We Need Your Help

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Quinn walked up to the doors of the facility and knocked hard, she stood and waiting for an answer as the rest of the girls stood behind her.

"Who are you and what do you want?" A male voice came from behind the door.

"I'm Quinn and I want to speak to Lilah." Quinn said back with a sassy tone.

"There's no Lilah here." The voice said and he opened the door a little. "Get lost."

Quinn stuck her foot in the door. "Babes just get Kesha out here now or we're gonna have a problem."

"We can't cause trouble at a baby facility. My brother and sister are in there. And Esmee and Rosily." Sasha said as she walked to the door.

"Babes. I wasn't going to cause a problem, it's called lying." Quinn rolled her eyes.

"Wait here. I'll get Kesha." The male on the door said and kicked Quinn's foot out of the way slamming the door shut.

"Maybe don't threaten a baby facility babes." Sasha shook her head. She wasn't happy with Quinn.

"Give it a rest girl. As If Aleah isn't enough trouble, don't you start or we will leave you behind too." Quinn gave Sasha a stern look.

"I would love to see you try." Sasha replied raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms.

Quinn just laughed. She really was very fond of Sasha.

A couple of minutes later Kesha came to the door.
"So sorry about Alex, he's new on guard."

Aubree smiled. "It's a good thing, that he's so cautious about who he lets in."

Kesha agreed, she let the group in and headed off to get Lilah.

Rosily came running over to the group. "Sasha! I missed you!" She shouted and ran into Sasha's arms. "Are you coming back?"

Sasha cuddled Rosily and shook her head. "No Rose, we have to go and save the world." She said with a grin.

Rosily headed to get the other kids and everyone had an emotional reunion.

Then Lilah appeared. "Lilah! I've missed you!" Sasha said running over to hug here. They had got very close.

"What are you guys doing back so soon!" Lilah asked with a smile. "Not that I haven't missed every one of you."

"Swapping me for you apparently." Aleah said rolling her eyes then she walked away.

"Actually.." Lexi said. "We need your help.."

Lilah nodded. "I'll help if I can."

Aubree smiled at Lilah. "We need you to come with us.. actually, Quinn is the group leader now. She can explain."

Lilah frowned, she wasn't keen on the idea of Quinn being the boss.

"We're going to Savannah's coordinates, and you said if we ever went you wanted to be there too." Quinn looked at Lilah.

"That's for emergencies." Lilah snapped back.

"Look around babes this is a—" Quinn looked around and frowned. "How do you have power?"

"We've always had power Quinn." Lilah looked confused.

"No the power is out everywhere..." Quinn frowned.

Kesha cut in "we actually didn't tell the staff or the young people about the power outage. We have a back up generator so our power is okay."

"How long can you power this place for?" Quinn asked curiously.

"For as long as we can fuel it I guess. But we have guys doing fuel runs daily, stocking up." Kesha said with a smile.

Lilah knew that without power the world would soon be even worse and maybe her mothers information was the only option now.

"I'll come with you. But what about Perri? It's gonna be hard keeping her quiet." Lilah said wondering how they would cope.

"Perri isn't coming babes." Quinn said laughing.

"Well then neither am I." Lilah said harshly and turned to walk away.

"Then we will go without you." Quinn said Matter of factly.

Lilah stopped and turned back to face the group. "If I leave Perri. And that's IF, will we ever come back here?"

"We can come straight back for her as soon as we've been to the location." Lexi tried to reassure her.

"I'll stay here with Perri if it makes you feel better." Aubree smiled.

Lilah shook her head "no. I can't ask you to do that, you need to be on this mission."

Aubree was relieved, she didn't want to be left behind.

"Corey and Perri are close, so are Kate and Perri. She will be okay. It's only for a little while." Lilah sighed. "Let me just say goodbye to her."

Lilah left to say goodbye to Perri and the group signed Aleah into the facility.

After everyone had said their goodbyes the group headed out of the facility, Lilah cried as she left baby Perri behind but she knew it was for a good cause.

They headed to the car and piled in.

"Oh, you're Boo now." Quinn said with a smile.

Lilah frowned. "Boo? Why?"

Sasha began to explain. "We have a new guy, Blake, Quinn shot him and—"

Lilah cut her off. "Makes a habit of shooting people doesn't she."

"Can't help it babes. It's in my nature." Quinn said sarcastically.

"ANYWAY." Sasha sighed. "As I was saying, Quinn shot him and he had to stay with us but we don't trust him so we all use code names."

Lexi went over everyone's code names with Lilah and told her not to mention the young kids or the facility in front of Blake.

They drove to Walmart and once outside Quinn beeped the horn to get Leathers attention.

"Stop!" Lilah shouted.

"Oh babes it's fi—" Quinn went to say it was fine but as she looked up she saw about 50 mumbler heading towards them. "It's not fine.."

They all jumped out of the car and ran inside the Walmart building slamming the door or shut behind themselves.

"What do we do now?" Lexi asked panicking.

"I don't know!" Quinn snapped back.

"Great leader you are babes." Sasha rolled her eyes.

"I left my baby sister in that facility not even 10 minutes ago and now I'm going to die anyway! Great!" Lilah said.

"Just calm down everyone there's got to be a W—-" Aubree began but she was a cut off.

"Way out?" Leather finished her sentence appearing behind the group. "There isn't.." he sighed and looked out of the doors.

"We've been looking for ages, nice to see you again Boo." Bruce smiled.

"Pleasure as always." Lilah rolled her eyes. She didn't like Bruce much.

"Guys quit the squabbling. We have to come up with a plan to get out of here and fast before they get in here." Quinn said with a sigh.

Well how are we going to do that?!" Exclaimed Sasha.

"We're not. We're all going to a die." Lilah said dramatically.

"We're not going to die Boo, we didn't pick you up to lose you now." Leather said rolling his eyes.

Blake stood listening to the group panicking for ages and then cleared his throat and spoke up.
"I have an idea.."

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