The Chain Of Command.

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The whole group left the facility with their heads down. They hated leaving Lilah, Corey and the little kids behind but they knew life on the road wasn't right for the kids.

Savannah's journal had been a little bit of an eye opener. There were directions on what to do if the children couldn't cope.

It was written as an absolute last resort, but in case of an emergency there were directions to head to coordinates past the other side of Miami and into Weston.

Aubree had written the coordinates down for the group to take with them, the journal of course stayed with Lilah and Perri.

"So what happens now?" Quinn asked lighting a smoke.

"You go away." Aleah said rolling her eyes.

"Oh babes I would be happy to get as far away from you as possible." Quinn smiled sarcastically at Aleah.

Leather shook his head. "That isn't going to happen. We need Quinn, I maybe be a bad ass, and I damn well am. But I can't handle a gun like Quinn can."

Sasha nodded, she was in complete agreement. "Quinn is important to the group, without her we won't last 10 minutes."

"We need to figure out the chain of command then." Aleah stopped walking and looked at the group.

"We don't need anyone to be in charge." Aubree said trying to keep the peace.

"The hell we don't!" Aleah said harshly. "I am not taking orders from little miss sass over there." She looked in Quinn's direction.

Lexi rolled her eyes. "Aleah is right. I don't know about you guys but I vote Quinn as leader."

Leather wasn't happy with this. "No, Lexi, you and Aubree formed this group.. you guys call the shots."

"I agree babes, I don't want to be the leader." Quinn smiled, she didn't want to have to control these kids.

Sasha just shrugged. "I don't mind Quinn being the boss."

Bruce stayed silent.

Aubree sighed and looked around the group. "Lexi and I didn't form the group at all, we stumbled into Sasha and Corey and ended up taking them and the girls home by mistake."

Lexi continued for her friend. "Until that day. We had just been chilling in the beach house and ignoring the rest of the world. Quinn.. how did you end up alone in this world?"

Quinn sighed and took a seat on a huge rock. "I was with my dad, my mom had already died years ago. Dad was a cop and he told me the world was going to go crazy. Not long after, he turned into something else and I had to put a bullet between his eyes. I went to tell my sister Kiera but she had turned the same way too. So I shot her and kind of lived alone ever since." This was a lie but the group didn't have to know that.

Aubree felt bad for everything Quinn had been through. "I think you have the most life experience and you should be the leader. How old are you anyway?"

"19." Quinn said as she looked around the group. They all looked shocked.

"I've not met anyone in this world older that 17." Sasha frowned. "And that's people that turned during the end of the world."

"How did you managed to stay human?" Bruce quizzed.

"I thought I was old." Leather grinned.

"Well how old are you?" Lexi asked Leather looking intrigued.

"18 ma'am, why? You interested?" He said with a wink.

Aubree looked at Leather and then at Quinn. "This is impossible.."

Quinn smirked. "Well I didn't go to school babes but even I know I probably shouldn't still be alive."

Leather laughed. "Yo! Me either! Up top." He grinned and held his hand up. Quinn high-fived him and they laughed.

"So it's agreed. Quinn is the leader from now on?" Sasha asked the group.

Everyone voiced their agreement, except of course Aleah. But again she was out voted.

"Okay my first job as leader is to appoint Lexi and Aubree as my second in command." Quinn grinned.

Everyone agreed that she was right.

"I Uhm.. I know how to fight, I'm a black belt." Bruce spoke up.

"Well then, Dexter and Bruce will be our fighters, and me of course." Quinn laughed. She knew she kicked ass too.

The whole group had a giggle about Leathers real name, he wasn't impressed.

"Sasha. You're small and sneaky, you're gonna be our lock picker, gap squeezer, ninja kind of girl." Quinn looked at Sasha.

Sasha was very happy with this role. "Sounds good to me."

"Well what about me." Aleah pouted.

"You... well you're here too." Quinn rolled her eyes.

Everyone was now familiar with their part in the group, Leather and Bruce took the lead and walked ahead as the fighters, the rest of the group followed closely behind.

Aleah wasn't happy with this at all.
"This is fucking stupid. Does no one know who I am." She said to Sasha.

Sasha just sighed. "Well maybe if you stopped trying to act like something you're not and be a real part of the group you might earn yourself a roll."

Aleah scoffed. "I almost won—"

"you didn't though did you!" Sasha cut her off, she was getting annoyed. "And it doesn't matter what anyone did in the old world, you could have been the queen and no one would give a shit. This in the new world and we all have to earn our places."

Aleah didn't answer, she knew Sasha was right and everyone had to step up and take on a roll in the group.

After walking for a while, Bruce noticed a small apartment on a beach front. "How's this?" He asked the group as he pointed to the apartment.

"It will do for the night, we can decide on the plan tomorrow." Aubree smiled.

Quinn nodded in agreement and everyone headed to apartment.

Sasha took her roll very seriously and got to work picking the locks.

Once inside Leather and Bruce did a check of the apartment to make sure the coast was clear.

It was, so everyone headed inside and settled in for the night.
Bruce agreed to watch the doors for the first 4 hours, then he would trade off with Leather.

Lexi made pot noodles for everyone and found out a DVD to watch, lucky the power grids were still working, everyone hoped the power would stay forever but after already losing the internet it was only a matter of time before electric and hot water vanished too.

The group set up sleeping arrangements in the living room, Quinn and Sasha shared the sofa bed.
Aubree and Lexi shared an air bed on the floor and Leather took the other sofa, he would switch with Bruce at 4am

They all settled down to watch Stephen King's IT, Aleah of course refused to be involved and headed up to the bedroom taking the double bed, no one argued with her.
Until she started acting like a memeber of the group she could chill on her own.

Everyone else was feeling very optimistic, they were glad to have established a pecking order in the group and everyone was happy with their roles.

They were all happy that the little kids and Lilah and Corey would be well taken care of and fed.

They were ready to take on the world.

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