The Explanation

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Lilah knew that voice, that face, that smile.. she was stunned into silence for a few minutes. The rest of the group were silent too, they never expected to find a living adult.

Quinn had of course connected the dots but Sasha stood there totally clueless.

Lilah was just froze, she couldn't move as much as she wanted to run over and hug her mother she was stuck to the spot. Tears running down her face.

Savannah jumped up off the bed and pulled Lilah into her arms, hugging her tightly and kissing her head over and over. "Baby, I'm so happy to see you, I thought I would never seen my babies again!" She had tears running down her face too.

Lilah just sobbed, she was so happy to see her mom. The rest of the group were in tears too, it was a very touching moment. Even Leather began to tear up.

"Where's Jack? Where's Perri?" Savannah asked as she looked around the rest of the group trying to locate her other children.

"Perri is fine mom, there's a baby facility in Miami, they have power and child minders and everything Perri needs. I couldn't bring her on the road with me it wasn't safe." Lilah looked at her mom hoping she wouldn't be mad.

Savannah just nodded. "Of course, so she's with Jack?" Savannah said hopefully but a touch of doubt showed in her voice.

Lilah bit her lip. "No.. she's with some friends of ours, Sasha's brother Corey is there with her and Sasha's little sisters, she's not on her own mom I promise."

Savannah frowned and looked around the group again. "Okay baby.. so where is Jack?"

Quinn quickly interrupted "I Uhm.. we should wait outside while you guys talk, come on you lot. We can talk to Savannah after."

The whole group nodded and headed back to wait in the long chamber while Lilah talked to her mom, they knew what was about to go down.

No one heard what Lilah said to Savannah but they all heard that scream, the scream that you hear when a parent gets told their child has passed away, the scream you hear from a woman that didn't get to say goodbye to her baby, the heartbreaking sound that none of the children would ever forget, the whole group stood in silence, tears running down all of their faces.

They could only imagine what Savannah was going through, they had all lost their parents but their parents were walking around as some kind of zombie through something that couldn't be stopped.
Jack was walking around as a happy healthy 12 year old boy, until he met his end, it wasn't fair what had happened to him.

"Do you think our parents would be like that if we died?" Sasha asked with a frown.

Quinn shook her head, she knew her parents wouldn't have cared, then she looked at the group and smiled sympathetically. "Of course, no matter what we did wrong to our parents when we were kids they loved us unconditionally.."

"I was horrible to my mom.." Leather said quietly. He felt awful.

"I was a spoilt brat, my mom even told me so herself." Lexi sighed.

"Stop it guys.. our parents loved each and every one of us and kids will be kids, they except the misbehaving when they decide to be parents." Aubree tried to reassure the group.

Quinn, Leather, Lexi, Aubree, Bruce and Sasha sat on the floor in the chamber in silence and just waited.
They thought about their own parents and how they could have been better children.
They didn't know if it had been minutes or hours but they heard a tapping on the door.

Quinn got to her feet and pulled the door open, Lilah was stood inside the door looking at the group. "Come on.. my mom wants to talk to us." She said as she walked back inside.

Bruce grabbed a chair and used it to wedge the door open, then the group all took a seat at the table and turned their attention to Savannah.

Savannah's eyes had huge red rings around them, it was clear she was very upset and the whole group could feel her pain.

"I'm about to tell you all something that until now has been highly top secret and you would never have been told before." Savannah looked at the group of children and hoped they would understand.

She pulled out a seat and sat with the group. "In the early 1900's something strange took a hold of the human race. No one knew what it was but teenagers between the ages of 15 and 18 years old fell into a deep coma. Some awoke from it and were never the same again. Others simply didn't wake up. But either way no one was okay after contracting it."

Savannah paused and made sure the group were listening.
"Lilah please take notes.." she smiled at her daughter and Lilah started jotting things down in Savannah's journal.

"No one understood what was causing this to happen but then a medical scientist, Samual Heard invented a vaccination in 1920 to put an end to it, and after trialing it on a few patients they soon got better and made w full recovery.

The injection went into mass production and every child was given it. It was named the Porbell Injection and it was administered in schools."

Savannah showed the group photos of the injection.
"In 2016 the government decided the injection was no longer necessary, teens that hadn't been vaccinated were living happy and healthy lives so the injection went out of general population."

Quinn looked at Savannah "I was meant to have it. I'm 19." For the first time in her life she  felt so lucky that she didn't have an education.

"I was too." Leather pointed out.

"Then you're one of the lucky ones." Savannah sighed. "Last year in India a woman in her mid 40's became crazed. She began to try and eat human flesh, her features changed and she seemed like she was something in humane. A few more cases like this appeared.
The medical experts on the case decided it was a side effect to the Porbell injection, something in the injection had reacted to the human body and mutated causing humans to become something else."

Savannah showed the group a picture of a woman. She looked kind of like a mumbler but not quite as bad.

"We tried our hardest to contain the outbreak, but more and more people began to get sick with the virus, a meeting was called to inform the over 16's of what was going on.. but by the time we called the meeting the virus has spreed rapidly and became airborne to anyone that had been injected with the Porbell."

"But why not you? Did you not have the injection Mom?" Lilah asked hopefully.

"I did.." Savannah frowned. "I'm not sure what's going on out there, I was down here working and Kathy was on the door. She disappeared and the door closed, once you get closed in here there is no way out." Savannah had often wondered why she hadn't been let out.

"There's no adults left mom. It's just us kids.." Lilah said and the whole group nodded in agreement.

"Please tell us what to do!" Quinn begged.

"I'm so sorry but I can't do that.. we didn't get an answer, we couldn't find an antidote." Savannah sighed.

The group didn't have a clue what to do now.

"Come with us mom, come see Perri." Lilah said to her mother. "Help us fix this.. please.."

Savannah nodded and agreed to go with the group, after all, she had no where else to be.

After Savannah had gathered her belongings the group headed out of the chamber with a new hope.
They had an adult now. Someone that could help guide them through this.

Savannah was over the moon to have found her daughter again and couldn't wait to see her baby girl, but she was heartbroken that she had lost her boy.

They headed through reception and out of the building, it was a long walk back home but everyone was feeling excited for the future now they had found Savannah.

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