fun time water park, please enjoy your stay." Bruce said with a grin as he handed out bathing suits.

Then Lexi spoke. "No diving in the shallow ends, please no skinny dipping there are children present. Be respectful of other swimmers at all times but most of all have fun." She giggled.

"And no shitting or pissing in the pools, that blue dye thing isn't bullshit. Trust me." Leather laughed. He knew from a previous experience.

The girls all looked around, there were lights on and they could smell the chlorine. "How?" Sasha asked looking amazed.

"Back up generator kicked in and kept everything in perfect condition." Leather shrugged.

"We've cleared the mumblers out but remain cautious, the doors are all locked but we don't know what we may have missed." Bruce said as he locked the front door and headed towards the pools.

It was beautiful, there were giant floats, big water slides and small ones, sprinklers and spinners, bats and balls. The group couldn't wait to dive in.

They all went to the changing rooms and took off their business clothes from the medical science centre and changed into bathing suits. Then they all dived into the pools.

The swam laps, they played water polo, the jumped on the floats and went down the slides, did back flips off the diving boards and even got on each other's shoulders and had chicken fights.

Bruce showed off a lot, that wasn't like him. He was always so shy and quiet but as soon as he hit the water he was like a whole other person.

"Can we just stay here forever?" Bruce asked as he floated on his back.

"In your dreams babes." Aubree said with a grin as she kissed him.

"Nah I'm serious Aubs, me and you can stay here and they can carry on with the mission. We need to split from them losers now." Bruce said with a serious look on his face.

Aubree frowned and looked around the group and then back at Bruce.

He then had a huge grin on his face. "I'm kidding! I would never leave them, they're basically family now. They're stuck with us, even when the world is fixed."

Aubree gave out a sigh of relief. "Oh gosh I thought you were serious,
I was about to break up with you."

Bruce's grin grew. "Oh so we're dating officially are we?"

Aubree blushed and bit her lip. "We.. I mean.. I.. well Uhm.." she didn't know what to say, she felt very embarrassed.

"I'm kidding babe. We're already official. Whether you like it or not." Bruce smirked and splashed her.

Quinn got out of the pool and checked the freezers. There were chicken goujons and french fries in there, the back up generator had kept the food frozen and the frier was usable so Quinn wrapped a towel around herself to keep warm and got to work making the whole group a huge portion of hot food.

She set the table with ketchup and bbq sauces, mustard and Mayo, salt and vinegar. She got cans of Coke from the fridge and put them out too. It looked like the perfect family meal. Quinn smiled at her efforts. This was the first time she had felt like part of a real family, and not even just since the outbreak but in forever.

"Dinners ready!!" She shouted to the group as she walked back to the pool room, everyone suddenly realised they were starving and climbed out of the pool wrapping towels around themselves so they could eat.

"This is amazing Quinn!" Aubree exclaimed as she saw the food.

"Oh my gosh We feel like I real family." Lilah grinned even though she missed her brother and sister.

"Corey, Kate, Esmee and Rosily would have loved this.." Sasha said with a sigh and then smiled. "But they're in the best place for them."

"I ain't ever had a meal like this." Leather grinned as he dug into his food.

Everyone had a general chat and a giggle while they ate their food, they never wanted to leave, but they knew it was too good to be true and if they didn't got and try to save the world then no one would and all the kids would be screwed, and would grow into screwed adults that didn't know how to take care of themselves.

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