The Plan

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Sasha grabbed some potatoes and wrapped them in tin foil. She placed them on the fire and looked at Quinn who was walking up and down looking impatient.

"When ever you're ready babes, I'm not in a hurry or anything." Quinn rolled her eyes at Sasha.

"Sorry Savage, I just thought we might get hungry." Sasha sat down.

"So you wrapped potatoes in tin foil? Smart Sass." Quinn frowned.

"It's called a jacket potato boss." Lexi grinned.

"Is the tin foil the jacket?" Leather asked curiously.

"Enough about the fucking potatoes!" Quinn snapped.

"Jackets." Leather grinned.

Quinn looked like she wanted to kill him. His face soon dropped.

Once everyone had stopped obsessing about the potatoes Quinn looked around the group.
"So.. we've obviously had a power cut.."

"No really? I thought we were conserving energy." Aleah said rolling her eyes.

"I suggest you shut the fuck up unless you wanna find yourself out there!" Quinn pointed to the window, the rain was still hammering down, thunder rumbling, lighting striking down.

Aubree looked at Aleah and shook her head. "Why do you have to be like this Drama? Why do you have to turn everything in a.. a.. well, a drama." She said losing her patience.

Everyone was shocked, Aubree rarely got angry, this wasn't something the group had ever seen.

Aleah didn't even respond, she knew she could taunt Quinn but with Aubree it was best to keep her mouth shut.

"Thank you Brit." Quinn said at she looked at Aleah giving her a warning look.
"As I was saying, the power is out, and what does that mean people?"

"It will be back in a few hours?" Sasha asked. "That's what usually happens."

"And what else usually happens?" Quinn asked losing her patience.

"An engineer locates the problem and gets everything up and running again?" Bruce asked feeling like he was in school.

"Well done Lone Wolf, and what don't we have?" Quinn looked around the group.

"Oh a phone!" Sasha shouted feeling proud of herself.

"No dickhead. We don't have an engineers!" Lexi said losing her patience.

"Thank you Brat." Quinn sighed with relief. "We don't have any engineers which means the power probably won't get fixed, we don't know have big of a problem this is, it might be just the college, it might be the whole of Miami. We just don't know right now."

Leather looked at Quinn and nodded. "So what's the plan gaffer."

"The plan is.." Quinn frowned as she really didn't have a plan. "Tomorrow when we get up we will check the surrounding area for power. If the power is out everywhere locally we will head back in the direction we came from and check down that way."

"Why that way?" Lexi frowned. She didn't see the point in going backwards.

"Well because.. if the power is out everywhere, we are going to have to pop to the..." she looked at Blake and frowned. "Can we have a minute please?"

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