Fighting with Fire

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Everyone looked at Blake.
He was new to the group and had been shot by Quinn only the day before, could they trust him?

"I don't think so sugar, we got this." Quinn said firmly.

Bruce frowned. "Maybe we should h—"

"Hear him out?" Sasha cut him off finishing Bruce's sentence for him. "What the fuck for, so we end up dead?"

"You're lucky we don't have the swear jar." Aubree pointed out, it was almost as if she was oblivious to the fact they were moments away from death.

"Well then come up with your own ideas." Blake shrugged as he took a seat.

"Okay.. I'll.. create a diversion." Quinn said to the group.

"No." Leather snapped.

"I've done it before." Quinn rolled her eyes.

"And got Jack killed in the process. No." Leather was adamant.

"Actually you got my brother killed!" Lilah said to Leather angrily.

"Well if smart ass here" Leather pointed to Quinn. "Didn't run into a heard of mumblers I wouldn't have had to go after her!"

"Yeah but you had my ba—" she was about to say baby sister but Lexi quickly cut her off.

"Guys! Arguing about it isn't helping." Lexi sighed. She didn't want Lilah to mention the kids in front of Blake.

"So what do YOU think we should do." Lilah looked at Lexi.

"I think we should head to the back door and run." Lexi said feeling proud of her idea.

"Nope." Blake said rolling his eyes.

"Don't give me your attitude when you're not helping the cause Blake!" Lexi was angry.

"I've offered you an idea." Blake smiled and looked away.

"Back door is swarmed too. We checked." Bruce pointed out.

"Fire exits?" Quinn looked around the shop.

"All padlocked." Leather bit his lip.

The group debated on the best idea, shoot the mumblers and try to break through, jump from a window, try to blend in with the mumblers.

No one knew what would be best.

"Maybe we should see what Blake thinks." Aubree looked at the group. No one looked happy.

"Fine." Quinn went over and aimed her gun at Blake, she didn't trust him one bit. "Floor is yours pal, any funny business and I will shoot you in the face, don't test me."

Blake shook his head and looked around the shop before moving Quinn's gun out of his face. "We play with fire."

Everyone looked confused.

"Well done Blake. This is a prime example of why we didn't want your input." Sasha clapped sarcastically.

"Look guys, you have no other option." Blake got to his feet. "We head to the liquor aisle, start a fire, open the doors, the mumblers will all walk towards the bright shiny stuff, they ain't so smart. Burning mumblers, free teenagers." Blake smirked, proud of his idea.

"Burning teenagers! That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard." Quinn said rolling her eyes.

"No.. it might just work." Leather said as he scoped out the shop. "There's a staff room to the left, you girls go and wait inside it, we will do the rest."

"I don't think so pal, we might have lived in a world where women had less rights but in this world it's an even playing field." Quinn was not being told what to do by a guy. "Sasha, Lilah, Blake, Aubree and Lexi head to the staff room." Quinn pointed to it.

"Why should I? It was my idea."  Blake protested.

"Because you have a dicky leg." Quinn smirked.

"Because of you." Blake pointed out and headed to the staff room, the other girls followed.

"Right, Bruce you're on the main doors, when I shout now, open them." Quinn looked over to Leather. "And you're on the back doors."

The boys headed to their positions and Quinn ran through the shop grabbing cloths and duvets as she headed to the liquor aisle.

Once there Quinn set all the fabrics on the floor and grabbed some vodka bottles, she tipped most of the contents on to the blankets and checked the doors. The boys were in position.

Quinn grabbed a bottle of lighter fluid and stuffed cloths in the empty bottles, dousing the ends in lighter fluid.
After a few minutes she had doused 20 bottles.

She ran to the main doors and handed Bruce 5 bottles and lighter, then to the back doors and handled Leather the same.
"Ready?" She asked. "When you open the doors light up as many as you can, then run to the staff room.

"Ready" Bruce nodded.

"All set." Leather agreed.

"!" Quinn shouted as she set fire to the duvets on the floor.

Within a couple of seconds the fire was raging, the doors flew open and Leather and Bruce began to pelt flaming bottles at the mumblers. The bottles shattered and set the mumbler alight.

Quinn ran to the staff room doors and watched everything unfold, she hoped this plan would work or they would surely be dead within a few minutes.

She pulled open the doors and headed inside. "Aubree, Lexi, grab a couple of bottles." She said once in the room.
"As soon as we get out of the door pelt them at cars, hopefully it will create a diversion so we don't get followed."

"Impressive..." Blake looked at Quinn, he was very surprised by her smarts.

Lexi and Aubree grabbed a couple of bottles.
Lilah smashed the vending machine open.

Everyone looked at Lilah.
"Dude shush! We're under attack remember!" Sasha scolded her.

"We need to eat." Lilah rolled her eyes and began to fill her bag with the snacks. Sasha decided it was a good point and ran over and filled hers too.

Leather burst into the room and looked at the group. "The front door is clear, come on let's go!" He shouted.

"Where's Bruce?!" Aubree was worried.

"He's fine come on!" Leather grabbed Aubrees hand and ran for the main door, even if Aubree wasn't interested he still wanted to keep her safe.

Quinn waited for everyone to leave the staff room and she headed out last, as she headed for the staff room door a mumbler blocked her way. She knew this was it.

Before she knew it, Blake whacked the mumblers with his cane and looked at Quinn "come on! Let's get out of here!" He was very panicked.

"Oh babes I'm glad I kept you around." Quinn said as she ran after him.

The group managed to get out of the store and Lexi, Aubree and Quinn began to throw bottle bombs at cars, causing a distraction so they could escape the rest of the mumblers.

Once they had been running for a good 15 minutes Quinn ran into a house and waited for the whole group to get in before slamming the door shut.

Everyone was silent as they tried to catch their breath and come to terms with what had just happened.
Everyone that was, except Lilah.

"Oh my god... oh my god.. we just.. that was.. we almost.." Lilah didn't know what to say.

"We just took on hundreds of mumblers and lived to talk about it..." Leather helped her get to point.

The group all began giggling, they were very proud of themselves.

Maybe they did have what it took to find Savannah's coordinates.
What they would find there on the other hand was yet to be seen..

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