Left Wing Secured

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Bruce woke up with a yawn and stretch. He knew today would be the day he was faced with Lilah again, when they first met Lilah really hadn't liked him.

He looked at the bottle of beer and grinned, he hadn't had a drink for a couple of days now.

Bruce wasn't always a drinker of course, before the world went crazy he was adamant he wanted to be a lawyer.
But then lawyers just lie and cheat he had thought to himself. So maybe it was a blessing in disguise that the world went wrong.

When the world did go crazy Bruce was with his school friends, they all ran towards a group of adults to find help, at the time they didn't realise the adults were mumblers. Bruce was the only surviver.

You wouldn't see any child mumblers in this world. The adults never turned the children. They just ripped them apart, that was a fate much worse but at least it was fast.

Bruce got himself dressed and flicked the light switch a couple of times. Still no power..

He headed to Aubree's room to wake her up ready for the day ahead.

"Hey Brit, it's time to get up.." Bruce said with a smile.

"10 more minutes Mom.." Aubree groaned trying to go back to sleep.

"Definitely not your mom." Bruce grinned.

Aubree could have died of embarrassment. She sat up so fast and looked at Bruce. "I Uhm.. that wasn't what I said. I said.." she tried think of something fast. ""Doesn't matter what I said." She jumped out of bed.

"Of course, well I better go wake the others." Bruce said with a smile. He was really into Aubree but he thought the end of the world was not the best time for forge a relationship.

Aubree flicked her light switch, still no power. So she headed to the doors and looked at Lexi who had been on night watch.

"What you doing there?" Aubree asked curiously.

"Oh you know..." Lexi put her note pad and paper down. "I'm just writing everything down because when all this is over we might forget what happened.

"Oh there's no way we will ever forget this babes. This is the stuff nightmares are made of." Quinn said with a yawn as she walked past.

"She's right Lex. We will remember this forever." Aubree sighed. She just wanted the world back to normal. She wanted her mom.

After everyone had packed up the little belongings they had the group set out on their travels.
Quinn grabbed a can of spray paint and wrote across the outside of the walls.
'Left wing secured.'

"Why you doing that Savage?" Blake asked.

"Well in case another group wants somewhere to stay, this way they know it's safe in their." Quinn said with a shrug.

"That's so lovely." Aubree said with a smile.

Quinn just shrugged. She didn't want the group to think she was going soft, she would still shoot any one of them if she had to.

As they made their way back through the streets of Miami, Leather, Bruce and Blake went into random houses and shops to check for power. There was none, the power cut was affecting the whole of Miami by the looks of it, they just hoped the children were okay.

"Rosily is scared of the dark." Sasha said with a sigh, she was very worried about the kids.

"We will be there soon Sass, don't worry." Lexi said trying to reassure her.

Sasha didn't tell the group, but she had decided that if her kids were scared she would be staying behind at the facility to take care of them.

The kids might not even be able to stay at the facility anymore, if that was the case they would have to take the kids on their mission with them.

Leather looked around the streets and saw a car with the doors wide open. He grinned and ran towards the car.

"Where do you think you're going Leather! You can't just leave us!" Quinn shouted angrily.

Leather checked the car. The keys were in the ignition. He turned the key and they engine started.
"Right. Who can drive?" He said with a smirk.

Everyone shook their heads, after all they were just kids.

"I can." Quinn sighed. "But we will draw too much attention in a car, and we won't fit."

"That's why we take 2. Right everyone gather around." Leather said as he waiting to explain his plan.

"Right so we need to get to..." he looked at Bruce and frowned. "Our destination."

"Yeah no shit babes." Quinn said rolling her eyes.

Leather grabbed the car keys and threw them over to Quinn.
"So you're gonna take the car, and take Brit, Brat, Sass, and Drama with you."

Quinn nodded. "And you lot?" She looked at the boys.

"Lone Wolf, Blake and myself will find another car and head to Walmart for supplies." Leather looked pleased with his conclusion.

Quinn was secretly impressed with him.
"Right okay, we will grab Boo and meet you at Walmart. Follow my car until the junction at Walmart and then split off. We will meet you there a couple of hours later."

Everyone liked this idea. Their legs hurt from walking and the didn't have the energy.
The group got into their assigned cars and began the drive to the facility and Walmart.

Quinn of course, drove like a bad ass, hitting the stray mumblers that walked past the car.
Leather was even worse, pulling skids and running over anything that looked in his direction. He couldn't help but smile, he felt like he was in the normal word again and had just stole his mother's car. He did that a lot.

The group were on the road for half an hour when Quinn saw a sigh to Walmart. She flashed her blinkers at Leather, he flashed back and then turned towards Walmart. Quinn kept heading straight.

Once they were within a 5 minute walk to the facility Quinn pulled over and turned the engine off.

"We walk from here, we can't risk drawing anything to them." Quinn said to the group.

Everyone nodded and got out of the car.
"I don't want to walk anymore." Aleah said dramatically.

"Lucky for you, you're staying at the facility babes." Quinn said proudly. She was happy to be getting rid of Aleah.

"I ain't staying there do you kn—" Aleah started.

The girls are said together "know who I am." This was getting old.

"I'm not staying there and that's that." Aleah said pouting.

"Well that's up to you babes but we ain't dragging a pregnant teenage drama queen around with us anymore." Quinn said as she walked towards the facility.

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