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Quinn took a drag on her smoke and threw it on the floor, "This is ridiculous" she said to herself, "all I did was shoot  a guy and now I'm in charge of finding some girl with a jar of money, so what if pretty boy dies. I'm out. I'm going home."

She took a sip of her vodka and went to turn to walk back home when she noticed a light shining through a window.

Feeling bad about what she did to Jack she decided she would check this out and if it wasn't the girl she would head straight home.

Quinn walked into the block of flats, she could hear a mumbler behind the doors on the ground floor 'not my problem' she thought to herself as she walked straight past and began to climb the stairs.

Once she got to the 8th floor she heard singing, it was really good singing, maybe even a professional.

She grabbed the gun from her back pocket and quietly pushed open the door.
Walking inside she noticed the place was a mess, there were empty coke cans lay all over the floor, bean tins amongst the mess.

She heard the singing coming from the bedroom so walked over and pushed the door open loudly, aiming the gun at the girl who was stood on the bed singing.

Aleah jumped and spun around to look at Quinn "Who the fuck are you, get out of my house before I feed you to the mumbler downstairs." She said in a pissed off tone.

Quinn just laughed and loaded the gun, she looked around the room and saw a jar of money on the side table, filled with hand written notes and a necklace; Leathers name was written on the side, this was the girl.

"I don't like thieves." Quinn said darkly "I've shot people for a lot fucking less, and I don't have time for you." With her finger on the trigger she went to shoot Aleah in the head.

But with a quick glance down she noticed pregnancy tests all over the bed, every test was positive.

Aleah knew this was the end for her; she wasn't so bothered, she was bored and lonely, she had had enough.

"Fuck!" Quinn said frustratedly, knowing she couldn't shoot a pregnant girl. "You got fucking lucky babes, don't ever let me see your face again." She grabbed the jar and turned around leaving the room.

Aleah was very confused, who was this girl and why did she not shoot her?
jumping off the bed Aleah followed Quinn out of the room

"Do you not know who I am? I almost won.." Aleah began but before she could finish Quinn cut her off, walking down the stairs and out the door.

"I couldn't give a fuck what you won. Get out of my sight." She responded, clearly very annoyed by this girl.

Aleah frowned and kept walking "I'll give you a clue.." she then began to sing roar by Katy Perry.

Quinn was now VERY annoyed "I couldn't give a fuck, like I said. Now leave me the fuck alone or I will shoot you." She lit another smoke and kept walking.

"OH, can I have drag?!" Asked Aleah when she saw Quinn spark up.

"I don't think so babes, you're pregnant. And in case you forgot, I hate you" Quinn answers rolling her eyes.

Aleah pouted and kept following Quinn, Quinn tried to ignore her, Aleah was determined and followed her all the way home.

Back at the beach house Quinn walked into Leathers house and straight up the stairs to his bedroom "here's you're fucking jar of shit" she said throwing the jar on the bed "now could you kindly get your thieving little friend out of my face before I shoot her in hers."

Leather frowned at Quinn "Wait, she's here?" He asked intrigued as he climbed out of bed. "What kind of girl would follow a bad ass like you, to the home of a guy she stole from.. this I have to see"

"Go for it babes." Quinn replied, glad to get rid of Aleah she headed next door to see Aubree.

Leather stood in the archway of the front door, looking at Aleah who was sat on the steps singing.

"Oi, what the fuck do you think you're doing here?"  Leathers question startled Aleah and she jumped up, turning to face him.

"Well I was hoping that bitchface would shoot me but no such luck, so I'm just chilling." She said in a cool manner.

Leather grabbed his gun and aimed it at Aleah "you've come to the right place then." He says as he cocked the gun.

Aleah looked at him and smiled. she had had enough; she just wanted it to be over now, she would welcome death happily.

Leather aimed the gun at Aleah's head and smirked "bye bye princess" he pulled the trigger, a loud bang echoed around the beach.

Aleah closes her eyes, she heard the shot, she waited for the impact.. nothing.

She opens her eyes as she heard something fall behind her, a mumbler, leather had shot a mumbler.

She felt a sense of relief. Once faced with it she realised, She didn't really want to die.

"I'm pregnant, with Jay's baby" she said to Leather "I came here to tell him; but I saw him dead on the beach, that bitch next door killed him. So I came here, I took your money, this baby is your family too." Aleah blurted everything out.

Leather was shocked by this news, he already knew Aubree had killed his brother.

Well.. Aubree had killed the mumbling version of his brother. But the news about the baby shocked him.

"I.... I don't want anything to do with that thing." He said coldly; referring to the child, before turning and going back inside closing the door.

Aleah was confused, she took a seat on the steps again and watched the stars.

Leather lay in his bed, his head was a mess. He hated Jay, he lived in his brothers shadow, never got any attention from his mom, not allowed on family holidays, all they cared about was Jay, Leather was the family disappointment.

Aubree and Lexi didn't even know he existed because they only ever saw Jay on holiday, never Leather. 'Mom hated me' thought leather. "Mom! She's still in the bathroom!" He whispered in shock.

Leather got to the bathroom and listened at the door, it was very quiet.. too quiet, he pushed the door open and saw his moms lifeless body on the floor.

He didn't know what to do, he was hurt that someone had killed his mom, but she was dead anyway.. someone had just ended her suffering, the one thing he wasn't strong enough to do. It was a very bittersweet moment..

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