Leaving all our memories behind

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The beach had been very loud this morning, Lexi looked out the window. there was a few mumblers around today, that was unusal, the mumblers didnt like the beach, they found it hard to walk in the sand.

Aubree came into the kitchen as Lexi  was looking out of the window

Aubree asked "What you doing Lex? "Whos out there?"

Lexi looked back at Aubree. "Oh no one, I was just thinking theres a lot of mumblers around today thats all."

Aubree looked out the window and nodded. "yeah there is.."

Sasha interputed them "Where the fu... hell is my phone!"

Kate followed in behind and laughed "Why do you need a phone Sash? all your friends are probally dead and plus you don't have signal and plus you can't take a decent selfie anyway" Kate teased her sister.

Corey just sat at the table and ignored them, he knew what his sisters were like and didn't wanna be dragged into an argument.

Lexi and Lilah were walking on the beach, Lilah was still pissed at Aubree so Aubree stayed home.

"Shes too bothered with that alcoholic tramp anyway" Lilah said as she kept walking, Perri was home with Jack.

Lexi and Lilah were just trying to take out some of the mumbled on the beach, they knew if the mumblers got loud it would attract more.

Lexi plunged a knife into a mumblers head and smiled "I think we got them all Lilah" Lilah nodded in agrement.

Just before Lilah had a chance to answer she heard quiet mumbling in the distance. "Can you hear that?" she asked Lexi.

Lexi headed off towards the sound, Lilah followed.

They arived at a cave, inside was thousands of mumblers, how had they got there? Was this a trap?
they didn't know what to think, but they knew that the mumblers could get out, several were already heading towards them.

They turned around and ran as fast as they could back to the beach houses, they needed to warn everyone and fast.

While running towards the beach houses Lilah shouted "Group meeting everyone! Right now!"

Leather heard this and went to tell his household. he wondered what was going down.

It was beginning to get dark as they all gathered in Aubree and Lexi's living room for a chat.

Lexi took the floor "Theres mumblers on our beach"

Sasha rolled her eyes "You dragged me downstairs for that? We already know that."

Lilah sighed and looked at sasha, "Not just a couple numb nutt, more like a couple of thousand."

Everyone suddenly looked panicked. Quinn got to her feet "Right babes, it was nice knowing you all but I'm out"

Leather grabbed her and pulled her back to her seat "You ain't going nowhere love, they dont stand a fucking chance without us. look at them they're pathetic" He whispered.

Quinn shook her head knowing he was absolutely right. she couldn't leave them in the lurch. "Well pretty boy is coming with me in case I need a sacrific" She said smirking as she looked at Jack. he gave her the middle finger.

Aubree spoke "Okay dont panic guys, we need to get the kids ready as soon as we can, get enough food and water and leave here now"

Lexi nodded in agreement "Okay lets get on that, Kate could you help Esmee and Rosily please?" Kate agreed and took the kids upstairs, she was terified but she had to put on a brave face for the girls.

Leather told Lilah they couldn't risk taking a pram for Perri, it would slow them down, he would carry her in a baby carrier instead.

Jack was not happy about this idea but Lilah agreed, Leather was the strongest, he was Perri's best chance right now.

After not even 10 minutes everyone was standing at the back door of the bach house ready to leave.

Lexi opened the door, there were about 100 mumblers around, Aubree checked the front, there were a lot more out there, they didnt have a choice, they had to make a break out of the back door.

Quinn looked at Kate, Esmee and Rosily and felt like she had to do something to help "I'll run to my beach house, play loud music to draw them over, then you guys make a break for it."

They all nodded in agreement, Leather stood with Perri against his chest in a baby carrier, she was sleeping, hopefully she wouldnt draw attention to them!

Quinn left, they all prayed this plan would work, it was their only chance.

When they heard loud music playing, the mumblers turned and headed towards it, Aubree and Lexi grabbed Kate, Rosily and Esmee's hands and ran out of the door.

They ran as fast as the kids could go, trying to get to safety, Lilah stayed behind with Leather, she didnt want to be too far for perri.

Jack was with Sasha, she was scared, she wouldn't move.. he was trying so hard to get her to leave the house before she got attacked.

Corey just wondered off after Aubree and Lexi, he didnt have a care in the world.

Suddenly they saw Quinn running towards them, hundreds of mumblers right behind her, Leather didn't think twice, he ran towards her to help.

"No my sister!" Jack screamed as he ran after Leather.

Leather had forgotten all about Perri, but now he was surrounded by mumblers, just him and Quinn and baby Perri, they had no way out.

Jack started banging on the car next to him, screaming "come get me, I'm over here"

slowly the mumbler's turned around, he was trying to distract them away from the others but little did he know, there was a mumbler on the ground underneath him..

The mumbler grabbed on to Jack startling him and took a chunk out of Jack's leg leaving him screaming and bleeding everywhere.

Lilah screamed "NOOO JACK!" at that moment she knew she had lost her brother for good you could see the fear in everyone's eyes.

Lilah froze for a moment watching the mumbler's share Jack like he was a peace of meat, leather quickly snapped her back to reality.

"We've got to go Lilah" everyone was screaming her name but she froze.

"goodbye Jack me and Perri love you endlessly" she sobbed as she watched body parts being passed around the mumblers. She turned and ran away towards the opposite direction.

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