The science centre

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After the group were on the road for a few more hours they found a random place to stay.

It was a very quiet and uneventful night, everything went smoothly for once.

By now they were back on the road again and on the final stretch to Weston. They didn't know exactly what they were looking for but they knew if they looked hard enough they would find it.

After a couple of hours walking.. no one wanted to ride bikes today, the group came to a McDonald's.

Quinn, Aubree, Lexi and Leather thought this might be a good place to stop and grab a drink but Sasha, Lilah and even Bruce had other ideas.

They ran into the McDonald's and headed for the happy meal toys, then sat at a table and played with the happy meal toys.

"Look at you bunch of 3 year olds." Aubree said with a giggle.

Sasha just stuck her tongue out and Bruce grinned. "Nothing wrong with playing with a couple of toys in your down time."

"Well it's adorable. Carry on." Aubree smirked and headed over to the others.
Quinn was mooching around for food and drinks, Leather was propped up against the counter flirting with Lexi.

"You two need to get a room." Aubree laughed as she walked past them.

"Well we would love to but it seems like we have to sleep communally." Leather winked.

"Gross babes!" Quinn shouted out from the kitchens.

"You're just jealous sweetheart." Leather grinned at Quinn, she gave him the middle finger.

"Oh my gosh guys look at this." Lilah shouted out to the group, everyone headed over to her.

"So I found this." Lilah held up and child's WordSearch.

"Well done babes, do you want a crayon for that." Quinn rolled her eyes.

"Oh I want to do one." Sasha smiled and sat down next to Lilah.

"We're interested in this because?" Lexi asked feeling confused.

"Because if you turn it over.." Lilah flipped the page over and lay it on the table. "It says there is a medical science museum just around the corner from here and I was thinking—"

"We could get a cure!" Sasha shouted out.

"No Sass, I don't think there is a Miracle cure for being dead babe. BUT we could go and do some investigating and see if they knew what was going down." Lilah smiled.

"That's a good idea Boo, we will get on that today." Quinn nodded in agreement. she knew that this could really help them on their path to fixing the world.

The group all had a drink and used the bathrooms then headed out on the road again.

"I wonder if any of them are still alive." Bruce said to the group.

"Well I mean it didn't take out EVERYONE over 16." Aubree said as she looked across to Quinn and Leather.

"Lexi turned 16 and she didn't turn into one either, it's pretty weird if you ask me." Leather frowned.

"Would you still want me if I was one?" Lexi smirked.

Leather screwed up his face. "Nah babe, I would bash your brains in with a baseball bat."

"Cute." Lexi giggled. So did Leather.

Lilah just rolled her eyes. "I don't understand flirting because that was grim."

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