The virus (Back story)

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DeeDee took her seat at the table, looking around she saw all her neighbours were there too, next to her was Tessa, DeeDee knew Tessa well, she had met her in school and they had their children at the same time, DeeDee's daughter Aubree and Tessa's daughter Lexi grew up together and were inseparable.

Tessa looked nervous, flicking through the booklet before her and sighing every so often.
DeeDee turned her attention to the booklet and began to read it 'The Virus' was written in bold letters at the top 'a governments plan' written just below.

Everyone knew something big was going down, the news stories were vague, people talked about it but didn't know much, but this was were they were about to find out exactly what was going on..

Mr Smith, the current president of the United States of America since 2009 began his talk. He looked nervous as he spoke..

"I called you all here today to discuss the situation of America, and the world as we know it, as you've all seen on the news, India had a viral outbreak that caused anyone over the age of 16 to become contaminated by a certain strain of virus that we do not understand. Once this virus infects a human they become something inhumane, the first sign of infection is the redness of the eyes, and the general slowness of a persons movement followed by the inability to verbally communicate with others."

Mr Smith stopped for a second, looked around the table, took a deep breath and continued.

"We regret to inform you all that this virus was not contained to India alone, and has therefore spread across the world, we have had cases reported in Australia, England, France, Spain and Italy to name just a few, but as of 7am this morning we have had our first reported case in the United States. For right now, we don't suggest anyone do anything drastic, this may be contained and dealt with quickly, in front of you, you have instructions on what to do and how to care for your family and loved  ones in case of a government shut down or emergency situation, the most important thing to do is not panic, don't worry the children, just go about your normal life.. May god be with you all."

This message never got back to the children, after the meeting the parents never returned home, and the children were left to wonder... Are we alone?

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