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Quinn woke up earlier than the rest of the group. It was only 5:45 but she was always an early riser.

She hid her Teddy back in her bag and headed to the door, Leather was sat chilling, reading Wuthering heights.

"I didn't know you could read babes." Quinn said with a giggle making Leather jump.

"Fuck of savage, everyone can read." Leather replied. "I thought everyone was still sleeping.

Leather had only been on watch since 4am but he looked exhausted. "Go back to bed. I've got this." Quinn rolled her eyes at him.

"You got it gaffer." Leather smirked and got out of his seat and headed back to bed.

Quinn watched him leave and then sighed as she took a seat, he was wrong. Not everyone could read.

Quinn, of course, could read. But that was because she was strong willed and taught herself. If it was down to her parents she never would have learned.

She headed to the kitchen and made herself a vodka and coke then walked out of the apartment and took a seat on the steps while she lit a smoke.

Quinn couldn't help but feel very bad about lying to her new friends, but if they had known the truth they never would have trusted her.

Quinn was the daughter of Kobe Harrows. This would mean nothing in the world as they knew it, but in the old world it meant a lot.

Kobe was a notorious drug dealer. The biggest in Miami and maybe even all of America.
Quinn hated who her father was, she grew up in a world worse than what they were in now.

All through Quinn's childhood she was in and out of the care system, her parents couldn't look after her.
When she was 8 she ended up permanently in her mother and fathers care, Kobe pulled some strings to get the social off their back and Quinn no longer had protection.

Her mother, Aria, was a hard core drug addict. Quinn didn't remember a time her mother wasn't off her face on drugs.

Kiera cared for Quinn most of her life, but being 5 years older Kiera wanted to leave and have her own life by the time Quinn was 11.

Quinn had begged Keira to take her too, but Kiera didn't want to. Quinn didn't blame her, Kiera had a shitty childhood too, she just wanted to start over on her own.

That was when Quinn became her own parent, she taught herself to cook and clean and take care of herself in a way no 11 year old should have to, of course school was off the cards. Her father needed her home to take care of drug deliveries.

When she was only 13 years of age she witnessed her father pull the trigger on her mother.
Aria had stole Kobe's drugs and tried to run away with a new boyfriend.

Kobe found out where Aria was of course and took Quinn to the squat. Quinn watched helplessly as her mother was killed by her father, shot straight in the head and dying instantly.

Kobe didn't think that was enough though and decided Quinn needed to learn the family trade, so he placed a shot gun in her hands and told her to shoot her mothers new boyfriend.

Quinn cried and cried, she begged her dad not to make her do it but her dad didn't care.
Quinn wiped her tears away, looked at her mothers boyfriend, aimed the shot gun and pulled the trigger..

The force from the shot sent Quinn flying backwards and she landed on her butt, tears pouring down her face. That was the day her innocence left her for good.

From that day on she would be Kobe's right hand man.
Quinn was the secret weapon. Every time Kobe got himself into a spot of bother, Quinn would save the day.
Her nickname became Savage because she killed with no mercy.

I mean, no one would except a teenager crying in the corner to have her own gun and know how to use it right?

So by the time Quinn was 16 she already had 20 kills under her belt, this new world was child's play to her.

Quinn didn't want to be a drug dealer or anything like her father, so one day when he dad came home she was waiting for him.
She waited in the basement where Kobe kept all his supplies.

He arrived home and called her name, she shouted that she was in the basement and he began to walk down the stairs.
As soon as she saw it Quinn shot Kobe straight in the face without feeling a single bit of remorse. She actually felt like she was free, that she was out of his grip.

That was a week before the world went crazy, she didn't tell anyone what she had done of course.
She didn't know how to.

Quinn left her fathers body in the basement and carried on with her life, she knew it was only a matter of time before she got caught and charged for murder but she was ready.

Then came the end of the world. She was woken early one morning by Kiera banging on her door.

She opened the door and Kiera ran inside. "Something is happening out there. I don't know what but the whole world is going wrong." Kiera said with panic in her voice.

"Oh." Quinn said and carried on making her eggs. The world had always been wrong in her eyes.

"Where is dad?" Kiera asked looked confused.

"I dunno, he went out." Quinn shrugged off the question.

After Quinn had made breakfast she looked at Kiera who was still ranting about people turning into something else.
Quinn noticed Kiera had blood coming from her mouth as she spoke, she didn't know what was going on and that was the first time since she was 11 and shot her mothers lover that she actually felt a sense of fear.

Within minutes Kiera had turned into something else completely. Her eyes were a blood red, her skin looked cracked and different.
Kiera couldn't even put a sentence together at this point.

Kiera got out of her seat and ran towards Quinn, Quinn grabbed the hand gun from her pocket and shot Kiera killing her instantly.

Quinn broke down in tears. Kiera was like a mother to her and she never wanted it to end this way, but Kiera wasn't herself anymore. She was someone else.

"What you doing?" Sashas voice brought Quinn back to reality.

"Having a smoke and keeping an eye on this place. What's it look like I'm doing." Quinn said rolling her eyes, glad to be out of her own head.

She was glad Sasha had turned up when she did, she hated thinking about Aria, Kobe and Kiera.

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