Corey's A Genius

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The group had been living in the beach houses for a couple of months at this point.

The kids were enjoying their lessons with Aubree and Corey, they were learning how to read and write of course, but they were learning new world skills too.

The kids were getting to know how to fatally stabbed a mumbler and how to know if a place was safe to loot or not, the real skills they would need in this world.

Lilah and Bruce had found new places to collect food and supplies and the cupboards were bursting with everything they needed.

Lexi and Leather had took out every mumbler they saw walking on their beaches and even began to fence off the beach, they wanted to create a safe zone for the children to play.

And Corey, smart as he was, managed to create a generator that ran off car fuel to light the houses, it wasn't enough to power TVs and video games, but it was enough for lighting, hot water and radio.

Sasha had arranged a field trip for Perri, Kate, Esmee and Rosily. They would be walking along the beach and identify types of crabs and fish, she loved keeping the kids minds stimulated.

Bruce had agreed to supervise the trip, and Aubree volunteered to head out with them, Aleah moaned that she needed the exercise and went too.

Aleah had recently given birth to a beautiful baby girl, she had named her daughter after the girl who delivered her, and her new best friend Lilah, the baby's name was Leela.

The group adored baby Leela and they had really gotten to like the new and improved Aleah.

While everyone was out on their walk Corey went to Leathers beach house where Leather, Lexi, Quinn and Lilah were sat discussing the plan for the coming weeks.

"I need to talk to you guys." Corey said as he walked in.

Quinn was shocked by this. Corey was never much of a talker and she really wanted to know what he had to say.
"Take a seat Corey, the floor is yours." She smiled.

Corey nodded and walked over nervously taking a seat next to Quinn.

"Okay well, I've been going out at night and.." he looked at Quinn and frowned. "I'm sorry for sneaking out."

Quinn just smiled and nodded at him. "Forgiven. Carry on."

"Okay so anyway, I've been working on something and I feel like I'm getting somewhere with it now." Corey said stumbling over his words.

"Get to the point Corey." Lexi said impatiently.

"Babe." Leather scolded her and looked at Corey.

"Well I've been taking blood from mumblers bodies and experimenting on it.." Corey looked around the group.

They all looked shocked. "And what did you find?" Leather asked.

"It's hard to know where I'm at right now, but I know my blood group is A neg, I've been taking vials of blood from myself and mixing them with random mumbler blood types." Corey took a Petri dish from his pocket.

"This one is reacting, my blood is mixing with the mumbler blood and it's turning it from that icky brown colour to healthy reddish colour again." Corey passed the dish around the table.

Lexi, Quinn, Leather and Lilah looked at the contents in amazement.

"So what does this mean?" Lilah asked.

"Well from my calculations, the mumbler this blood came from was the same blood group as me, and mixing my human blood with their type A mumbler blood seems to be reacting in a good way; and just maybe, if we injected this mix into a mumbler... it could cure them.." Corey looked at the group.

They were all stunned. No one had any idea Corey was this smart. 

"And how long do you think it would take you to know for definite if this idea would work?" Quinn asked as she looked at the dish in her hand before passing it back to Corey.

"I need a few blood types. What are you?" He asked Quinn.

"I'm O negative." She frowned. "You can take samples from me if that's what you need to contribute your work?"

"I'm A positive." Lilah interrupted.

"I'm AB negative." Lexi shrugged.

"If I could have samples that would be great. Just a vial or two. Lexi your group is super rare, maybe I could take a few extra samples?" Corey looked at Lexi.

Lexi grinned. "You mean you need a stock of it in case I die? Sure why not." She laughed.

Quinn and Lilah laughed too, but Leather did not find the joke funny.

"So what do we do with this?" Leather asked.

"We tell Sasha, Aubree, Aleah and Bruce the deal, and then we leave it alone." Quinn said nodding her head.

"Wait what? Why?" Lilah asked feeling confused.

"Corey said it could take some time to get this to work, if it ever will work. The way I see it right now, we have a good thing going. The kids are happy. Everyone is finally settled down. I'm dating Niko and he is awesome." Quinn blushed.

"Quinn is right." Leather pointed out. "If Corey could update us on progress with things that would be great but for right now we sit on it. We don't need to go blowing everything up and ending up on a bad situation. We've got a good thing going and we have time for Corey to carry on his experiments."

The rest of the group agreed and the meeting was over soon after.

Once the younger kids were home, fed and in bed Quinn, Lexi, Leather, Lilah and Corey got to work filling Aubree, Sasha, Bruce and Aleah in on what Corey had told them.

After that conversation Lexi got to her feet and looked at the adults of the group. "So I have some news." She said with a smile.

Leather looked at her and nodded, the rest of them were clueless.

"So Perri is turning into an amazing little girl, and Leela has stolen our hearts." Lexi began. "But how would you guys feel about being aunties and uncles again?" She grinned.

Aubree squealed with excitement "oh my gosh you're having a baby?!?!"

"We are." Leather said proudly. "We're super excited to expand our family and to keep the world spinning with a new generation."

Sasha, Lilah, Bruce, Quinn, Aubree, Corey and Aleah were over the moon for Lexi and Leather, everyone shipping the relationship hard.

Of course Sasha had something to say about the pregnancy. "Eww you mean you two—"

"Had special cuddles." Lilah cut her off with a grin.

"I'm all for a new baby, but that's gross." Sasha shook her head in disapproval.
The group were in fits of giggles over Sashas reaction.

Everyone felt very optimistic about the future but they were also in agreement that they would wait for Corey's studies to have some results before upheaving the whole group again and going on another suicide mission.

Quinn was finally settled with a man, Aubree and Bruce were planning a wedding, Lexi and Leather were having a baby, Aleah was adapting to parenthood, Lilah was studying hard on becoming a doctor and Sasha and Corey were changing the world one step at a time by education the next generation.

Life seemed like fun for the group, they were no longer scared or alone or wondering what would happen next, they were having fun and enjoying the family unit they had built, they didn't want to focus too much on trying to fix the whole world again.

After all.. They were just kids at the end of the day.

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