The Storm.

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After walking for what felt like ever, Sasha noticed a college.

"How about we stay here?" She asked the group, looking at Quinn for approval.

"It's a bit big, we don't know what's in there." Quinn said unsure it was a good place to stay.

"Well.. we haven't found anywhere else yet and my legs hurt." Aleah said in a pissed tone.

"Drama is right." Lexi sighed not wanting to agree with Aleah. "We need to rest."

It had started to rain, the group were cold and wet and the sky was darkening fast.

"Whatever is best for the group." Quinn said with a smile. She wanted to protect her group.

Leather and Bruce headed for the doors, then went inside and secured the left wing of the building, they didn't have time to make sure the whole building was mumbler free, just the left wing dorms would be enough.

Leather found a room for Blake, it was between his room and Bruce's room. The boys took him inside and locked him in.

"Heal up here pal. We can't let you just wonder around with the girls, we don't know anything about you." Bruce said through the door.

"We will bring you food and a drink when we find something." Leather shouted.

Once everyone had picked a room Sasha and Aleah headed out to find the kitchens.

"You don't like me much do you." Aleah asked as they walked.

"I don't like anyone, don't take it personally." Sasha rolled her eyes.

"I just want to fit in with the group but I feel like that's never gonna happen, I even got nicknamed drama." Aleah said sounding very frustrated.

"Well you are a lot of drama." Sasha laughed. "You turn up pregnant at 16 and demanding everyone tiptoe around you. That's not how it works here. You should have just stayed at the facility."

Aleah sighed and opened the doors to the kitchen "well I was—" she started but got attacked by a mumbler.

Sasha grabbed the mumbler pulling it off Aleah and gave it a quick jab to the head with a blade.

"That was close." Aleah said looking scared.

"Yeah. You're welcome!" Sasha said sarcastically and headed inside to look for food.

They heard a loud grumble and Aleah jumped a mile. "There's another one on here!"

Sasha rolled her eyes and looked up the ceiling. "It was thunder numb nut."

A loud crash of thunder rumbled again this time followed by a bright streak of lightening.
The girls grabbed microwave meals from the freezer and headed back to the dorms. Some dorm rooms had microwaves in so they would be able to cook them there.

Back in the dorms Quinn lit a smoke and sat watching the storm.

"It's going to flood through that ceiling." Leather said startling her.

Quinn looked up the ceiling, it wasn't going to hold out for long. "We just need to last the night Dexter. Then I'll.."

"Stop calling me Dexter, and You will what Quinn! What? We're wondering around with a group of kids depending on you and you don't have a clue what you're doing!" Leather was frustrated by everything.

"What would you do?" Quinn sighed, knowing she was clueless.

"You're the leader Savage, you find a way out of this crazy world." Leather crossed his arms.

"Please babes. I'll just get us all killed and it will be your fault." Quinn looked helpless.

"I would go to the coordinates Savannah left. see if there is anything there that can help us." Leather shook his head.

Sasha came over and handed Leather a microwave meal for Blake, she had cooked it of course.
Leather smiled, thanked Sasha and walked off towards Blake's room.

"I've done you spaghetti." Sasha said to Quinn with a smile.

"Thanks Sass." Quinn thew her smoke away and got up following Sasha back to the other members.

Leather came back with Blake, he decided to let him eat dinner with the rest of the group, it was unfair to keep him isolated when the world was already shit.

A loud crash of thunder sounded and Lexi jumped. "Don't worry girl, I got you." Aubree said to her with a smile. She knew Lexi didn't like storms.

Then lightening flickered, the whole group felt uneasy in the storm, they all wanted their parents, but at least they were safe and inside. Nothing could happen to them.

They had a general conversation about what people did before the world ended. What they studied at school and what they wanted to be when they grew up.

Aleah of course was a rebel in school, she skipped constantly, Quinn and Leather just didn't go at all. Lexi and Aubree were top of the class and Sasha was dyslexic but very clever.

"School is over rated. I learnt everything I need to know from staying home or roughing it on the streets." Bruce shrugged.

"Explains why you're an alcoholic that can't read micro meal instructions then." Sasha said with grin.

The group laughed, Bruce laughed too. He was an easy going guy.
After dinner everyone headed to their rooms to settle down for the night.

Blake was locked in his room, Aubree bunked in with Lexi because of the storm, everyone else took a dorm of their own, besides Bruce, he had agreed to do watch, he wasn't big on sleep.

Quinn sat on her bed and sighed. She didn't know what she was doing as leader of the group or where she was taking them. All the knew was she had to come up with a plan and fast.

"What would you do fluffy?" She said to her Teddy.
As she said that a loud crash of thunder banged and she almost jumped out of her skin.

At that exact moment all the lights went off, Quinn grabbed a flash light from her bag, his Fluffy inside and headed out into the halls.

"Is everyone okay?" She called out. Aubree and Lexi I appeared first, then the whole group gradually made their way into the halls.

"Why do we do now?!" Aleah asked.

"We're all going to die. I just know it." Sasha said grabbing on to Aubree.

"Mate it's just a power cut don't be dramatic." Bruce laughed.

"I'm going to let Blake out, we can't keep him prisoner in the dark." Leather rolled his eyes and went to unlock Blake's room.

Once Leather and Blake were back with the group, they lit a small fire in the middle of the common room and sat in a circle around it.

Quinn got to her feet and looked at Leather. "Right.. I think it's time for a plan of action." She said to the group.

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