The Mumbler With A Secret

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After they ate their food the group set up camp in the changing rooms, the floors were heated and there were pool floats to sleep on, everyone stayed pretty close together but they paired off into their usual sleeping arrangements.

Leather cuddled up to Lexi and frowned. "Do you think what ever Savannah knew will fix the world?" He asked her as he looked up at the ceiling.

"Honestly?" Lexi looked at him and sighed. "I mean I hope it does but I honestly don't think it will make a difference."

Leather nodded and looked at Lexi. "Yeah I agree. I feel like we're just chasing this and hoping it will help us but in reality we are all fucked and we know it."

"So optimistic aren't we?" Lexi grinned.

Leather nodded and they both closed their eyes to get some sleep.

"Are you still awake?" Lilah asked Sasha, but Sasha was snoring away. Lilah wiped her tears and took a deep breath.

"I am.." Quinn whispered. "What's wrong Boo?" She asked quietly turning to face Lilah.

"I just miss my sister.. you wouldn't understand." Lilah sighed.

"Of course I understand Boo, I had a sister too you know." Quinn bit her lip as she thought about Kiera.

"You did? What was she like?" Lilah turned to look at Quinn.

Quinn smiled a little. "She was just like you."

"Was she younger or?" Lilah pulled her blanket up.

"Older, by 5 years. Keira was beautiful and kind, she did everything for me and was more like a mother, just like you are to Perri. She fed me and clothed me and took me to school every day, I didn't have a mom so she was my mom." Quinn fell her eyes filling with tears.

"I wish I could do that for Perri, but we don't even have a real world to send her to school or anything like that." Lilah said as she wiped her tears.

Quinn pulled Lilah close and cuddled her.
"Boo, if you want a school for your baby sister then you will make sure there is one. I know you, you're so strong and you can achieve whatever you put your mind to. Get some rest."

Quinn played with Lilahs hair and hoped she would settle off to sleep soon. She hadn't really thought much about it but Lilah really was just a little girl. She was only turning14 and she had been thrown into a parent roll so young, Lilah should still be breaking her curfew and having her first taste of beer and fist kiss. She shouldn't be worrying about a 1 year old and trying to fix the world.

Quinn eventually fell asleep too.

When everyone woke up they had another hot shower and changed into their business outfits they had found at the medical centre. They packed up what little belongings they had and headed back out in the road, if the weather allowed it they would be in Weston before sunset.

After leaving the water park and hitting the road the group were feeling very optimistic.

Only a few minutes after leaving, Sasha noticed something and ran away from the group.

"Where are you going?!" Quinn shouted and chased after her, everyone else followed too.

"Guys I seen.. I think I saw.. it was.." Sasha couldn't get her words out as she ran towards a mumbler. The group were a few feet behind her.

"Oh my gosh it's you!" Sasha shouted.

The mumbler turned to look at her. "I... me... it's... help... me..." were the only words the mumbler could get it.

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