Where Is Jack?

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It had been a whole 24 hours since Jack went off, everyone was worried that the new guy, Leather, had something to do with his disappearance.
where could Jack be?
Was he even still alive?'

Jack woke up in the basement feeling fuzzy, all he remembered was walking down towards Miami beach for a breather, where he was sure he felt a knock to the head.

He moved his head to the side and felt a lump, confirming his fuzzy memory.
no one was there it was just him, his feet and hands had been tied up with cable ties, it was cold and damp and he felt very lonely.

Jack was clueless how he got there and started wondering who brought him there.

Meanwhile on the otherside of Miami, Lilah was questioning Leather on whether he took her brother or possibly even killed him.
Leather didn't like people accusing him of things, especially strangers that came into his home and hadn't got a clue about his backstory.

"Where is Jack!" screamed Lilah at Leather.

"You keep screaming at me like this girl and we're gonna have a problem."
replied Leather in a cool and calm tone.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, both Leather and Lilah's eyes moved in the direction of the knock.

"If you scream I will kill your baby sister." Leather said in a menacing tone.

He held his hand over Lilah's mouth waiting for the person at the door to leave.

Lilah moved his hand and said calmly
"They're not going to stop knocking, they know I'm here and they will hurt you."

Leather just laughed at her "oh I'm scared." He said sarcastically with a smirk.

"Lilah its Aubree, let me in" came a voice from the otherside of the door.

Leather led Lilah downstairs and let her open the door, standing behind it watching her. 

As the door opened Lilah poked her head out  "So sorry Aubree, I slept in, I'm just sorting Perri out and I'll be out with you,.." she said trying to keep calm as Leather was holding her from behind the door and now had a knife to her back.

Aubree got curious because Lilah didn't seem herself, but thought it was just because Jack was missing.

"okay" replied Aubree wearily "I'll check back in a little while." Aubree went back next door.

Lilah shut the door, and quickly ran upstairs towards Perri, slamming the door in Leather's face as he ran behind her.

Leather began banging on the door, shouting "open this door Bitch!"

Lexi and Aubree hear the banging and screaming and ran straight next door to find out what was going on.

they snuck around the back and walked in tip toeing upstairs.
Finally getting to the bedroom Lilah had locked herself in.

"Lilah it's me and Aubree" said Lexi.

"is he still out there?!" Asked Lilah in fear.

Lexi looked at Aubree, confused.
"Is who out here" said Aubree just as confused.  

"Leather?!" screamed Lilah while holding a crying Perri.

Aubree frowned, as she went to turn around for a look a man smacked a hammer over her head knocking her unconscious .

"stop!" screamed Lexi, as she pushed Leather away from Aubree.

Lilah hearing the commotion unlocked the door and came out.

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