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"Matt..." Lexi said as she stood in the middle of the living room.
Ben grabbed her and pinned her to the wall.

Leather ran into the room and tried to wrestle Ben off Lexi. "Get the fuck off my girlfriend!" He shouted.

Matt looked at Leather, then he looked at Lexi. "Stop." He said harshly.

"I'm not going t—" Leather began but Matt cut him off.

"Not you, Ben, get off her." Matt said sternly.

Ben looked confused, he released Lexi and she walked over to Matt and slapped him hard across the face. "This is NOT how you treat people!! Untie them now!" She demanded.

Matt waved his hand at the guys who began to untie Quinn, Aubree, Bruce, Blake, Lilah and Sasha.

"Uhm.. am I missing something babes!" Quinn asked as she looked at Lexi.

"Guys, meet Matt." Lexi said with a sigh. "My twin brother."

Everyone in the room looked at Lexi, then at Matt, then at Lexi again.
No one knew what to say, Quinn's group were completely dumbfounded.
Matt's crew were in shock too.

"Wait.. that's Mike?" Aubree asked, her jaw almost hit the floor.

"It's Matt." Matt scolded her.

"Why you playing real life monopoly Matt!" Lexi asked.

"I got what people need, they pay me for it." Matt said looking proud of himself.

"We live in a world where money isn't important. Why do you even want it." Quinn asked, she was very curious.

"Well because one day the world will go right again, and when it does I'm going to be loaded." Matt said with a grin.

"How do you expect it to go right again? Have you not looked out of the window recently?" Lilah asked.

"Well yeah but we're going to grow into adults aren't we, and when we do we will reestablish some sort of normality in the world. And obviously the rich will be like gods." Matt looked around the group.

Lexi just laughed. "Oh yeah, because there are adults around to teach us how to fly planes and drive cars and fix the fucking wifi." She was still pissed about having in internet. "We are a world of dumb kids with no qualifications, it's never going to go back to the way things were."

"Yeah but.. well.. but.." Matt stuttered.

"Truth hurts doesn't it.  And this time you can't just go tell mom. The world is fucked Matt." Lexi said harshly.

"Well, what do you want Lex. I have things to do." Matt snapped.

"I don't want anything from you. I'm on a mission to save the—" Lexi began but Sasha cut her off.

"Boo burnt the coordinates."

"Oh fuck. Looks like I want a nice meal and somewhere to sleep then. We're done." Lexi sighed.

"You think I would burn them if I didn't have them memorised?" Lilah asked with a grin. "Come on, we have a mission to complete."

"In that case I want some supplies and then I'll be on my way." Lexi said with a grin as she headed upstairs to get supplies.

"Boss are you just gonna let her—" Kallen started.

Matt cut him off. "She's my sister bro, what do you expect me to do?"

"I killed mine for a lot less." Kallen mumbled.

Matt looked around every single person in the room. "I swear to you all right now. I might not like the little shit half of the time but if ANYONE-" he looked directly at Leather. "And I mean anyone, hurts her. I will kill them."

Leather nodded knowing it was aimed at him and the rest of the group shrugged it off.

"But she's taking our supplies for free" Ben said clearly annoyed.

"Like I said she's my sister she can take what she wants." Matt shrugged.

Lexi came back down and headed for the door, she had spent months thinking Matt was dead and couldn't handle an emotional goodbye.

"Can I talk to you.." a voice startled her. It was Blake.

"Sure what's up." She asked turning around.

"Well I appreciate you guys letting me tag along and all but these guys seem more like my kind of people." Blake said with a frown. "I want to stay."

"Okay.." Lexi said feeling disappointed. She wasn't happy about losing another member of group but the new law said you couldn't force people.

She walked back to the living room and looked at Matt. "I want these." She showed him the supplies she had gathered. "And in return you can keep Blake."

Matt looked at Blake who had walked back into the room and nodded slowly.

"We can't just make Blake stay." Aubree protested.

"That's not fair babes." Quinn said rolling her eyes.

"Works for me." Sasha said with a shrug.

"I want to stay, I appreciate you guys but a mission to save the world isn't my thing, I want to be a part of something else." Blake said looking around the group.

Kallen grabbed Blake into a bear hug. "Welcome to the crew bro." He said with a grin then looked at Matt. "Can we keep him.. please?"

Matt looked at Blake and nodded. "You could come in handy. You can stay."

"I'll see you when we head back this way then." Lexi said to her brother with a shrug and left, Leather followed her out.

The rest of the group stayed and said their goodbyes to Blake, they hadn't known him long and he wasn't a huge part of the group but they would still miss him all the same.

"You okay babe?" Leather asked Lexi as he took a seat on the step beside her and lit a smoke.

"I don't know.. I never thought I would..." she trailed off.

"See him again? At least you know he's okay, my parents and my brother are all gone. I'm alone in the world." Leather said with a sigh.

"You're not alone, you have me." Lexi smiled and hugged him.

"That's true. I do have you." Leather grinned and got back up, Lexi got up too.

The rest of the group came out of the house as Lexi was putting the supplies in her bag.

"Right come on guys. We've got 10 miles to walk today, we can find somewhere to rest and then tomorrow we should be in Weston." Quinn informed the group as they all stood outside the house.

"Can't we just get some bikes and ride there?" Sasha asked with a pout. She was fed up of walking.

"Sass that's a—" Quinn was going to tell her it was a bad idea but then she changed her mind. "A really good idea actually."

Sasha grinned, she loved when people liked her ideas. "You don't have to call me Sass anymore, Blake is gone."

"I kinda like the nicknames." Bruce said with a smirk and the rest of the group agreed.

The group set off to the local school and grabbed some push bikes.

"Can everyone ride?" Lilah asked the group, she knew that some people next learnt.

"Oh shit. I didn't think about that." Sasha frowned.

"We're starting a new swear jar for you." Lexi rolled her eyes. The whole group laughed.

Everyone confirmed they knew how to ride a bike so they all climbed on one each and set off on their travels.

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