Savannah's Journal.

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Having left the children at home Aubree, Lexi and Sasha set off in search of food.

Corey knew how to handle Esmee and Rosily much better than Kate did, Corey was a very intelligent boy whereas Kate was very immature for her age and more of a play mate for the younger girls, rather than a babysitter, but Aubree was still feeling a little uneasy about the situation.

"I hope Corey is okay with the kids.." She said in a worried tone as they walked through the abandoned city.

Cars had been crashed everywhere, the doors wide open as if the owners left in a hurry.

Sasha looked over at Aubree and frowned, clear sassiness in her voice as she spoke.
"Oh no, how ever will Corey cope?! He's only been looking after the girls for the last three weeks, He ca—"

But before she has time to finish her sentence a mumbler stepped out in front of her and she let out the highest pitched squeal Lexi and Aubree had  ever heard.

Lexi jumped into action and grabbed her hammer from her back pocket, she grabbed the mumbler from behind, pulling it away from Sasha and then proceeded to smack it over the head with the hammer multiple times.

As blood splattered all over the place Aubree stepped back a little and wondered to herself
'how did I end up with such a violent best friend, a swift jab to the head with a pocket knife is cleaner and easier.'

Aubree looked at Sasha who was rocking back and forth slightly as if she was psyching herself up to help Lexi with the mumbler, but she spent too much time hesitating and the fight was over before she could step in.

Sasha looked at Aubree and Lexi who were clearly amused by the way Sasha screamed.
She pouted and continued to walk "I WASN'T SCARED" she called out as Aubree and Lexi begin to follow her again, giggling behind her back, knowing full well she was scared.

The rest of the walk was spent in silence.

As they arrived at wallmart, everywhere seemed like a ghost town.

There were some doors left open and swinging in the wind, other doors padlocked shut, tinned food rolling around the floors.

"Come on girls" said Aubree as they walk into the store.
The shelves were still quite well stocked, besides a few bottles and jars that laid smashed on the floor.

"Where is everyone getting their food from?" exhaled Lexi.

That's where Sasha's sassiness came into play as she said "We're the only ones left" rolling her eyes at Aubree and Lexi.

"Dont be so silly." replied Aubree, herself unsure on if they actually were the only ones left, but not wanting to comment on it. 

As they started to fill their bags with tinned soups and baked beans , Sasha noticed a strange looking book on the floor, it was very tatty and worn.

Across the top read 'Savannah's journal' just below was neat writing the words 'for my darling Lilah' were added.

Lexi looks over at Sasha "what do you have there Sasha?"

Sasha jumped, obviously startled by Lexi "Nothing.. just a shopping list" she replied was a forced laugh.
Still unsure whether to trust Aubree and Lexi, Sasha shoved the journal into her backpack quickly and grabbed what ever food she could.

While there Sasha took a pen and paper from her backpack and wrote a quick note "I have your journal, meet me here tomorrow as at sunset if you want it back, I will be waiting for you" She placed the note on the floor and went back over to Aubree and Lexi.

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